Outreach and science-society activities

In a knowledge-intensive society, science and technological development must be anchored much more deeply in the principles of democracy, equity, and political participation. In this perspective, science is the outcome of a dialogue between university and society, in a world in which knowledge is shared with all audiences and sustains shared democratic values.

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Université Paris-Saclay thus views scientific outreach and participatory science as one of its core missions. We have a responsibility to be far more present as a place of  constant debate around the great societal challenges, where we can contribute methods and knowledge and where our scientists, students, the general public and policy makers exchange on an equal footing.

This commitment to promoting open, rational discussion is particularly relevant today and requires specific settings, as public discussion is often led in ways that prevent the expression of doubt and nuance. We therefore actively engage in initiatives which promote rational debate, and protect and support the academics who decide to engage in public outreach and media.

The first strategy is focused on outreach and engagement to bring science closer to citizens. Université Paris-Saclay has long been supporting its staff and students who engage in science outreach activities. Our science outreach activities target the general public, thanks notably to La Diagonale, a service centre designed to assist staff and students in their Science with and for Society activities. Actions range from scientific outreach, social and cultural engagement, arts-science interfaces, or the  promotion of scientific heritage. Université Paris-Saclay benefits in this respect from unique infrastructures, such as the Scène de Recherche, a fully equipped professional theatre dedicated to the dialogue of arts, sciences and technologies with an emphasis on outreach and public participation.

An important dimension of scientific outreach deals with academic staff either being asked by the media to speak as experts, or actively writing blogs, newspaper articles or opinion pieces. To guide our academic staff in this important but complex area where professional expertise is sometimes closely intertwined with personal convictions, we provide support as well as media training and development of scientific communication and mediation skills.

The second strategy is to encourage participatory science. Participatory science practices are continuously growing, from involving the public in data collection and  observation, to requesting public collaboration in analysis and data treatment, and up to the more ambitious co-design and co-implementation of research projects by mixed teams involving scientists and members of the general public. Université Paris-Saclay supports academic staff in the development of this range of practices. Notable examples include involvement in the Vigi-ciel project, which relies on public participation to identify and analyse meteorites, or the development of the Living Lab in  Corbeville - a place for experimentation in the field of urban agriculture and food transition, which involves researchers, citizens, local authorities and local socio-economic actors.


Numaclay, the digital library of Université Paris-Saclay, facilitates access to scientific heritage and scientific archives - such as the Jean Gaudemet archive presented in the image.

Our commitments for better science

Research-based education

At a time when information is freely available in our pockets and many of the jobs in which our students will be employed in ten years’ time do not yet exist, it is clear that our educational models

Innovation and technology transfer

The cutting-edge tools and methodologies currently being transformed by innovation, from artificial intelligence to personalised medicine, require the combined efforts of researchers and practitioners

Open Science

Open science fortifies the integrity and transparency that we view as fundamental to research. It fosters a more democratic, inclusive culture where knowledge is more widely accessible and ensures

Ethics and scientific integrity

Public trust in science is currently faltering. Scientific integrity has never been so present in the news with cases of plagiarism, data alteration, and problematic links with funders highlighted


Universities are born from a powerful ideal: a community which is organised around the quest for knowledge and ideals of openness and respect. The real-life translation of this ideal is far from


The Université of Paris-Saclay has long been committed to researching environmental issues and the effects of climate change, including its impact on our societies and living organisms. Université