POUCE (Paris-Ouest Uni pour Chiader l'ECN)
This association, created in February 2017, is a tutoring system based on the principles of solidarity, fellowship and peer teaching. Its purpose is to provide all the actions, resources and tools that can help medical students at Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin (UVSQ) prepare for the computerised National classification exams (ECN).
Maison de l'étudiant de Guyancourt
1, allée de l'astronomie
78280 Guyancourt
The aim is to improve their living and study conditions and their success. It can more generally contribute to making them better carers, in particular by gradually implementing the following actions:
1. Improvement of the educational offer
- Channel the energies and knowledge of students and teachers at UVSQ and elsewhere in order to improve the available educational content;
- Draw inspiration from the best educational innovations implemented in French and foreign universities;
- Test and provide students with the best educational tools (physical or digital);
- Give students a unified access to information about the ECN programme, the exam and the externship in Paris-Ouest in general on the website www.pouce.org
2. Creation and coordination of an Alumni network
- Create and manage a network of former students of the Faculty of Medicine of Paris-Ouest
- Use this network of Alumni to help UVSQ medical students
3. Simplification of administrative procedures
Collect, harmonise and make available to all members the information about the administrative procedures for our studies (university and hospital administration).
4. Improvement of the well-being of hospital students
- Promote the well-being of hospital students by implementing dedicated actions;
- Draw inspiration from the "well-being actions" implemented in other faculties in France and abroad.
More generally, establish solidarity links between students.