Students in exile: Apply to Université Paris-Saclay
You are a student in exile and you wish to study at Paris-Saclay University.
The “Passerelle” University Diploma (DU) aims to facilitate the academic integration of students in exile by removing linguistic, administrative and social barriers they may encounter.
This DU helps students prepare their academic project through the intensive learning of French as a foreign language (FLE) and various orientation and professional workshops.
For more information on the DU Passerelle, dates and application procedures:
The DAA (demande d'admission adaptée) is aimed for students in exile, i.e. anyone who was forced to leave their country of origin, is already in France and wishes to apply for a first registration in the LMD course (Bachelor, Master, Doctorate).
This procedure is intended for applicants:
- Who benefit from temporary or subsidiary protection;
- Who benefit from a refugee status;
- Who hold a proof of asylum application
Applications are open from April 5th until May 31st of 2023 (31/05/2023)
Assessment of applications and admissions results: from May 31st to July 21st
Important – please read carefully before submitting your application:
You can select up to three courses for which you wish to apply.
Check out the courses offered as well as the academic requirements by clicking here:
Bachelor/License: https://www.universite-paris-saclay.fr/en/formation/undergraduate-level
Master: https://www.universite-paris-saclay.fr/en/education/master
Make sure you have all your supporting documents ready BEFORE you start to fill in the form.
You will have to complete the form in a single session.
You will not be able to save your information and return to it before submitting it.
Supporting documents required:
ONLY AVAILABLE IN FRENCH (your level of French must be at least B2)
- pièce relative au statut administratif :
Carte de séjour mention réfugié (France)
OU récépissé mention réfugié (France)
Ou document attestant de la protection subsidiaire en France ou à l'étranger
Ou document attestant de la protection temporaire en France
OU récépissé de demande d’asile
(y compris si la date de validité est dépassée).
- un justificatif du niveau de français (par exemple : TCF, DELF, DALF, DUEF, attestation de réussite d’un DU Passerelle, diplôme d'études en français…) OU la Convocation pour l'examen de français
- un curriculum vitae (CV) détaillant vos études ;
- une courte lettre de motivation (une par formation) ;
- un justificatif de formation (au choix):Photocopie des diplômes et relevés de notes y compris du Baccalauréat (en français ou en anglais ou traduit) ; OU attestation de comparabilité ENIC-NARIC. Si vous ne pouvez pas fournir de copie de vos diplômes, vous pouvez joindre : le passeport Européen de qualification des réfugiés EQPR OU la Validation des Acquis Personnels et Professionnels (VAPP).
Application form :
ONLY AVAILABLE IN FRENCH (your level of French must be at least B2)