
Universities are born from a powerful ideal: a community which is organised around the quest for knowledge and ideals of openness and respect. The real-life translation of this ideal is far from perfect. Universities are, like any other human collectives, vulnerable to powerful social dynamics which, if left unchecked, create exclusions, favour silos, or are prone to power dynamics. We cannot simply accept such consequences as a fatality: we need to look at them lucidly and understand them, so we can take energic steps to fight them.

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Université Paris-Saclay is deeply committed to protecting a diverse, respectful collective, which it does both by supporting research and innovation on issues of discrimination, equality and inclusion, and by taking active steps to implement on its campuses.

Staying true to our strong commitment to equity and inclusion. Université Paris-Saclay is resolutely committed to promote a culture of equity and inclusion, within its campuses and beyond. It is committed, beyond what is legally required, to the fight against discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, social origin and disability.

Access to higher education and the success of all are encouraged by equal opportunity measures (see text box on the “Cordées de la Réussite”, in the section below). Various awareness-raising events are being organised by the university, in particular around the international days for the fight for women’s rights, against LGBTphobia, and against violence against women.

Empowering the next generation through education, inclusion and scientific exploration. The younger generation is a key target of this approach. In order to train young people to exercise their citizenship in a critical and enlightened way, to learn more about the world of research and to become more familiar with scientific methods, we support initiatives such as the Maison d’Initiation et de Sensibilisation aux Sciences (MISS), where pupils from primary and secondary schools are welcomed for a day of fun and educational activities in our laboratories. One of our programmes is directed specifically towards secondary school girls to give them a new perspective on mathematics, computing and the physical sciences by enabling them to meet women staff and role models and discuss their future career paths and professional motivations.

With the aim to increase social equity and inclusion, our students are encouraged to take part in the Cordées de la réussite which offers secondary school pupils a chance to learn about science and its careers, whatever their socio-cultural background. Every year, roughly 1,800 students from 80 secondary schools from disadvantaged neighbourhoods or isolated rural areas engage regularly with 300 tutors selected amongst the students from our university. The objectives are to encourage a taste for  the sciences, demystify higher education and give young people the opportunity to find out more about careers and courses.

Fighting sexist and sexual violence. Determined to create a serene work and study environment for all, Université Paris-Saclay is committed and a pioneer in the fight  against gender-based and sexual violence. We have a “zero tolerance” policy for sexist and sexual acts, support victims and witnesses through a dedicated unit and various local partners, and deploy a training plan, which covers all university communities, from students to leadership teams.


The Cordées de la réussite scheme aims to promote access to higher education for young people from all socio-cultural backgrounds, by giving them the keys to successfully embark on the pathways to excellence.

It aims to:

  • Promote educational success for all, parity and equal opportunities.
  • Combat self-censorship among young people, particularly in priority, rural and isolated areas, and in technological and vocational streams.
  • Help pupils discover careers and career paths
  • Promote cultural and scientific awareness among pupils.

Our commitments for better science

Research-based education

At a time when information is freely available in our pockets and many of the jobs in which our students will be employed in ten years’ time do not yet exist, it is clear that our educational models

Innovation and technology transfer

The cutting-edge tools and methodologies currently being transformed by innovation, from artificial intelligence to personalised medicine, require the combined efforts of researchers and practitioners

Open Science

Open science fortifies the integrity and transparency that we view as fundamental to research. It fosters a more democratic, inclusive culture where knowledge is more widely accessible and ensures

Ethics and scientific integrity

Public trust in science is currently faltering. Scientific integrity has never been so present in the news with cases of plagiarism, data alteration, and problematic links with funders highlighted


The Université of Paris-Saclay has long been committed to researching environmental issues and the effects of climate change, including its impact on our societies and living organisms. Université