You are a PhD student or a researcher
You hold a VLS-TS "étudiant" (Long Stay Visa, valid as a residence permit for "students")
Please consult the pages on student residence permit
Upon arrival, visa validation
Within 3 months following your arrival, you must validate your visa on the ANEF website.
You will need:
- The information stated on your visa
- To give the date of your arrival in France
- To give your address in France
- Your bank card to pay the tax required for the issuance of a residence permit. You can also pay in fiscal stamps.
You can buy fiscal stamps at the tobacconist’s (ask for an online fiscal stamp for ‘residence permits for foreigners’/timbre fiscal électronique ‘titre pour étrangers’) or online on the ANEF website or the French tax authority website.
Please note that you must keep your access credentials to the ANEF platform. You will need them for the renewal of your residence permit.
As soon as you are in France, you must apply for « Passeport Talent-chercheur » residence permit.
Visit the ANEF site and apply online. See the dedicated tutorial
- Log in to the ANEF platform to apply for a residence permit. To apply for the renewal, you will need digitized supporting documentation
- Once you have submitted your online application you will receive a confirmation as a pdf document. Please note that this confirmation is not a residence permit.
- Once your request has been examined by the « préfecture » and your application has been accepted you will receive a pdf « favourable decision letter ».
- You will then receive a short text message on your telephone stating your first residence permit is ready. Prior to collecting the document, you will have to pay the fiscal stamp (225€)
You can buy fiscal stamps at the tobacconist’s (ask for an online fiscal stamp for « residence permit for foreigners ») or online on the ANEF site or the tax website.
Important: be sure to check regularly the ANEF platform to follow the progression of your application.
You must submit an application for a residence permit within 2 months following your arrival in France. The procedure for submitting the application may vary, depending on your place of residence: by post, or by appointment at the prefectural services. In the case of the sub-prefecture of Palaiseau, we invite you to check the following page for booking an appointement and select the «professional life " section : access link.
You must contact the office of your faculty dealing with this process. They will be able to inform you and check your application.
- To apply for the residence permit, you will need supporting documentation
- If you have submitted a complete application and according to your situation, the «préfecture» will, issue a receipt which will enable you to remain on the French territory until you are granted a certificate of residence for Algerian scientists.
- You will then receive a short text message on your telephone stating your residence permit is ready. Prior to collecting the document, you will have to pay the fiscal stamp (€ 225).
- You can buy fiscal stamps at the tobacconist’s (ask for an online fiscal stamp for « residence permit for foreigners ») or online on the ANEF site or the tax website.
You do not need to do anything when you arrive in France. Your visa cannot be extended.
During your stay, renewal of your residence permit
If you wish to continue your studies in France, you must renew your permit 2 or 3 months before your residence permit « Passeport Talent-chercheur» expires. See the dedicated tutorial
- Log in to the ANEF platform to submit the renewal application of your residence permit.
- To apply for the renewal, you will need digitized supporting documentation
- Once you have submitted your application online, you will receive a pdf “deposit confirmation ». Please, note this confirmation is not a residence permit.
- Once your application has been examined by the « sous-préfecture » and has been accepted, you will receive a pdf « favourable decision letter ».
- You will then receive a short text message on your telephone stating your residence permit is ready. You can then make an appointment by clicking on the SMS link. Prior to collecting the document, you will have to pay the fiscal stamp (225€).
You can buy fiscal stamps at the tobacconist’s (ask for an online fiscal stamp for « residence permit for foreigners ») or online on the ANEF site or the tax website.
Important : Please do not forget to consult the ANEF platform regularly to track your application
You must submit the renewal application of your residence permit within 2 months before your residence permit expires. The process may differ depending on your home address in France: sent via the post office or booking an appointment with the prefectural authorities. In the case of the sub-prefecture of Palaiseau, we invite you to check the following page for booking an appointement and select the «professional life " section : access link
- To apply for the renewal, you will need supporting documentation
- If you have submitted a complete application and according to your situation, the «préfecture» will, issue a receipt, which will enable you to remain on the French territory until you are granted a residence permit « scientifique ».
- You will then receive a short text message on your telephone stating your residence permit is ready. Prior to collecting the document, you will have to pay the fiscal stamp (€ 225).
You can buy fiscal stamps at the tobacconist’s (ask for an online fiscal stamp for « residence permit for foreigners ») or online on the ANEF site or the tax website.