Internship at Université Paris-Saclay

Université Paris-Saclay regularly welcomes international students for internships in its 300 laboratories.
Would you like to do an internship at Paris-Saclay University? Please, contact directly the laboratory, hospital or department/service you are interested in.
In France, any intern working for over 2 months is entitled to a stipend. Whatever the internship, an internship agreement is mandatory.

Conditions for an intrenship in France

Internships are open to all students enrolled in a higher education institution.

You can do an internship in a laboratory or hospital linked to Université Paris-Saclay or in an administrative department of the university. Contact the structure that you are interested in directly.

  • The duration of an internship in France cannot exceed 6 months.
  • The duration of an Erasmus+ internship must be at least 2 months.
  • Contact your higher education institution to find out how you can be selected.
  • Then contact the laboratory or hospital of Université Paris-Saclay to obtain the agreement of your future internship supervisor.

The agreement

  • In France, it is compulsory to establish an internship agreement signed by the student, the home institution and the host institution.
  • Students in the Erasmus+ Internship programme must have the Erasmus+ Internship agreement signed by the head of their  home institutions and the director/dean of the relevant constituent faculty of Université Paris-Saclay.
  • Students outside the Erasmus+ programme must sign the internship agreement and have it signed by their internship supervisors.


  • If you are a citizen from a country subject to the visa procedure, contact the Campus France office or the French embassy in your country, and find out what type of visa is required in your situation (student visa or trainee visa).
  • Contact your health insurer to obtain an attestation of care and repatriation. Once in France, do not forget to take out third party liability insurance which is compulsory.


In France, interns doing internships of over two months are given a stipend of approximately 630 euros per month. Make an estimate of the minimum stipend online
Under the Erasmus+ programme, you can obtain an Erasmus+ traineeship grant from your home institution.


Traineeship/ Internship supervisor: the person who supervises your work at the laboratory, the hospital or in the administrative office.
Traineeship / Internship agreement: a document signed by you and your internship supervisor that defines the duration and terms of the internship.

Internships in France: Find out more information about your employer's obligations

Internships ICM Program: International Mobility Credits Erasmus+

As part of the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) program funded by the European Commission, Université Paris-Saclay awards mobility grants to students from its international partners located in 7 countries: Australia, Cameroon, Colombia, the United States, Georgia, Rwanda, and Ukraine.
Only students enrolled in the following institutions and meeting the eligibility criteria can receive a grant.As part of the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM) program funded by the European Commission, Université Paris-Saclay awards mobility grants to students from its international partners located in 7 countries: Australia, Cameroon, Colombia, the United States, Georgia, Rwanda, and Ukraine. Only students enrolled in the following institutions and meeting the eligibility criteria can receive a grant.

  • Australia: Macquarie University

Undergraduate and graduate students in the following fields: Physics and Astronomy, Molecular Sciences, Digital Electronic Engineering, Materials Engineering, and Computer Sciences

  • Cameroon: University of Douala, Higher Institute of Advanced Technology and Management (ISTAMA) and Higher Institute of Health Professions (ISPS)

Undergraduate and graduate students in Pharmacy

  • Colombia: Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Universidad de Los Andes and Universidad Antonio Narino

Undergraduate and graduate students in Nuclear Physics and Medical Physics

  • Georgia: Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State Unviersity, Georgian Technical University, Ilia State University and Kutaisi International University

Undergraduate and graduate students in Nuclear Physics and Medical Physics

  • Rwanda: University of Rwanda and Rwanda Polytechnic

Undergraduate and graduate students in Heritage Sciences and Pharmacy

  • Ukraine: V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kyiv National University, Kyiv Academic University, Oles Onchar University of Dnipro

Undergraduate and graduate students in Nuclear Physics and Medical Physics

  • United States of America: Northeastern University

Undergraduate, graduate and PhD students in Engineering and Technology.


The International Credit Mobility grant includes individual support to cover, only partially, the costs in the host country. The individual support is 850€ per month.

You also benefit from an allowance for travel expenses, the amount of which depends on the distance between your home institution and the University of Paris-Saclay :
    Ukraine : 360€
    Georgia: 530€
    Cameroon, Rwanda, USA: 820€
    Australie, Colombia: 1500€


Duration of Internship mobility: between 2 and 6 months
Duration of study mobility: between 3 and 12 months

One can only benefit from 12 months of funding, all mobilities included, during the same study cycle.

Terms of payment

Payment of the scholarship is made in two steps. A first payment will be made at the beginning of your mobility upon receipt of all required documents (grant agreement signed and internship agreement. This first payment includes the entire allowance for travel expenses as well as 80% of the individual support.

A second payment may be made at the end of your mobility. The amount of this second payment is calculated to the first day of activity and the departure date mentioned on the mobility/internship certificate.

If you do not comply with the obligations within the framework of the International Credit Mobility project, you will have to reimburse all or part of the grant you have been awarded.

The selection of students is carried out by the coordinators of the home university and UPSaclay.

Before filling out the form, you must have found an internship placement (laboratory or administration) and an internship supervisor. For any questions related to pedagogical supervision, here are the people to contact: Pedagogical Contacts Table

Please complete the online form 3 months before the start of your internship: Apply for mobility to Université Paris-Saclay

Here are the documents you will need to attach to the form:

  • Passport identification page
  • Proof of enrollment at your home university for the current academic year
  • A Curriculum Vitae
  • Motivation letter
  • Two last transcript records




The Erasmus+ programme pays particular attention to welcoming and supporting the organisation of mobility for people with disabilities or fewer opportunities. In order to meet the specific needs of people with disabilities during their mobility, the granting of additional funding on top of the Erasmus+ mobility grant is intended to facilitate their participation. To find out whether the costs covered by the Erasmus+ programme are eligible, contact the International and European Relations Department.

The inclusion bonus (study or work placement mobility) of €250/month in addition to the Erasmus+ grant may be awarded to incoming students in one of the following situations:

  • Students with disabilities or suffering from a chronic illness
  • Belonging to a vulnerable social group as defined by the country of origin
  • Coming from a family with a low income or having a low income of their own
  • Having refugee or internally displaced person status in the country of origin
  • Parent of a young child
  • Belonging to a minority as defined by the national laws of the home country

This lump sum is awarded on the basis of a review of your application and the funds available. All applications must be justified and documented by you or your home university.


Erasmus+ Program Documents

Université Paris-Saclay holds the new Erasmus+ charter signed in 2021

Charte Erasmus+ 2021-2027

At any time you can refer to the documents produced by the Erasmus Agency to know your rights and obligations in the context of your mobility.

You can also consult the general conditions of your internship stay:

Incoming mobility coordinator for exchange students
International and European Relations Office
Building 300 - Orsay

Arrival of international interns

You are coming to France for an internship at Université Paris-Saclay? Read the information below to prepare your stay.

For more information about the internship application and conditions, please