Local community activities and organisations

Becoming a member of an organisation can be a great way to meet new people and discover the region. Université Paris-Saclay encourages students and researchers to actively engage in organisations and activities on campus. Getting together with other people is key to a successful integration. Discover below the activities, events and organisations of Paris-Saclay University and the Paris-Saclay Region. For more information, download and consult

Les Amis du Campus Association

Students : Get to know inhabitants in your neighbourhood, the Chevreuse valley (see item "Correspondances")

 The association « Les amis du campus » (Orsay campus’ friends) and the town of Orsay, build relationships between students and local residents

Bâtiment 301, 1er étage
e-mail : Amis-campus-orsay.asso@u-psud.fr
Tél. : 01 69 15 37 13

Around the Saclay area

Accueil des villes françaises Bures-Gif-Orsay

Accueil des Villes Françaises (AVF) Bures-Gif-Orsay (French Host Cities) is an organisation that welcomes, assists and informs people who have recently arrived from other towns or countries in the Essonne department alone or accompanied by their family.

The organisation will help you to:

  • Get to know the Region from the moment you arrive,
  • Make your initial contacts in a new environment more enjoyable,
  • Build new friendships by encouraging meetings with other residents and newcomers.

Numerous events take place throughout the year (Paris visits, dance lessons, dinner, cinema, museum visits, hiking, cycling, reading sessions, cooking classes, discussions in French, English, German and Spanish…). Moreover, AVF has a S.N.A (Service Nouvel Arrivant) service that helps newcomers to settle in easier. S.N.A organises events and meetings over a coffee that will allow you to meet new people.

Visit the AVF helpdesks during their opening hours in one of these three communes:

  • Gif: Every Thursday and 1 Saturday per month from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in Salle de l’Orangerie, square de la Mairie (see the map),
  • Bures and Orsay: every second Thursday afternoon in Centre Marcel Pagnol Rue Descartes in Bures-sur-Yvettes (see the map) from 2:15 p.m to 4 p.m. and every other Thursday afternoon in Centre André Malraux, 71 rue de Paris in Orsay (see the map) from 2:15 p.m to 4 p.m.

You can find their opening hours and locations by clicking here.

Enrollment fee is 28€ per year.

Visit their website: avf-bgo.com

On-campus student and scholar organisations

There are a number of student and scholar organisations where diverse communities can connect with each other and the whole University Paris-Saclay community. They aim to provide many sporting opportunities and an enriching cultural and educational experience in the field of art, film, politics or music.

There are many active student organisations in Université Paris-Saclay offering endless opportunities and planning a broad range of events all year round: integration weekends, film screenings, sport tournaments, sport classes, trips, speech contests, conferences, etc.

Visit your higher education institution’s website to find out all the organisation’s activities and how to get involved.

Join Université Paris-Saclay student life Facebook group: Groupe étudiants UPSaclay to see all the events held by student organisations.

Few examples of international student organisations:

  • AEFC : Association des Etudiants Franco Chinois (Franco-Chinese student group) - aefc.ps@gmail.com
  • ERASMOUV’ : ERASmus en MOUVement (Erasmus student group) - erasmouv@yahoo.fr
  • Air’asmus : Association consacrée à l’intégration des étudiants Erasmus de l’IUT (Erasmus student group) - gerald.druart@u-psud.fr

Visit our section “Associations of doctoral candidates and doctors”. These organisations aim to welcome and represent all PhD students, to facilitate contact between PhD students and different institutions (universities, government, etc.) and to help participants with their work and professional insertion.

Contact the specialised welcome service Science Accueil which aim is to help foreign researchers and PhD students to find accommodation and to undertake different administrative formalities.

You have a scholarship (Marie Sklodoska Curie scholarship)

Join the “Curies of Saclay community” by filling in the online form. This community brings together PhD students and post-doctoral laureates who have been awarded a Marie Sklodowska Curie scholarship. It aims to facilitate their integration in France.

Stay active by taking advantage of the Université Paris-Sud SUAP service (Service Universitaire des Activités Physiques et Sportives) that provides many sport facilities, such as soccer/football fields at Plaine des Sports, a university equestrian centre, dance studios, a dojo, fitness rooms, a gym, a swimming pool and tennis fields.

Sign up online by visiting the website portail sport.

After signing up and paying online, please note that you must go to the SUAP office to get your membership card. It is valid for one year and is non-refundable.

SUAP office address: 225 Rue André Ampère, 91440 Bures-sur-Yvette