Office of European affairs
Launched in 2000, the European Research Area (ERA) reflects the will of the European Union to establish a coherent European research policy based on scientific excellence, competitiveness, innovation and cooperation. The main goal is to avoid the division of the research efforts by promoting the collaboration between the European scientific research stakeholders.
The Office of European Affairs draws on the Europe representatives of the Université Paris-Saclay’s (UPSaclay) 14 higher education and research institutions expertise to set up its common interest activities. These activities aim at allowing institutions to share their know-how and skills in the field of editing and monitoring European projects (H2020, Erasmus+, etc.). The objective is to improve the participation and success rate of the community members as part of the European call for projects framework.
Our activities
The Office of European Affairs of Université Paris-Saclay developed several activities aimed at the whole scientific and academic community of Université Paris-Saclay.