Sciences and Technologies of Information and Communication

L'école doctorale


  • The ICST Doctoral Students 2024 Prize of Université Paris Saclay and Institut Polytechnique de Paris has been launched, see Application deadline: February 14, 2025.
  • The ED STIC welcome meeting took place on Friday November 29, 2024. You can download the presentations below.

The doctoral school

The STIC Doctoral School covers a unique thematic continuum in France in the domain of digital technology and science: control, signal processing, image processing, robotics, networks, telecommunications, data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence, human-machine interactions, programming, algorithmics, languages and architecture.

The ED STIC is attached to two Graduate Schools of the University of Paris-Saclay: the Graduate School of Computer Science and the Graduate School of Engineering and Systems Sciences.

The STIC doctoral school is composed of three scientific poles:

  1.     Pole A: Systems and Control, Robotics, Signals, Images, Communications
  2.     Pole B: Data, Knowledge, Learning, Interactions
  3.     Pole C: Programming, Models, Algorithms, Architecture, Networks

The e-mail addresses of the poles and the composition of the committees are available in the "Contact" section of the main menu.


Support for the training and mobility of doctoral students

The ED STIC and the Graduate School ISN jointly offer financial aid for :

  •  mobility of PhD students during their thesis. Mobility consists of a stay outside the research unit of the thesis director and that of his/her co-supervisor to work in another laboratory or company, in France or abroad. The assistance provided can be up to 2000 euros (if necessary, the request must be accompanied by a justified co-financing).
  • participation of doctoral students in thematic schools or young researcher schools.  The support can be up to 1000 euros (if necessary, the request must be accompanied by a justified co-financing).

In both cases, the support is paid to and managed by the doctoral student's research unit. A doctoral student is eligible only once during his/her thesis for support for a Thematic School.  The cumulative "School" plus "Mobility" support obtained by a PhD student cannot exceed 2000 euros over the PhD period.

For reasons of budget management

  • applications for the year N must be sent between January and June of the same year;
  • requests for the year N+1 must be sent between July and December of the year N.

You will find below the application form. Once completed, it must be signed by your thesis director and sent by email to The title of the mail must be as follows: AAP ED STIC <doctoral_name>.

  • Application form for financial aid for mobility : 
  • Application form for financial support for participation in a thematic school or a young researchers school: 


Minutes of the meetings of the ED Council

The list of members of the ED STIC Board is available in the "Contact" section of the main menu.

  • Meeting of the ED STIC Council on June 18, 2020
  • Meeting of the ED STIC Council on December 2, 2019


Internal regulations

Here are the internal rules of the ED STIC, voted by the council of the doctoral school on November 29, 2022, then by the council of the doctoral college of the University Paris-Saclay on December 6, 2022.


Awards and distinctions

Solemn prize for theses in all disciplines of Chancellerie de Paris in 2024

awarded to:

Jeanne REDAUD, Université Paris-Saclay, L2S(ED STIC pôle A) for her PhD work in automatic control on “Robust control of linear hyperbolic partial differential equations systems interconnected in a chain” under the supervision of Jean Auriol.

Plateau de Saclay Doctoral Prize 2023

Two first prizes were awarded (in alphabetical order) to:

  • Abdelaziz BOUNHAR, LTCI, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, for the paper "Mixing a Covert and a Non-Covert User"

  • Mathieu DAGREOU, Inria Saclay, Université Paris-Saclay, for the paper "A framework for bilevel optimization that enables stochastic and global variance reduction algorithms"

Five accessits were awarded (in alphabetical order) to:

  • Charlotte CAUCHETEUX, Inria Saclay, Université Paris-Saclay, for the paper "Evidence of a predictive coding hierarchy in the human brain listening to speech"

  • Sijie HU, IBISC, Université Paris-Saclay, for the paper "Multi-modal unsupervised domain adaptation for semantic image segmentation"

  • Jayneel PAREKH, LTCI, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, for the paper "Listen to Interpret : Post-hoc Interpretability for Audio Networks with NMF"

  • Carlos Antonio PINZON HENAO, LIX, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, for the paper "On the incompatibility of accuracy and equal opportunity"

  • Marion SAVANIER, CVN, Université Paris-Saclay, for the paper "Deep Unfolding of the DBFB Algorithm with Application to ROI CT Imaging with Limited Angular Density"

Best Poster Award at the 2023 Doctoral Students' Day

Following a ballot among participants at the Journée des Doctorants en STIC du Plateau de Saclay, held on June 20, 2023, the following contribution was awarded the prize for best poster: Poster "Side-Channel Security. How much are you secure?" by Julien Béguinot, LTCI, Institut Polytechnique de Paris.

GDR RSD 2022 thesis prize

Quang Trung Luu, former student of the L2S, was awarded the GDR RSD 2022 thesis prize for his thesis entitled "Control and optimization of virtual wireless networks". See

Plateau de Saclay Doctoral Prize 2022

Two first prizes were awarded (in alphabetical order) to :

  • Anatole LEFORT, SAMOVAR, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, for the paper « J-NVM : Off-heap Objects in Java »
  • Herikalaina RAKOTOARISON, LISN, Université Paris-Saclay, for the paper « Learning meta-features for AutoML »

Four accessits were awarded (in alphabetical order) to :

  • Constantin PHILIPPENKO, CMAP, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, for the paper « Preserved central model for faster bidirectional compression in distributed settings»
  • Jeanne REDAUD, L2S, Université de Paris-Saclay, for the paper « Stabilizing output-feedback control law for hyperbolic systems using a Fredholm transformation »
  • Pierre VANDENHOVE, LMF, Université Paris-Saclay, for the paper « Characterizing Omega-Regularity Through Finite-Memory Determinacy of Games on Infinite Graphs»  
  • Jingwei ZUO, DAVID, Université de Paris-Saclay, for the paper « SMATE: Semi-Supervised Spatio-Temporal Representation Learning on Multivariate Time Series »


Plateau de Saclay Doctoral Prize 2021

Two first prizes were awarded (in alphabetical order) to :

  • Elie MICHEL, LTCI, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, for the paper "DAG Amendment for Inverse Control of Parametric Shapes".
  • Hugo RICHARD, Inria, Université Paris-Saclay, for the article " Modeling Shared Responses in Neuroimaging Studies through MultiView ICA ".

Two accessits were awarded (in alphabetical order) to :

  • Antonin LEROUX, LIX, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, for the article " SQISign: compact post-quantum signatures from quaternions and isogenies ".
  • Yingying QIN, SATIE/L2S, Université Paris-Saclay, for the paper " Joint inversion of electromagnetic and acoustic data with edge-preserving regularization for breast imaging ".


GDR Sécurité 2021 thesis prize

Charlie Jacomme, former PhD student of the LSV (and former representative of the PhD students of the ED STIC ;-)) is the winner of the GDR Sécurité 2021 thesis prize for his thesis Proofs of Security Protocols - Symbolic Methods and Powerful Attackers. A video about his thesis is available here:

2020 Plateau de Saclay Doctoral Prize

Since this year 2020, the ED STIC Doctoral Prize becomes the Plateau de Saclay Doctoral Prize, co-organized by the Labex Digicosme, the ED STIC of Paris-Saclay and the ED of the IP Paris.

Two first prizes were awarded (in alphabetical order) to :

  • Denis ANTIPOV, LIX, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, for the paper "Fast mutation in crossover-based algorithms".
  • Baptiste BROTO, CEA LIST, Université Paris-Saclay, for the paper " Variance reduction for estimation of Shapley effects and adaptation to unknown input distribution ".

Four accessits were awarded (in alphabetical order) to :

  • Nathan DE LARA and Quentin LUTZ (jointly), LTCI, Institut Polytechnique de Paris for the software " Scikit-network: Open-source software for graph analysis ".
  • Ali MAATOUK, L2S, Université Paris-Saclay, for the article " On The Age of Information in a CSMA Environment ".
  • Alessio MANSUTTI, LSV, Université Paris-Saclay, for the article " Internal Calculi for Separation Logics ".
  • Homa NIKBAKTH, LTCI, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, for the paper " Multiplexing Gains under Mixed-Delay Constraints on Wyner's Soft-Handoff Model ".

EATCS 2020 Thesis Award

Marie Fortin received the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS) 2020 Thesis Award, for her thesis entitled Expressivity of First-Order Logic, Starless Dynamic Propositional Logic and Communicating Automata, prepared at LSV.

Competition "My thesis in 180 seconds" of Paris-Saclay 2020

Eugénie Brasier, a PhD student in the HCC/ILDA team at LRI and Inria, won 2nd prize in the Paris-Saclay 2020 Ma Thèse en 180 secondes competition. Ma thèse en 180 secondes is a contest in which PhD students present their thesis topic to a non-initiated audience in three minutes ( Eugénie Brasier presented her thesis on the challenges of using augmented reality for "everyday tasks". Her presentation can be seen here:

Prix de la Chancellerie des Universités de Paris 2019: first prize in mechanics, electronics, computing and technology

Lauriane Aufrant received this award for her thesis at LIMSI under the supervision of François Yvon: Training parsers for low-resourced languages : improving cross-lingual transfer with monolingual knowledge.

ATALA Thesis Award 2019

It was awarded during TALN 2019 to Rachel Bawden who did her thesis entitled Au-delà de la phrase : traduction automatique de dialogue en contexte (Beyond the sentence: machine translation of dialogue in context) under the supervision of Sophie Rosset and Thomas Lavergne at LIMSI.

ED STIC Doctoral Prize 2019

First prize ex aequo:

  •  Adrien Koutsos, LSV, ENS Paris-Saclay, for the paper "The 5G-AKA Authentication Protocol Privacy
  •  Ammar Mian, SONDRA, CentraleSupélec, for the paper "New Robust Statistics for Change Detection in Time Series of Multivariate SAR Images"

Second prize ex aequo:

  • Marie Fortin, LSV, ENS Paris-Saclay, for the paper "FO = FO3 for linear orders with monotone binary relations"
  • Zhenyu Liao, L2S, CentraleSupélec, for the paper "A Large Dimensional Analysis of Least Squares Support Vector Machines


Thiessé de Rosemont / Schneider Prize 2018 from the Chancellery of the Universities of Paris

Mathieu Carrière was awarded the 2018 Thiessé de Rosemont / Schneider Prize by the Chancellerie des Universités de Paris, for his thesis entitled "On the metric and statistical properties of topological descriptors for geometric data". This thesis, performed at ED STIC Paris-Saclay under the supervision of Steve Oudot, was defended on November 21, 2017.

ED STIC Doctoral Prize 2018

The two first prizes ex aequo were awarded in alphabetical order to :

  • Tom Dupré la Tour, under the supervision of Yves Grenier and Alexandre Gramfort, for the paper entitled "Non-linear auto-regressive models for cross-frequency coupling in neural time series"
  • Virginie Ollier, under the supervision of Pascal Larzabal, Rémy Boyer and Mohammed Nabil El Korso, for the paper entitled "Robust Calibration of Radio Interferometers in Non-Gaussian Environment".

The two second prizes ex aequo were awarded in alphabetical order to :

  • Riza Alp Guler, under the supervision of Iasonas Kokkinos and Nikos Paragios, for the paper entitled "DensePose: Dense Human Pose Estimation In The Wild"
  • Mathias Lepoutre, under the supervision of Marie Albenque and Vincent Pilaud, for the paper entitled "Blossoming bijection for higher-genus maps".


ED STIC Doctoral Prize 2017 

The two first prizes ex aequo were awarded in alphabetical order to :

  • Oliver Hahm, under the direction of Emmanuel Baccelli, for the RIOT software
  • Wanyu Liu, under the direction of Olivier Rioul and Michel Beaudouin Lafon, for the article entitled "BIGnav: Information Theory meets Human-Computer Interaction".

The two second prizes ex aequo were awarded in alphabetical order to :

  • Lauriane Aufrant, under the supervision of François Yvon and Guillaume Wisniewski, for the article entitled "Zero-resource Dependency Parsing: Boosting Delexicalized Cross-lingual Transfer with Linguistic Knowledge".
  • Mathieu Carrière, under the supervision of Steven Oudot, for the article entitled "Sliced Wasserstein Kernel for Persistence Diagrams"


ED STIC Doctoral Prize 2016 

Three first prizes ex aequo were awarded in alphabetical order to :

  • Antoine Dallon, under the direction of Stéphanie Delaune and Véronique Cortier, for "Borner le nombre d'agents pour les propriétés d'équivalence".
  • Jérémy Dubut, under the supervision of Jean Goubault-Larrecq and Eric Goubault, for "Directed homology".
  • Thibault Manneville, under the supervision of Gilles Schaeffer and Vincent Pilaud, for "Compatiblity fans for graphical building sets".

Three second prizes ex aequo were awarded in alphabetical order to :

  • Ejder Bastug, under the supervision of Mérouane Debbah and Jean-Claude Belfiore, for "Cache-enabled Small Cell Networks: Modeling and Tradeoffs".
  • Wacha Bounliphone and Eugene Belilovsky, under the supervision of Arthur Tenenhaus and Matthew Blaschko, for "A Test of Relative Similarity For Model Selection in Generative Models
  • Martin Gleize, under the supervision of Brigitte Grau, for "A Unified Kernel Approach for Learning Type Sentence Rewritings".



Le doctorat

The doctoral project

The doctoral project is a research project carried out by the doctoral student under the direction of one or more experienced researchers (thesis director and possible co-supervisor), usually for a period of 3 years on a full-time basis, within an academic structure (research unit) or in a company providing the scientific and technical skills, as well as the means necessary to carry out the project. The doctoral project initiates a professional project and therefore, professional training is one of the components of the doctoral project.

Finding a doctoral project requires finding a thesis director who is the bearer of a project. The role of the ED STIC is to facilitate the preparation of the doctoral project and to ensure a follow-up from the application to the defense of the doctorate, and even beyond.



 Recruitment is done in two ways:

  • by competition for the funding of "white" programs of the university's graduate schools and for certain other labelled funding (for example the UDOPIA program for theses in artificial intelligence).
  • without competition for other funding (ANR, CIFRE, CSC ...)

The process is identical for both recruitment methods and consists of the following steps

  • submission of a thesis project by a supervisor
  • validation of the project by the laboratory
  • validation of the project by the ED
  • submission of an application for a thesis project
  • examination and evaluation of the application by the thesis director
  • examination and evaluation of the application by the ED

For the competition and also for some other funding, a specific calendar must be respected. Consult the dedicated page on the University of Paris-Saclay website:…


For supervisors: how to submit and validate a thesis proposal


Whatever the method of recruitment, the thesis project must be submitted by its leader (generally the thesis director) on ADUM. It is not mandatory that the project be financed at the time of submission, however a certificate of financing will be required before the finalization of the recruitment of the doctoral student.

If you are a thesis applicant and wish to submit a project, log in to your ADUM account. Choose "Gestion des propositions de thèse" in the "Propositions de thèse" menu, and then click on "Ajouter une proposition de projet doctoral". The online form appears, where you can indicate all the necessary information about the thesis subject. In case of difficulty, contact your pole (, where X=A, B or C depending on your pole).

After checking the suitability of the project for the applicant's pole, the opinion of the unit director is collected as well as that of one of the members of the pole committee. If the opinions are favourable, the subject is published on ADUM so that students can apply. (For subjects outside the competition, you can reserve the subject for a student. To apply for the subject, the student will have to open an ADUM account using the email address you will have indicated).

The application file must contain a certain number of documents.

If it is an application for the competition (concours), this file must contain an interview report dated and signed by the thesis director, on the model downloadable below:

If it is an application outside of the competition, this file must contain an audition report dated and signed by the members of the admission committee. The form for this report can be downloaded below:

It is the thesis director who must take the initiative to form the admission committee. It includes at least two members from outside the supervisory team (the supervisory team is made up of the thesis director and co-supervisors). At least one of these two members must hold the HdR. The committee may also include one or more members of the supervisory team, but the number of external members must be greater than or equal to the number of members of the supervisory team. The members of the admissions committee must be in a position to decide on the applications with the necessary independence and freedom of judgment.

The director of the pole concerned decides on the application in the light of the file and the report of the admissions committee. He or she may be assisted in this decision by one or more members of the pole committee. He or she may contact the thesis director to gather additional information if necessary.

In any case, to guarantee the quality of the thesis supervision and the availability of the supervisors:

  • an HdR or equivalent is authorized to supervise a maximum of five doctoral students (number common to all the doctoral schools of the University of Paris-Saclay) with a supervision rate inferior or equal to 300%, and
  • a non-HdR is authorized to co-supervise 3 doctoral students with a supervision rate less than or equal to 100% by decision of the ED STIC council.

In the case of co-supervision, international co-supervision, or exceptional situations, the ED STIC board can grant individual waivers after a preliminary examination of each situation. The request for exemption must be sent to the management of the pole concerned. It must include: 

  • a letter from the requesting the derogation :
    • presenting the situation and explaining the reasons for exceeding the authorized number or rate of supervision;
    • explaining when and how he or she plans to return to a number or rate of supervision below the authorized limits.
  • a letter of support from the laboratory director, specifying, if necessary, the provisions and support measures that could be taken, in case of difficulty, at the laboratory level.


For the candidates: application on a thesis project


The candidate applies for a project using ADUM. It is essential that the application be preceded by a direct contact with the thesis project leader and then, in the case of the concretization of the application, by a meeting with him/her.  

Thesis topics are available via the following link:

To apply under Adum, you must visualize the chosen project and click on the "Candidater" button below the project presentation. You will then be asked to fill in a form and to provide a number of documents.

If the subject is already assigned to you by the project leader, the "Candidater" button does not appear. You must apply using the following address: Moreover, to create your ADUM account, you must use the e-mail address that has been indicated for you by the project leader.

In the case of a non-competitive recruitment, an audition will be organized by the person who is carrying the thesis project. You will have to provide in your file an audition report dated and signed by the members of the audition committee. The form that must be filled out by the audition committee can be downloaded above, in the previous section.

In the case of recruitment through the competition, the candidates who will be auditioned will receive an invitation. The audition will take place before the audition committee of the competition.

In all cases, the purpose of the audition is to ensure that the candidate's profile is in line with the project, to measure his or her motivation and ability to carry out the project and more generally to develop a research approach.



At ED STIC, any thesis must start with the assurance of a three-year funding. This funding should preferably be formalized by a doctoral contract. The doctoral contract also allows the doctoral student to benefit, if he or she wishes, from a non-research mission. Foreign doctoral students may receive grants from their country of origin. Co-tutored doctoral students must also receive funding over three years to enable them to stay in France under the same conditions as other doctoral students.

The submission of a project can be done with the objective of obtaining funding, either through a competition or outside of a competition (CSC, CIFRE...). The funding can be acquired at the time of submission of the project (ANR contract). In both cases, an attestation of funding is required before finalizing the recruitment/application.

Sujets de thèse, admission et concours


General information

On this page, you will find information about the ED STIC competition ("White Program" of the Graduate Schools) which allocates thesis funding to institutions. In addition to the traditional funding from the institutions, other funding can be awarded via the competition.

For information on how to submit a thesis subject to the competition (by a supervisor) and for details on how to apply for a subject, see the tab "PhD".

Specific rules for the ED STIC competition

  • A candidate may submit two applications at most and express a priority between the two projects.
  • A thesis director may submit (support) a maximum of three applications, including: a maximum of two as thesis director, a maximum of two as co-supervisor.


2025 competition

Here are the key dates of the competition:

  • April 25, 2025: deadline for submission of subjects by thesis directors (via ADUM), and for validation of subjects by the unit directors.
  • May 12, 2025: deadline for applications and validation of applications by thesis directors (opinion and interview report).
  • Between May 26 and June 3, 2025: auditions of candidates.
  • June 5, 2025: jury for the competition

The proposed thesis topics can be consulted here:;. New topics may be proposed from day to day, until the deadline of submission.

Select your funding: select "Contrats ED : programme blanc GS-ISN" or "Contrats ED : programme blanc GS-SIS".

A link to apply for the PhD is available at the same address as above. If you have found a topic that interests you, it is strongly recommended that you contact the supervisor of the topic as soon as possible.

We suggest that you prepare your application well before the application deadline. The thesis director will have to give his or her detailed written opinion on your application before the deadline in order for your application to be validated.

List of documents to be provided:

Download from ADUM a pdf file referred to as application. Handwritten informations are expected to be filled in and you have to date and sign it
Transcript from last 2 years
Copies of diplomas
Letters of recommendation
Interview report dated and signed by the  thesis director.

You must contact the person in charge of the thesis so that this form can be filled out. It can be downloaded from the doctoral school's website (, via the tab "PhD".

Inscription et réinscription



Every year, the registration and re-registration procedures for the ED STIC start in June of year A for the academic year A--(A+1) until October 31.

The registration procedures for the ED STIC follow the general guidelines of the Université Paris-Saclay. The registration procedure is entirely online on ADUM. You must attach a certain number of supporting documents to your file, in a single file in pdf format. Some of these documents are specific to the ED STIC, the others are the same for all doctoral schools. You will find below the lists of these documents, according to the year of the thesis you are registering for.

  • PhD students registering for the first time receive the practical details to register once their application has been accepted.
  • Re-registration students also receive a personalized message.

If you are a doctoral student and you have not received a message inviting you to register, you should contact the ED STIC, preferably the assistant of the scientific pole of your thesis director (see the "Contact" page). So, talk about it with your thesis director.

Deadline for re-registration: October 31

First registration

First year registrations are possible between June 1st and October 31 ((later registrations possible - contact your Pole). Before registering for the first year, you must have applied for a thesis project under Adum. If you have not applied, please see the "The PhD" page to see how to proceed.

After their application has been accepted, future doctoral students receive the practical details for their first thesis registration.  If you have not received this email, you should contact the ED STIC, preferably the assistant of the scientific pole of your thesis director (see the page "Contact"). Ask your thesis director for help if needed.

How to complete your registration file when you receive the email inviting you to do so?

You already have an ADUM account. Log in by accessing the ADUM home page. Update your profile carefully because it will be used throughout your doctoral training and even beyond. Contact your thesis director or the pole assistant (see the "Contact" page) when you have a doubt.

  • The tabs "Administrative attachment" and "Financing" will be pre-filled, otherwise your pole assistant will help you.
  • Some fields have been pre-filled automatically when your application file was switched to the registration form. Check the information and modify it if necessary with the help of your thesis director.
  • Carefully complete the sections of the doctoral training agreement (pre-filled).

For the "documents to be attached", go to your personal space, in the "Administrative documents" section and consult the list of documents to be provided for the pedagogical and administrative registration. These documents must be assembled, in the required order, in a single PDF file and uploaded.

The file must include the documents below.

  1. Copy of the email you received from your pole following the validation of your admission (it serves as the admission form)
  2. Identification:
    1. Copy of the National Identity Card or passport;
    2. For foreign students, when necessary: copy of the passport and the valid residence permit or the summons to the prefecture to renew the residence permit.
  3. Copy or certified translation of the diploma or certificate of achievement of a national diploma conferring the grade of master, of a European master's diploma or of the waiver of the diploma requirement for enrolment in a doctoral program. If such a waiver is necessary: if you have applied outside the competitive examination process, enclose your audition report and a certificate of successful completion or a copy of your diploma;
    if you have been recruited following a competitive examination, complete the "Candidature examinée" section of the document below before sending it to your division. You will need to attach the signed document to your pdf, together with your certificate of achievement or a copy of your diploma. 
  1. If your thesis is under international co-supervision :
    1. signed cotutelle agreement if it is already signed (if not, you must provide it as soon as it is signed), attach the draft if you have it
    2. copy of the certificate of registration in the other institution in case of cotutelle agreement
  2. Copy of any proof or notification attesting to funding for the duration of the thesis:
    1. If you are a scholarship recipient: copy of your scholarship notification
    2. If you are employed for a professional activity dedicated to the preparation of the doctorate: if the employment contract is already signed, a copy of the employment contract (otherwise the copy will be provided once the employment contract is signed) or a certificate from the employer if the employment contract is not signed
    3. If you are employed for a professional activity not dedicated to the preparation of the PhD: copy of the employment contract, copy of the last 3 pay slips
    4. If you are in one of the following cases: self-employed, liberal profession, auto-entrepreneur: copy of tax assessment, URSSAF certificate
  3. Copy of the certificate of payment of the "Cotisation Vie Étudiante et de Campus" (CVEC) from the CROUS : (the registration establishment to be selected when paying the CVEC is the University of Paris-Saclay).  

    Please note: if you are exempt from the CVEC you must provide the certificate of exemption (also available on the CVEC website), if you are not subject to the CVEC you do not need to provide the CVEC certificate (example: doctoral student in cotutelle the year he/she pays his/her registration fees in his/her home university or doctoral student in FTLV in which case attach the FTLV summary form to your pdf)

  4. Copy of the certificate of liability insurance for the current year.

Once you have finalized your file, it will be signed electronically, successively by

  • your thesis director,
  • the director of the host unit
  • the director of the doctoral school or the director of the pole to which you are attached.

Each of these people will receive an automatic e-mail when it is their turn to sign.

Once this is done, the payment of the registration fees will be done online on ADUM in your personal space.

You can pay in 3 instalments (by credit card or bank transfer), but only until October 15. If you choose to pay by bank transfer, it is imperative to indicate the following in the transfer's wording: _DOCTORAT, surname, first name, registration_. Contact your pole assistant to obtain the bank details.

Informations on FTLV:…


Information on non-research missions and how to apply:

You can now regularly find out about the additional non-research activities (missions) on offer here:

The list will be updated throughout the summer and until October.

Guide for international doctoral students:

Simulator to access grants and benefits for university students:

Dedicated area of verified accommodation for University students:

Second and Third registration

Mandatory Deadline for re-registration: October 31 - warning: this date is blocked on ADUM

During the first year of your thesis, the doctoral school has appointed an individual follow-up committee (or CSI for "comité de suivi individuel"), at the suggestion of your thesis director and in consultation with you. For detailed information on this follow-up committee, see the "Doctoral training and supervision" tab.

Check that the CSI report has been filed on ADUM by your referent.

How to complete your application?

Connect to your ADUM account. For the "documents to be attached", go to your personal space, in the "Administrative documents" section and consult the list of documents to be provided for the pedagogical and administrative registration. These documents must be assembled, in the required order, in a single PDF file and uploaded.

The file must include the documents below. The documents in point 1 are specific to ED STIC. Those in points 2 and beyond are part of the checklist visible on your ADUM account.

  1. The statement of the undergone training modules (accessible in your personal space under ADUM). Moreover, you must fill and add the summary form that you will find by clicking on "Doctoral training and supervision" in the menu at the top of this page, then going to the "Training" section.
  2. For foreign students, when necessary: copy of the passport and the valid residence permit or the summons to the prefecture to renew the residence permit.
  3. Copy of any proof or notification attesting to funding for the duration of the thesis:
    1. If you are a scholarship recipient: copy of your scholarship notification,
    2. If you are employed for a professional activity dedicated to the preparation of the PhD: copy of the work contract
    3. If you are employed for a professional activity not dedicated to the preparation of the PhD: copy of the employment contract, copy of the last 3 pay slips
    4. If you are in one of the following cases: self-employed, liberal profession, auto-entrepreneur: copy of tax assessment, URSSAF certificate
  4. If your thesis is under international co-supervision :
    1. signed co-supervision agreement (it must have been signed before the end of the first year, but if not, please attach the draft)
    2. copy of the certificate of registration in the other institution in case of cotutelle agreement
  5. Copy of the certificate of payment of the "Cotisation Vie Étudiante et de Campus" (CVEC) from the CROUS : (the registration establishment to be selected when paying the CVEC is the University of Paris-Saclay). 

    Please note: if you are exempt from the CVEC you must provide the certificate of exemption (also available on the CVEC website), if you are not subject to the CVEC you do not need to provide the CVEC certificate (example: doctoral student in cotutelle the year he/she pays his/her registration fees in his/her home university or doctoral student in FTLV)

  6. Copy of the "civil liability" insurance certificate for the current year.

Don't forget to check that the report on your CSI has been submitted to ADUM by your referent.

Once you have finalized your file, it will be electronically signed by

  • your thesis director,
  • the director of the host unit
  • the director of the doctoral school or the director of the pole to which you are attached.

Each of these people will receive an automatic e-mail when it is their turn to sign.

Once this is done, the payment of the registration fees will be done online on ADUM in your personal space.

You can pay in 3 instalments (by credit card or bank transfer), but only until October 15. If you choose to pay by bank transfer, it is imperative to indicate the following in the transfer's wording: _DOCTORAT, surname, first name, registration_. Contact your pole assistant to obtain the bank details. 

Fourth registration

Mandatory Deadline for re-registration: October 31 - warning: this date is blocked on ADUM

Registration in the fourth year requires different specific documents depending on the progress of your thesis

If you defend before December 31st of the current year: you do not have to re-register. The ED will check that all the documents for your defense are ready. You will have to make your first deposit on ADUM (the version of the manuscript sent to the rapporteurs).

If you defend after December 31st of the current year, you have to re-register (before October 31) and you must have had an interview with your monitoring committee. The committee must give its opinion on your re-registration and thesis extension. For detailed information on this monitoring committee, see the "Doctoral training and monitoring" section.

Check that the CSI report has been filed on ADUM by the committee member after your interview and that the extension box has been completed by the committee members.

Connect to your ADUM account. For the "documents to be attached", go to your personal space, in the "Administrative documents" section and consult the list of documents to be provided for the pedagogical and administrative registration. These documents must be assembled, in the required order, in a single PDF file and uploaded.

The file must include the documents below. The documents in points 1 is specific to ED STIC. Those in points 2 and beyond are part of the checklist visible on your ADUM account.

  1. The statement of the undergone training modules (accessible in your personal space under ADUM). Moreover, you must fill and add the summary form that you will find by clicking on "Doctoral training and supervision" in the menu at the top of this page, then going to the "Training" section.
  2. For foreign students, when necessary: copy of the passport and the valid residence permit or the summons to the prefecture to renew the residence permit.
  3. Copy of any proof or notification attesting to funding for the duration of the thesis. If you have an extension for Covid reasons, attach the amendment to your contract, otherwise provide a copy of any proof or notification attesting to funding for the duration of the thesis:
    1. If you are a scholarship recipient: copy of your scholarship notification
    2. If you are employed for a professional activity dedicated to the preparation of the doctorate: if the employment contract is already signed, a copy of the employment contract (if not, the copy will be provided once the employment contract is signed) or a certificate from the employer if the contract is not yet signed
    3. If you are employed for a professional activity not dedicated to the preparation of the PhD: copy of the employment contract, copy of the last 3 pay slips
    4. If you are in one of the following cases: self-employed, liberal profession, auto-entrepreneur: copy of tax assessment, URSSAF certificate
  4. If your thesis is under international co-supervision: a copy of the agreement and, if necessary, an amendment to the international co-supervision agreement concerning the extension of the duration of the thesis, signed by all parties.
  5. copy of the certificate of registration in the other institution in case of cotutelle agreement
  6. Copy of the certificate of payment of the "Cotisation Vie Étudiante et de Campus" (CVEC) from the CROUS : (the registration establishment to be selected when paying the CVEC is the University of Paris-Saclay). 

    Please note: if you are exempt from the CVEC you must provide the certificate of exemption (also available on the CVEC website), if you are not subject to the CVEC you do not need to provide the CVEC certificate (example: doctoral student in cotutelle the year he/she pays his/her registration fees in his/her home university or doctoral student in FTLV)

  7. Copy of the "civil liability" insurance certificate for the current year.

Don't forget to check that the CSI report has been filed on ADUM by the committee member after your interview and that the extension box has been completed

Once you have finalized your file, it will be electronically signed by

  • your thesis director,
  • the director of the host unit
  • the director of the doctoral school or the director of the pole to which you are attached.

Each of these people will receive an automatic e-mail when it is their turn to sign.

Once this is done, the payment of the registration fees will be done online on ADUM in your personal space.

You can pay in 3 instalments (by credit card or bank transfer), but only until October 15. If you choose to pay by bank transfer, it is imperative to indicate the following in the transfer's wording: _DOCTORAT, surname, first name, registration_. Contact your pole assistant to obtain the bank details.

Other registrations

Mandatory Deadline for re-registration: October 31 - warning: this date is blocked on ADUM

Registration beyond the fourth year is authorized only in exceptional cases. It requires the following steps:

If you are defending before December 31 of the current year: you do not have to re-register. The ED will check that all the documents for your defense are ready. You will have to make your first deposit on ADUM (the version of the manuscript sent to the rapporteurs).

If you are defending after December 31 of the current year, then you have to re-register (before October 31) and you must have had an interview with your monitoring committee. The committee must give its opinion on your re-registration and thesis extension. For detailed information on this monitoring committee, see the "Doctoral training and monitoring" section.

Check that the CSI report has been filed on ADUM by the committee member after your interview and that the extension box has been completed by the committee members.

Connect to your ADUM account. For the "documents to be attached", go to your personal space, in the "Administrative documents" section and consult the list of documents to be provided for the pedagogical and administrative registration. These documents must be assembled, in the required order, in a single PDF file and downloaded.

The file must include the documents below. The document in point 1 is specific to ED STIC. Those of point 2 and beyond are part of the checklist visible on your ADUM account.

  1. The statement of the undergone training modules (accessible in your personal space under ADUM). Moreover, you must fill and add the summary form that you will find by clicking on "Doctoral training and supervision" in the menu at the top of this page, then going to the "Training" section.
  2. For foreign students, when necessary: copy of the passport and the valid residence permit or the summons to the prefecture to renew the residence permit.
  3. Copy of any proof or notification attesting to funding for the duration of the thesis. If you have an extension for Covid reasons, attach the amendment to your contract, otherwise provide a copy of any proof or notification attesting to funding for the duration of the thesis:
    1. If you are a scholarship recipient: copy of your scholarship notification
    2. If you are employed for a professional activity dedicated to the preparation of the doctorate: if the work contract has already been signed, a copy of the work contract (if not, the copy will be provided once the work contract has been signed) or an attestation from the employer if the contract has not been signed
    3. If you are employed for a professional activity not dedicated to the preparation of the PhD: copy of the employment contract, copy of the last 3 pay slips
    4. If you are in one of the following cases: self-employed, liberal profession, auto-entrepreneur: copy of tax assessment, URSSAF certificate
  4. If your thesis is under international co-supervision: when necessary, an amendment to the international co-supervision agreement concerning the extension of the duration of the thesis, signed by all parties.
  5. Copy of the social security certificate (except for doctoral students in cotutelle the year they are not in France).
  6. Copy of the certificate of payment of the "Cotisation Vie Étudiante et de Campus" (CVEC) from the CROUS : (the registration establishment to be selected when paying the CVEC is the University of Paris-Saclay). 

    Please note: if you are exempt from the CVEC you must provide the certificate of exemption (also available on the CVEC website), if you are not subject to the CVEC you do not need to provide the CVEC certificate (example: doctoral student in cotutelle the year he/she pays his/her registration fees in his/her home university or doctoral student in FTLV)

  7. Copy of the "civil liability" insurance certificate for the current year.

Don't forget to check that the CSI report has been filed on ADUM by the committee member after your interview and that the extension box has been completed

Once you have finalized your file, it will be signed electronically, successively by

  • your thesis director,
  • the director of the host unit
  • the director of the doctoral school or the director of the pole to which you are attached.

Each of these people will receive an automatic e-mail when it is their turn to sign.

Once this is done, the payment of the registration fees will be done online on ADUM in your personal space.

You can pay in 3 instalments (by credit card or bank transfer), but only until October 15. If you choose to pay by bank transfer, it is imperative to indicate the following in the transfer's wording: _DOCTORAT, surname, first name, registration_. Contact your pole assistant to obtain the bank details.

Formation doctorale et suivi


The doctoral project is articulated around

  • research training provided by the thesis director and his research unit,  
  • a complementary scientific training close to the disciplinary field of the thesis,
  • a professional training dedicated to the future professional of the doctor

These training courses are orchestrated by the ED STIC with the support of the doctoral college of the Université Paris Saclay. The ED STIC ensures in particular the follow-up of the PhD students to guide them in their choice and the achievement of their professional project.

Follow-up of the doctoral student

The objective of the follow-up is to take stock of the progress of the thesis project, to give the doctoral student the opportunity to present his or her work publicly, even at an early stage of progress, to give him or her an outside view of his or her work, complementary to that of his or her supervisors and host team, and to accompany him or her in the construction of his or her professional project. The follow-up also aims to detect as early as possible any difficulties linked to the thesis or to external constraints in order to propose solutions (need for additional training, redefinition of the thesis subject, supervision methods, etc.) and to avoid endangering the doctoral student's initial project.

The ED STIC sets up two types of follow-up :

  • the annual follow-up linked to the doctoral student's re-registration,
  • the follow-up following a specific problem.

Annual follow-up

In accordance with article 13 of the decree of May 25, 2016, the doctoral student's individual monitoring committee meets each year before re-enrollment. The request for re-registration in the thesis is examined by the pole's management, which takes into account the opinion of the thesis director and the opinion of the monitoring committee. In the event of difficulty, the pole director takes any necessary measures concerning the situation of the doctoral student and the progress of his/her doctorate. In particular, he or she may request interviews with the doctoral student and/or the supervisory team.

As part of the annual follow-up, the doctoral student delivers the following documents

  • A document of 3 to 5 pages presenting the subject of the thesis, the progress and the perspectives of the research work. For registration in the third year and beyond, a schedule of activities up to the defense is required. Appendices may be added to the document (e.g. a submitted or published article).
  • A CV including all the activities of the doctoral student such as non-research missions (teaching, valorization), stays outside the host team, publications, articles submitted or in preparation, software/prototypes or experiments deployed or in progress,
  • A report on the training courses followed (form available below in the "Training" section), and a plan for future training courses.

These documents must be provided to the members of the follow-up committee at least two weeks before the committee meeting. The follow-up booklet (downloadable below) pre-filled in by the doctoral student must also be provided to them, within the same timeframe.

At the meeting of the monitoring committee, the doctoral student makes an oral presentation in the presence of the members of the monitoring committee and the supervisory team. This presentation is followed by an interview by the committee with the doctoral student alone, and an interview with the supervision team alone.

The individual follow-up committee is appointed by the management of the pole concerned during the first months of the thesis, and in all cases before the student re-registers for the second year, on the proposal of the thesis director, in consultation with the doctoral student. In case of disagreement on this composition, the doctoral student informs the pole's management who will decide accordingly. 

In concrete terms, during the first year of the thesis, the thesis director must send to the management of the pole concerned, by the means indicated by the pole, the names and qualities of the persons envisaged to be members of the follow-up committee. This proposal must have been made in consultation with the doctoral student.

Once the composition of the committee has been validated by the pole's management (after possible exchanges), the doctoral student must enter the composition of the follow-up committee in ADUM.

At ED STIC the monitoring committee is composed of two members :

  • a member external to the University of Paris-Saclay, specialist in the field of the thesis,
  • one member from within the University of Paris-Saclay, not a specialist in the field of the thesis, working in a research unit associated with the ED STIC but not in the same research team as the doctoral student and the supervisory team.

At least one of these persons must hold the HdR or an equivalence. The "referent" to be indicated in ADUM is the internal member of the follow-up committee. In special cases (for example, in the case of a multidisciplinary thesis) a third person may be added to the committee.

The guide for the follow-up committee, which can be downloaded below, gives a lot of information about individual follow-up. It must be sent to the committee members by the thesis director or the doctoral student as soon as its composition is validated by the doctoral school.


At the end of the follow-up committee meeting, the committee members write a report on the booklet below, which has been pre-filled in by the doctoral student.

This report is signed by the members of the follow-up committee and then uploaded in pdf format on ADUM by the referent (the internal member of the committee). The doctoral student and his/her supervisors will then be able to consult it. This report will be required for re-registration (submission on ADUM by the doctoral student).

In case of problems or questions, the committee members can contact the management of the pole concerned:, where X=A, B or C according to the pole to which the thesis is attached.

For a 4th year re-registration that foresees a defense before the end of the current calendar year, a firm commitment from the thesis director on the date of the defense is required. In this case, the appointment of the referees must be made at the time of re-registration.

For a request for registration in the 4th year with a defense beyond 40 months, the request for a waiver must be accompanied by a work plan up to the defense, a commitment to funding up to the sending of the thesis to the rapporteurs and preferably at least until the defense.  An interview can be organized by the director of the pole, in addition to the follow-up committee.


Follow-up following a specific problem or conflict

A special follow-up is proposed when the doctoral student encounters difficulties or has questions that cannot be addressed with his or her supervisors or close circle, or when the ED STIC is alerted about a conflict.

A series of interviews is organized with the doctoral student alone, with the thesis director and co-supervisors alone, and then all together if necessary in order to propose a solution and verify its relevance. The doctoral school can call on the specialized services of the institutions if necessary. A mediator can be proposed, with the agreement of both parties.  

If this approach is not successful, the doctoral school sets up a conciliation committee whose mission is to develop solutions and make recommendations.

In accordance with the decree of May 25, 2016, as soon as the doctoral school becomes aware of acts of violence, discrimination, moral or sexual harassment or sexist behaviour, it will report them to the institution's anti-discrimination and anti-sexual violence hotline.






For questions about training courses: 

Each doctoral student must accumulate 180 training points over the duration of the thesis. The largest part, 158 points, corresponds to the thesis work which includes in particular the reading of articles, the study of the subject, the associated developments, the writing of publications, the possible participation in conferences and workshops.

The remaining 22 points correspond to the complementary training that each doctoral student must complete during the 3 years of the thesis. They are divided into two categories, corresponding to mandatory and optional training, summarized in the following tables. The number of points due may be reduced on a case-by-case basis depending on the particular situation of the doctoral student (co-tutored thesis, CIFRE thesis, FTLV, etc.) with the agreement of the management of the corresponding pole.

Compulsory training and activities

Type of activityMinimum points to be obtainedEquivalence/Comment
Ethics and scientific integrity course2Package of 2 points for a course of at least 10h
Open science course1Package of 1 point for a course of at least 5 hours
Sustainable development course11 point package for a course of at least 5 hours
Scientific courses101pt = 5h of course, to be chosen among the modules of research Masters, thematic schools, cycles of recognized scientific seminars (for example those of the Collège de France), MOOCs with certification, etc.
Cours on sexist and sexual violence11 point
"Post-doctoral day" organised by ED STIC11 point (if unable to attend, compensate with equivalent training)
ED STIC welcome meeting11 point (if unable to attend, compensate with equivalent
optional training of your choice)

The points for compulsory activities (minimum 17) must be completed by optional activities to be chosen from the following table.

Optional courses and activities

Training or activityRestrictionsEquivalenceComment
Language courseMaximum 5 points over the duration of the thesis1 point = 5 hours of course 
Professionalization course 1 point = 5 hours of courseCV writing, learning specific computer tools, emotional management, motivation, memory, mental representations, pedagogical alignment, etc.
Scientific course 1 point = 5 hours of courseIn addition to the mandatory courses
Involvement in university associationsMaximum 3 points over the duration of the thesis Provided that you are at least a member of the office
Involvement in councils, committees, juries (excluding teaching)Maximum 3 points over the duration of the thesis  
TeachingMaximum 5 points over the duration of the thesis1 point for 19h "equivalent TD" 
Days of preparation for the professional futureMaximum 1 point for the duration of the thesis1 point = 5h    In addition to the "post-thesis" day of the ED STIC
International mobilityMaximum 3 points for the duration of the thesis3 points for a stay of at least 4 consecutive weeks 
Supervision or co-supervision of traineesMaximum 1 point over the duration of the thesis The country must be different from the country of co-supervision (for co-supervised theses)

The Ecole Doctorale has an agreement with the Collège de France. To attend courses or seminars at the Collège de France and obtain a registration form, doctoral students can register directly via the following link:

Note: participation in conferences, workshops, days, team seminars, as well as in the organization of events, etc. does not give the right to a validation of training points.

For questions about training courses: 

Each doctoral student will have to update before each re-enrolment the Training Report form (BF) below and attach it to his/her re-enrolment file. This form lists the training courses completed with the associated objectives and the blocks of competences (chosen from the list).

List of predefined objectives:
a. useful for conducting personal research
b. research ethics and scientific integrity
c. useful for thesis writing or for written or oral presentation
d. training in open science
e. reinforcing the scientific culture of doctoral students
f. training in sustainable development
g. promoting international openness
h. preparing students for their future career in the scientific sector

List of predefined blocks of competencies (several choices are possible):
1 : Design and elaboration of a research and development, study and prospective process ;
2 : Implementation of a research and development, study and prospective process;
3 : Valorization and transfer of the results of a research and development, studies and prospective process;
4 : Scientific and technological watch on an international scale;
5 : Training and dissemination of scientific and technical culture;
6: Management of teams dedicated to research and development, studies and foresight activities.

Note: The thesis work and additional training must eventually cover all 6 skill blocks.






The thesis defense procedure is described in a general document of the University of Paris-Saclay:

You will also find below a very important document: le guide de la soutenance de doctorat :

At the ED STIC, the management of the defense is the responsibility of the doctoral student's pole. Exchanges must therefore take place with the pole director (copy to the pole assistant), particularly for the composition of the jury. The agreement of the pole director must be obtained before the jury proposal is entered on ADUM.The doctoral student must submit his or her manuscript on ADUM at the time of the jury's entry (version will be sent to the referees).

The language of the thesis is French, except for justified exceptions. To do so, you must send a request with arguments to your pole. An abstract in French of 4000 characters must be attached to the manuscript.

To be able to defend your thesis at ED STIC, you must have published at least one article in an international journal or an international conference with selection committee.

Attention for PhD students who are defending their thesis and who have to re-register: do not start the defense formalities if your re-registration is not finalized.


Carrière & Alumni

After the PhD

The ICST field within the framework of the University of Paris-Saclay has privileged structures to promote relations between PhD students, PhDs and innovative companies. The Systematic and Cap Digital competitiveness clusters, the IRT SystemX, the DigiCosme labex, the VeDeCom Institute, and the Carnot Institutes regularly organize meetings between research and industry, notably to develop thesis topics in an academic-industrial partnership.

The ED STIC also relies on the alumni network to assist doctoral students in their professional integration.

Surveys show a very satisfactory rate of insertion of PhDs, with 33% of PhDs inserted in higher education and research in EPST, 10% inserted in the public sector (other), 43% inserted in the private sector and more than 12% in postdoctoral contracts. Slightly more than 25% of PhDs have a career abroad.

One of the levers allowing to consolidate and even increase the quality of insertion of PhD students is the development of the network of PhD students of the ED STIC of the University of Paris-Saclay. One of the missions of the deputy director in charge of relations with the socio-economic world will be to set up the coordination of existing networks in connection with the actions undertaken at the level of the University Paris-Saclay.



Le domaine STIC dans le cadre de l’Université Paris-Saclay dispose de structures privilégiées pour favoriser les relations entre les doctorants, les docteurs et les entreprises innovantes. Les pôles de compétitivité Systematic et Cap Digital, l’IRT SystemX, le labex DigiCosme, l’Institut VeDeCom, les Instituts Carnot, organisent régulièrement des rencontres permettant de confronter les résultats issus de travaux de recherche et les besoins industriels ou encore de porter des sujets de thèse dans un partenariat académique-industriel.

L’ED STIC s’appuie également sur le réseau des anciens pour accompagner les doctorants dans leur insertion professionnelle.

Les enquêtes montrent un taux d’insertion des docteurs très satisfaisant, se rapprochant globalement de 33% de docteurs insérés dans l’enseignement supérieur et la recherche en EPST, 10% insérés dans le secteur public (autre), 43% insérés dans le secteur privé et plus de 12% en contrat postdoctoral. Un peu plus de 25% des docteurs font carrière à l’étranger.

Un des leviers permettant de consolider et même d’accroître une insertion de qualité des doctorants est le développement du réseau des docteurs de l’ED STIC de l’Université Paris-Saclay. Une des missions du directeur adjoint chargé des relations avec le monde socio-économique sera de mettre en place la coordination de réseaux existants en lien avec les actions entreprises au niveau de l’Université Paris-Saclay.


National and international outreach

ED STIC aims to develop

  • the reception of foreign doctoral students in cotutelle or not
  • in mobility of doctoral students during their thesis.

The deputy director of the ED STIC, in charge of international relations, is Véronique Vèque.

Numerous hosting and exchange programs already exist within ED STIC's partner institutions. The aim is to structure these programs with new ones to broaden the range of hosting and mobility opportunities.

Here are a few examples of hosting and mobility programs:

   Partenariats Hubert Curien (PHC) programs.
   CSC (China Scholarship Council) has agreements with several institutions and offers scholarships to selected Chinese students.
   The Franco-Italian AML STIC network is a multilateral agreement for training and double degrees in the field of STIC and its applications at LMD levels.
   The KIC EIT Digital offers selected PhD students a training program focused on entrepreneurship and innovation. This includes a 6-month mobility program at one of ICT Labs' 15 European sites, as well as post-doctoral transfer experience.
ICST research units based abroad welcome PhD students, for example:

   Franco-Japanese Computer Laboratory (JFLI),
   Image & Pervasive Access Lab (Ipal),
   Institut des technologies multilingues & multimédias de l'information (Immi)  
   Sino-French Laboratory for computer Science, Automation and Applied Mathematics (LIAMA).
   Joint Laboratory for Petascale Computing, Illinois (JLPC),
   Chilean Informatics Research and Innovation Center (CIRIC ).


The procedure for setting up a cotutelle is described by the Paris-Saclay doctoral college.

The request for a cotutelle agreement, which precedes the drafting of the cotutelle agreement, is made online :…

Please note The project must be entered in Adum, followed by the doctoral student's application. ED STIC will not process cotutelle agreement requests for which these elements are not available.

Please note The setting up of an international thesis co-supervision agreement must be initiated before the first PhD registration at Université Paris Saclay. The agreement must be signed by all parties, at the latest, before registration for the second year of the doctoral program at Université Paris Saclay.





Pole A : Systems & Control, Signal, Image, Robotics, Communications

Preferably reach the pole's assistant by email.  The title of your message must be short, relevant and allow for a follow-up conversation. The first time, introduce yourself in the first line of the email, recalling your name and your thesis director if you are a PhD student.

Assistant:   Soumya Faouzi -
Direction:     Antoine Berthet      

Phone:    +33 1 75 31 63 56      

Mail:                      Ecole Doctorale STIC - Pôle A
                                CentraleSupélec - Building Eiffel
                                10 Rue Joliot-Curie – Plateau de Moulon
                                91192 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France.

Members of the Pole Committee A :

  • Antoine Berthet (L2S, CentraleSupélec, Université Paris-Saclay)
  • Abderraouf Benali (LISV, UVSQ, Université Paris-Saclay)
  • Samia Bouchafa (IBISC, UEVE, Université Paris-Saclay)
  • Luca Greco (L2S, Université Paris-Saclay)
  • Sylvie Le Hégarat-Mascle (SATIE, Faculté des Sciences, Université Paris-Saclay)
  • Julien Marza (ONERA-DTIS, ONERA)
  • Charles Soussen (L2S, CentraleSupélec)


Pole B : Data, Knowledge, Machine Learning and Interactions

Preferably reach the pole's assistant by email.  The title of your message must be short, relevant and allow for a follow-up conversation. The first time, introduce yourself in the first line of the email, recalling your name and your thesis director if you are a PhD student.

Assistant:  Stéphanie Druetta - 
Direction:   Caroline Appert            

Phone:             +33 1 69 15 63 19

Mail:                     Ecole Doctorale STIC - pôle B
                               Bât 650 Ada Lovelace
                               Université Paris-Saclay
                               91405 Orsay Cedex, France.

Members of the pole committee B :

  • Caroline Appert (LISN, CNRS)
  • Mustapha Lebbah (DAVID, UVSQ, Université Paris-Saclay)
  • Adrian Popescu (CEA List, Faculté des Sciences, Université Paris-Saclay)
  • Albert Rilliard (LISN, CNRS)
  • Fatiha Saïs (LISN, Faculté des Sciences, Université Paris-Saclay)
  • Fariza Tahi (IBISC, UEVE, Université Paris-Saclay)
  • Theophanis Tsandilas (LISN, Inria, Université Paris-Saclay)


Pôle C : Programmation, Modèles, Algorithmes, Architecture, Réseaux

Preferably reach the pole's assistant by email.  The title of your message must be short, relevant and allow for a follow-up conversation. The first time, introduce yourself in the first line of the email, recalling your name and your thesis director if you are a PhD student.

Assistant:  Annabelle Tissier -
Direction:  Jérémie Cabessa

Phone:     +33 1 39 25 41 95                        

Mail:                      Ecole Doctorale STIC - pôle C
                                Université de Versailles Saint Quentin-en-Yvelines
                                Direction de Soutien à la Recherche - DSR
                                55, avenue de Paris
                                78035 Versailles Cedex, France.

Members of the pole committee C :

  • Jérémie Cabessa (DAVID, UVSQ, Université Paris-Saclay)
  • Khaldoun Al Agha (LISN, Faculté des Sciences, Université Paris-Saclay)
  • Eric Angel (IBISC, UEVE, Université Paris-Saclay)
  • Johanne Cohen (LISN, CNRS)
  • Stéphane Demri (LMF, CNRS)
  • Kinda Khawam (DAVID, UVSQ, Université Paris-Saclay)

ED STIC General Management

email :

Assistant: Stéphanie Druetta :
Direction:  Alain Denise  :              
Training: Dro Désiré SIDIBÉ - assistant Sonia CHANDRAKULAM and Elissa VICTOIRE:
Industrial and international relations : Véronique Vèque -,                     

Téléphone:             +33 1 69 15 63 19

Mail:                     Ecole Doctorale STIC
                               Bât 650 Ada Lovelace
                               Université Paris-Saclay
                               91405 Orsay Cedex, France.


Representatives of the PhD students


  • Vincent Cavez (pôle B)
  • Manon Mottier (pôle A)
  • Léo Olivier (pôle C)
  • Nilo Schwencke (pôle B)
  • Yanick Christian Tchenko (pôle B)


Members of the ED STIC Council

  • Representatives of engineering, technical or administrative staff

    • Mme    
    • Mme    DRUETTA    Stéphanie        UPSaclay / Faculté des Sciences
  • Internal Academic Members

    • M.    
    • M.    ANGEL    Eric    IBISC    UEVE
    • Mme    APPERT    Caroline    LISN CNRS
    • M.    BERTHET    Antoine    L2S    CentraleSupélec
    • M.    BLANQUI Frédéric  LMF ENS Paris-Saclay
    • M.    FINKEL    Alain    LMF    ENS Paris-Saclay
    • Mme    
    • M.    MAMMAR     Saïd    IBISC    UEVE
    • M.    MONACELLI    Eric    LISV    UVSQ
    • M.    OVARLEZ    Jean-Philippe    SONDRA    ONERA
    • Mme    TAHI     Fariza IBISC UEVE
    • Mme VEQUE  Véronique L2S Université Paris-Saclay / Faculté des Sciences
  • Doctoral students

    • M.     CAVEZ Vincent   LISN / UPSaclay / Faculté des Sciences
    • Mme MOTTIER Manon L2S / CentraleSupélec
    • M.     OLIVIER Léo  CEA List / UPSaclay / Faculté des Sciences
    • M.     SCHWENCKE Nilo  LISN / UPSaclay / Faculté des Sciences
    • M.     TCHENKO Yanick IBISC / UEVE
  • External members

    • M.    ARLOT    Sylvain    LMO    UPSaclay / Faculté des Sciences
    • M.    BAUDEL    Thomas        IBM
    • M.    BOUHTOU    Mustapha    Orange Labs Recherche    Orange
    • M.    DEFUDE    Bruno    SAMOVAR    Télécom SudParis
    • M.    DESSANTE    Philippe    GeePS    CentraleSupélec
    • M.    GIAVITTO    Jean-Louis    IRCAM    CNRS