Our partner contacts
Contacts in the Europe and International Relations departments for the member institutions of Université Paris-Saclay.
Elodie POPENDA (Head of European Affairs)
E-mail : elodie.popenda@agroparistech.fr
Marine GODAUX (Head of European Affairs Unit)
E-mail : marine.godaux@agroparistech.fr
Gaëlle DECROIX (European Affairs Officer)
E-mail : gaelle.decroix@cea.fr
Centre de Saclay – CEA / Siège
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette CEDEX
Lavinia STANESCU (Deputy Director of International Relations)
E-mail : lavinia.stanescu@centralesupelec.fr
Isabella FAGUET (Head of Grant Office and Institutional Partnerships)
Courriel : izabela.faguet@centralesupelec.fr
Plateau de Moulon – 8-10 rue Joliot Curie
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
Alena HUBIKOVA (Head of European Affairs)
Annabelle ALVES (Research engineer in the partnership and development department)
Fanny ADAM (European Project Engineer)
Estelle MEMHELD (European Project Engineer)
Marine VERNET (European Project Engineer)
Julie GENDRON (European Project Engineer)
Anatrya RUCKTOOA (European Project Engineer)
Loryne SOUFFRON (European Project Engineer)
Guillaume TREHET (European Project Engineer)
Pôle Europe du Service Partenariat et Valorisation
Avenue de la Terrasse
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
E-mail : DR04_SPV-EUROPE@dr4.cnrs.fr
Nathalie TOUZE (President of the INRAE Ile de France Centre)
E-mail : nathalie.touze@inrae.fr
Marie-Hélène PINARD (Research Director) E-mail : marie-helene.pinard@inra.fr
Marie-Jeanne SELLIER (Manager of the Saclay Plant Sciences network)
E-mail : marie-jeanne.sellier@inrae.fr
Ana BATISTA (European Affairs Officer)
E-mail : ana.batista@inrae.fr
Estelle Fiévé
Courriel : estelle.fieve@inria.fr
Jonas Sanon (Project manager)
Courriel : jonas.sanon@inria.fr
Guillaume FUSAI (Head of European Affairs)
E-mail : guillaume.fusai@inserm.fr
Aude RAIMBAULT (Chargée d'affaires européennes)
E-mail : aude.raimbault@inserm.fr
Pierre BALADI (Head of International Training Relations)
E-mail : pierre.baladi@institutoptique.fr
Patrick GEORGES (Director LCF)
E-mail : patrick.georges@institutoptique.fr
Marc LESTURGIE (Head of International Affairs)
E-mail : Marc.Lesturgie@onera.fr
Anne-Laure DELOT (European Affairs Officer – DRI)
E-mail : anne-laure.delot@onera.fr
Laurent LEYLEKIAN (European Space Affairs Officer)
E-mail : laurent.leylekian@onera.fr
Ana VALCARCEL ORTI (Head of the Scientific Partnerships and Legal Office)
L'Orme des Merisiers
91190 Saint-Aubin
Courriel : ana.valcarcel-orti@synchrotron-soleil.fr
Nazim AGOULMINE (Vice-Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Université d'Évry in charge of IR)
E-mail : nazim.agoulmine@univ-evry.fr
Véronique FOURNIÉ (European Affairs Officer)
E-mail : veronique.fournie@univ-evry.fr
Éric FRANQUEVILLE (European Affairs Officer)
Pierrick GRIMAUD (European Affairs Officer)
Eline GOUTERON (European Affairs Officer)
Natalia LOËTE (European Affairs Officer - european grant office)
Christian MAYSONNAVE (European Affairs Officer – european grant office)
Amanda NIETO FRANCO (European Affairs Officer - EUGLOHRIA)
Axelle AUCLERT (Assistant)
Arnaud DELIMOGES (Director of Projects and International Relations)
Hervé Godinot (Head of European Research and Training Projects/ European Project Engineer)
E-mail : europe@uvsq.fr