The registration procedures for the ED STIC follow the general guidelines of the Université Paris-Saclay. The registration procedure is entirely online on ADUM. You must attach a certain number of supporting documents to your file, in a single file in pdf format. Some of these documents are specific to the ED STIC, the others are the same for all doctoral schools. You will find below the lists of these documents, according to the year of the thesis you are registering for.
If you are a doctoral student and you have not received a message inviting you to register, you should contact the ED STIC, preferably the assistant of the scientific pole of your thesis director (see the "Contact" page). So, talk about it with your thesis director.
First year registrations are possible between June 1st and October 31 ((later registrations possible - contact your Pole). Before registering for the first year, you must have applied for a thesis project under Adum. If you have not applied, please see the "The PhD" page to see how to proceed.
After their application has been accepted, future doctoral students receive the practical details for their first thesis registration. If you have not received this email, you should contact the ED STIC, preferably the assistant of the scientific pole of your thesis director (see the page "Contact"). Ask your thesis director for help if needed.
How to complete your registration file when you receive the email inviting you to do so?
You already have an ADUM account. Log in by accessing the ADUM home page. Update your profile carefully because it will be used throughout your doctoral training and even beyond. Contact your thesis director or the pole assistant (see the "Contact" page) when you have a doubt.
- The tabs "Administrative attachment" and "Financing" will be pre-filled, otherwise your pole assistant will help you.
- Some fields have been pre-filled automatically when your application file was switched to the registration form. Check the information and modify it if necessary with the help of your thesis director.
- Carefully complete the sections of the doctoral training agreement (pre-filled).
For the "documents to be attached", go to your personal space, in the "Administrative documents" section and consult the list of documents to be provided for the pedagogical and administrative registration. These documents must be assembled, in the required order, in a single PDF file and uploaded.
The file must include the documents below.
- Copy of the email you received from your pole following the validation of your admission (it serves as the admission form)
- Identification:
- Copy of the National Identity Card or passport;
- For foreign students, when necessary: copy of the passport and the valid residence permit or the summons to the prefecture to renew the residence permit.
- Copy or certified translation of the diploma or certificate of achievement of a national diploma conferring the grade of master, of a European master's diploma or of the waiver of the diploma requirement for enrolment in a doctoral program. If such a waiver is necessary: if you have applied outside the competitive examination process, enclose your audition report and a certificate of successful completion or a copy of your diploma;
if you have been recruited following a competitive examination, complete the "Candidature examinée" section of the document below before sending it to your division. You will need to attach the signed document to your pdf, together with your certificate of achievement or a copy of your diploma.
- If your thesis is under international co-supervision :
- signed cotutelle agreement if it is already signed (if not, you must provide it as soon as it is signed), attach the draft if you have it
- copy of the certificate of registration in the other institution in case of cotutelle agreement
- Copy of any proof or notification attesting to funding for the duration of the thesis:
- If you are a scholarship recipient: copy of your scholarship notification
- If you are employed for a professional activity dedicated to the preparation of the doctorate: if the employment contract is already signed, a copy of the employment contract (otherwise the copy will be provided once the employment contract is signed) or a certificate from the employer if the employment contract is not signed
- If you are employed for a professional activity not dedicated to the preparation of the PhD: copy of the employment contract, copy of the last 3 pay slips
- If you are in one of the following cases: self-employed, liberal profession, auto-entrepreneur: copy of tax assessment, URSSAF certificate
Copy of the certificate of payment of the "Cotisation Vie Étudiante et de Campus" (CVEC) from the CROUS : (the registration establishment to be selected when paying the CVEC is the University of Paris-Saclay).
Please note: if you are exempt from the CVEC you must provide the certificate of exemption (also available on the CVEC website), if you are not subject to the CVEC you do not need to provide the CVEC certificate (example: doctoral student in cotutelle the year he/she pays his/her registration fees in his/her home university or doctoral student in FTLV in which case attach the FTLV summary form to your pdf)
- Copy of the certificate of liability insurance for the current year.
Once you have finalized your file, it will be signed electronically, successively by
- your thesis director,
- the director of the host unit
- the director of the doctoral school or the director of the pole to which you are attached.
Each of these people will receive an automatic e-mail when it is their turn to sign.
Once this is done, the payment of the registration fees will be done online on ADUM in your personal space.
You can pay in 3 instalments (by credit card or bank transfer), but only until October 15. If you choose to pay by bank transfer, it is imperative to indicate the following in the transfer's wording: _DOCTORAT, surname, first name, registration_. Contact your pole assistant to obtain the bank details.
Informations on FTLV:…
Information on non-research missions and how to apply:
You can now regularly find out about the additional non-research activities (missions) on offer here:
The list will be updated throughout the summer and until October.
Guide for international doctoral students:
Simulator to access grants and benefits for university students:
Dedicated area of verified accommodation for University students:
Second and Third registration
Mandatory Deadline for re-registration: October 31 - warning: this date is blocked on ADUM
During the first year of your thesis, the doctoral school has appointed an individual follow-up committee (or CSI for "comité de suivi individuel"), at the suggestion of your thesis director and in consultation with you. For detailed information on this follow-up committee, see the "Doctoral training and supervision" tab.
Check that the CSI report has been filed on ADUM by your referent.
How to complete your application?
Connect to your ADUM account. For the "documents to be attached", go to your personal space, in the "Administrative documents" section and consult the list of documents to be provided for the pedagogical and administrative registration. These documents must be assembled, in the required order, in a single PDF file and uploaded.
The file must include the documents below. The documents in point 1 are specific to ED STIC. Those in points 2 and beyond are part of the checklist visible on your ADUM account.
- The statement of the undergone training modules (accessible in your personal space under ADUM). Moreover, you must fill and add the summary form that you will find by clicking on "Doctoral training and supervision" in the menu at the top of this page, then going to the "Training" section.
- For foreign students, when necessary: copy of the passport and the valid residence permit or the summons to the prefecture to renew the residence permit.
- Copy of any proof or notification attesting to funding for the duration of the thesis:
- If you are a scholarship recipient: copy of your scholarship notification,
- If you are employed for a professional activity dedicated to the preparation of the PhD: copy of the work contract
- If you are employed for a professional activity not dedicated to the preparation of the PhD: copy of the employment contract, copy of the last 3 pay slips
- If you are in one of the following cases: self-employed, liberal profession, auto-entrepreneur: copy of tax assessment, URSSAF certificate
- If your thesis is under international co-supervision :
- signed co-supervision agreement (it must have been signed before the end of the first year, but if not, please attach the draft)
- copy of the certificate of registration in the other institution in case of cotutelle agreement
Copy of the certificate of payment of the "Cotisation Vie Étudiante et de Campus" (CVEC) from the CROUS : (the registration establishment to be selected when paying the CVEC is the University of Paris-Saclay).
Please note: if you are exempt from the CVEC you must provide the certificate of exemption (also available on the CVEC website), if you are not subject to the CVEC you do not need to provide the CVEC certificate (example: doctoral student in cotutelle the year he/she pays his/her registration fees in his/her home university or doctoral student in FTLV)
- Copy of the "civil liability" insurance certificate for the current year.
Don't forget to check that the report on your CSI has been submitted to ADUM by your referent.
Once you have finalized your file, it will be electronically signed by
- your thesis director,
- the director of the host unit
- the director of the doctoral school or the director of the pole to which you are attached.
Each of these people will receive an automatic e-mail when it is their turn to sign.
Once this is done, the payment of the registration fees will be done online on ADUM in your personal space.
You can pay in 3 instalments (by credit card or bank transfer), but only until October 15. If you choose to pay by bank transfer, it is imperative to indicate the following in the transfer's wording: _DOCTORAT, surname, first name, registration_. Contact your pole assistant to obtain the bank details.
Fourth registration
Mandatory Deadline for re-registration: October 31 - warning: this date is blocked on ADUM
Registration in the fourth year requires different specific documents depending on the progress of your thesis
If you defend before December 31st of the current year: you do not have to re-register. The ED will check that all the documents for your defense are ready. You will have to make your first deposit on ADUM (the version of the manuscript sent to the rapporteurs).
If you defend after December 31st of the current year, you have to re-register (before October 31) and you must have had an interview with your monitoring committee. The committee must give its opinion on your re-registration and thesis extension. For detailed information on this monitoring committee, see the "Doctoral training and monitoring" section.
Check that the CSI report has been filed on ADUM by the committee member after your interview and that the extension box has been completed by the committee members.
Connect to your ADUM account. For the "documents to be attached", go to your personal space, in the "Administrative documents" section and consult the list of documents to be provided for the pedagogical and administrative registration. These documents must be assembled, in the required order, in a single PDF file and uploaded.
The file must include the documents below. The documents in points 1 is specific to ED STIC. Those in points 2 and beyond are part of the checklist visible on your ADUM account.
- The statement of the undergone training modules (accessible in your personal space under ADUM). Moreover, you must fill and add the summary form that you will find by clicking on "Doctoral training and supervision" in the menu at the top of this page, then going to the "Training" section.
- For foreign students, when necessary: copy of the passport and the valid residence permit or the summons to the prefecture to renew the residence permit.
- Copy of any proof or notification attesting to funding for the duration of the thesis. If you have an extension for Covid reasons, attach the amendment to your contract, otherwise provide a copy of any proof or notification attesting to funding for the duration of the thesis:
- If you are a scholarship recipient: copy of your scholarship notification
- If you are employed for a professional activity dedicated to the preparation of the doctorate: if the employment contract is already signed, a copy of the employment contract (if not, the copy will be provided once the employment contract is signed) or a certificate from the employer if the contract is not yet signed
- If you are employed for a professional activity not dedicated to the preparation of the PhD: copy of the employment contract, copy of the last 3 pay slips
- If you are in one of the following cases: self-employed, liberal profession, auto-entrepreneur: copy of tax assessment, URSSAF certificate
- If your thesis is under international co-supervision: a copy of the agreement and, if necessary, an amendment to the international co-supervision agreement concerning the extension of the duration of the thesis, signed by all parties.
- copy of the certificate of registration in the other institution in case of cotutelle agreement
Copy of the certificate of payment of the "Cotisation Vie Étudiante et de Campus" (CVEC) from the CROUS : (the registration establishment to be selected when paying the CVEC is the University of Paris-Saclay).
Please note: if you are exempt from the CVEC you must provide the certificate of exemption (also available on the CVEC website), if you are not subject to the CVEC you do not need to provide the CVEC certificate (example: doctoral student in cotutelle the year he/she pays his/her registration fees in his/her home university or doctoral student in FTLV)
- Copy of the "civil liability" insurance certificate for the current year.
Don't forget to check that the CSI report has been filed on ADUM by the committee member after your interview and that the extension box has been completed
Once you have finalized your file, it will be electronically signed by
- your thesis director,
- the director of the host unit
- the director of the doctoral school or the director of the pole to which you are attached.
Each of these people will receive an automatic e-mail when it is their turn to sign.
Once this is done, the payment of the registration fees will be done online on ADUM in your personal space.
You can pay in 3 instalments (by credit card or bank transfer), but only until October 15. If you choose to pay by bank transfer, it is imperative to indicate the following in the transfer's wording: _DOCTORAT, surname, first name, registration_. Contact your pole assistant to obtain the bank details.
Other registrations
Mandatory Deadline for re-registration: October 31 - warning: this date is blocked on ADUM
Registration beyond the fourth year is authorized only in exceptional cases. It requires the following steps:
If you are defending before December 31 of the current year: you do not have to re-register. The ED will check that all the documents for your defense are ready. You will have to make your first deposit on ADUM (the version of the manuscript sent to the rapporteurs).
If you are defending after December 31 of the current year, then you have to re-register (before October 31) and you must have had an interview with your monitoring committee. The committee must give its opinion on your re-registration and thesis extension. For detailed information on this monitoring committee, see the "Doctoral training and monitoring" section.
Check that the CSI report has been filed on ADUM by the committee member after your interview and that the extension box has been completed by the committee members.
Connect to your ADUM account. For the "documents to be attached", go to your personal space, in the "Administrative documents" section and consult the list of documents to be provided for the pedagogical and administrative registration. These documents must be assembled, in the required order, in a single PDF file and downloaded.
The file must include the documents below. The document in point 1 is specific to ED STIC. Those of point 2 and beyond are part of the checklist visible on your ADUM account.
- The statement of the undergone training modules (accessible in your personal space under ADUM). Moreover, you must fill and add the summary form that you will find by clicking on "Doctoral training and supervision" in the menu at the top of this page, then going to the "Training" section.
- For foreign students, when necessary: copy of the passport and the valid residence permit or the summons to the prefecture to renew the residence permit.
- Copy of any proof or notification attesting to funding for the duration of the thesis. If you have an extension for Covid reasons, attach the amendment to your contract, otherwise provide a copy of any proof or notification attesting to funding for the duration of the thesis:
- If you are a scholarship recipient: copy of your scholarship notification
- If you are employed for a professional activity dedicated to the preparation of the doctorate: if the work contract has already been signed, a copy of the work contract (if not, the copy will be provided once the work contract has been signed) or an attestation from the employer if the contract has not been signed
- If you are employed for a professional activity not dedicated to the preparation of the PhD: copy of the employment contract, copy of the last 3 pay slips
- If you are in one of the following cases: self-employed, liberal profession, auto-entrepreneur: copy of tax assessment, URSSAF certificate
- If your thesis is under international co-supervision: when necessary, an amendment to the international co-supervision agreement concerning the extension of the duration of the thesis, signed by all parties.
- Copy of the social security certificate (except for doctoral students in cotutelle the year they are not in France).
Copy of the certificate of payment of the "Cotisation Vie Étudiante et de Campus" (CVEC) from the CROUS : (the registration establishment to be selected when paying the CVEC is the University of Paris-Saclay).
Please note: if you are exempt from the CVEC you must provide the certificate of exemption (also available on the CVEC website), if you are not subject to the CVEC you do not need to provide the CVEC certificate (example: doctoral student in cotutelle the year he/she pays his/her registration fees in his/her home university or doctoral student in FTLV)
- Copy of the "civil liability" insurance certificate for the current year.
Don't forget to check that the CSI report has been filed on ADUM by the committee member after your interview and that the extension box has been completed
Once you have finalized your file, it will be signed electronically, successively by
- your thesis director,
- the director of the host unit
- the director of the doctoral school or the director of the pole to which you are attached.
Each of these people will receive an automatic e-mail when it is their turn to sign.
Once this is done, the payment of the registration fees will be done online on ADUM in your personal space.
You can pay in 3 instalments (by credit card or bank transfer), but only until October 15. If you choose to pay by bank transfer, it is imperative to indicate the following in the transfer's wording: _DOCTORAT, surname, first name, registration_. Contact your pole assistant to obtain the bank details.