Learning French
Want to learn French? Already speak French but wish to improve your skills? Below you will find different resources in order to do so, whether you are still in your country of origin or have already arrived in France.
If you enroll in a study program taught in English, are a PhD student or a researcher, English will most likely be your main working language. Nevertheless, we strongly recommend that you acquire some basic skills in French in order to communicate with the locals. It will be easier for you to make friends and thoroughly enjoy your time in France!
A minimum level of French is required in order to enroll in a study program taught in French. You may be asked by the institution where you will be studying to attend a French summer program and/or take one of the following tests:
- The Test pour les Etudes en France (TEF), which is compulsory for any international student applying for the first time to an undergraduate program (1st years) in a French university, or;
- The Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française (DELF), or;
- The Diplôme Approfondi en Langue Française (DALF).
Language requirements vary from one member institution to another. For further details, please feel free to contact the services of the institution where you will be studying. Please note that the tests you may be able to take will vary depending on your situation.
Prior to your departure...
The Alliance Française has a network of centers in 132 different countries. French classes are adapted to all levels and all audiences: children, teenagers, adults, professionals, students and more. More information and nearest center to your current location.
You can also contact your current university in order to find out whether they have a French program or a partnership agreement with the local Alliance Française center.
Please note
Member institutions require you have a minimum level of French in order to enroll in a study program taught in French. For this reason, we strongly advise you take one of the following tests:
- The Test pour les Etudes en France (TEF), which is compulsory for any international student applying for the first time to an undergraduate program (1st years) in a French university. For more information about the TEF, click here and/or contact the institution where you will be studying, or;
- The Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française (DELF), or;
- The Diplôme Approfondi en Langue Française (DALF).
The DELF and the DALF diplomas are valid indefinitely. The tests you may be able to take will vary depending on your situation, in most cases it will be:
- The DELF tout public, or ;
- The DELF Pro, or ;
- The DALF.
For more information on the DELF and DALF, visit the Centre International d'Etudes Pedagogiques (CIEP) website and contact the services of the institution where you will be studying.
Once in France
There is a wide variety of intensive language programs taught during the summer in different locations all throughout France. Below is a list of preselected centers:
- The Institut de Langue et Culture Françaises (ILCF) in Paris has an intensive language program intended for people who have a minimum level of B1 in French. This program is one-month long and is organized several times during the year.
- The Alliance Française organizes several intensive language programs throughout the whole year. You can enroll no matter your language level (that includes beginners - A0 level).
- EPF-ESTP has an intensive language program. It is organized during the summer and takes place in Sceaux (Paris region). You can enroll for any period between 2 to 10 weeks. The program is open to all students, academics and professionals: you are not required to be registered as a student at EPF-ESTP. Accommodation in hosts families can be provided upon request: it is a great way to immerse in French culture.
- The CAVILAM’s program “Etudes supérieures scientifiques” is intended for any international wishing to pursue graduate studies in a scientific field in France. It is four-weeks long and takes place during the summer in Vichy. You must have at least a B1 level in French. Several other programs are taught at CAVILAM: for more information visit their website. Accommodation in hosts families can be provided upon request: it is a great way to immerse in French culture.
Some member institutions have their own French summer programs. Do not hesitate to contact the services of the institution where you will be studying to get more information on this.
Please note
Member institutions require you have a minimum level of French in order to enroll in a study program taught in French. For this reason, we strongly advise you take one of the following tests:
- The Test pour les Etudes en France (TEF), which is compulsory for any international student applying for the first time to an undergraduate program (1st years) in a French university. For more information about the TEF, click here and/or contact the institution where you will be studying, or;
- The Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française (DELF), or;
- The Diplôme Approfondi en Langue Française (DALF).
The DELF and the DALF diplomas are valid indefinitely. The tests you may be able to take will vary depending on your situation, in most cases it will be:
- The DELF tout public, or ;
- The DELF Pro, or ;
- The DALF.
For more information on the DELF and DALF, visit the Centre International d'Etudes Pedagogiques (CIEP) website and contact the services of the institution where you will be studying.
We have selected a series of websites for you to independently practice your French according to you needs:
1° Improve you oral comprehension and expression:
- TV5 Monde: choose your French level (A1 to B2) and get unlimited access to videos and listening exercises.
2° Improve your oral comprehension in a scientific and academic context by listening to scientific discourses pertaining to your field of study:
- Filipe gives you unlimited access to recorded lessons and comprehension exercices.
- Canal U has a video library where you will find numerous resources in different formats (documentaries, testimonies, courses and more, from 3 to 6-minutes long) and on a large number of fields (lax, health sciences, engineering…).
3° Improve your written and oral expression by reviewing the French grammar:
- Connectigramme gives you unlimited access to lessons, clear synthetic tables and many examples.
Some tips to stay motivated:
- Choose your favorite online resources.
- Plan your study sessions.
- Do not hesitate to ask for help to people around you such as friends, colleagues or teachers.
Visit the Internationalisation, languages and cultures section of our website to access the different digital tools and platforms designed to help you improve your French, discover the French higher education system and the French way of life in France through its culture, its literature, its films as well as to learn how to successfully thrive in a French academic environment.
Contact the services of your institution to find out if they have any French programs for internationals.
Centre de langues mutualisé : Bâtiment Eiffel, 8 Rue Joliot Curie, 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
The Institut de Langue et Culture Françaises (ILCF) in Paris has intensive and semi-intensive programs as well as evening classes open to all levels (A0 to C1).
The Alliance Française of Paris has intensive and extensive programs as well as evening classes open to all levels (A0 to C1).
For more information on other teaching centers, please visit:
- The ville de Paris website;
- The Office de Tourisme de Paris website;
- The Pôle Emploi search engine (fill in the postal code of the city where you wish to find a course center).
The ALFAP offers French lessons from October to June in Bures-sur-Yvette and Orsay. In addition to French lessons, the ALFAP offers several other services enabling you to:
- Take the Test de Connaissances du Français (TCF);
- Discover French culture: conversation and cooking workshops and hikes;
- Discover Paris and its area.
For more information, please visit the ALFAP website or contact the association direcly by email (contact@alfap.net).
You can also use the Pôle Emploi search engine to find other French course centers near you (fill in the postal code of the city where you wish to find a center).
The Diploma in French as a Foreign Language (DU de FLE) is a French preparation course only for students whose aim is to be accepted on a Master’s courses or the 3rd year of a Bachelor's degree at the University Paris-Saclay, but who do not have the required level of French.
The initial minimum level requirement is level A2.
The final objective level is B2; the minimum level required to follow a course at a French university.