Nature, environment and sustainable development Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

ICARE : Initiative de Coopération Active par Relais Etudiant

Do you know ICARE (active cooperation initiative by students)? We are a student association of the UVSQ based at the Maison des Etudiants in Guyancourt and at the Campus des Sciences in Versailles. Our dear solidarity and ecology association has been run by committed students for 25 years!


  • By becoming a member of the organisational team of ICARE (participatory management > no president). Lots of fun!
  • By participating in at least one project: AMAP (community-supported agriculture), Garden, film-discussions, refreshment bar, "incroyables comestibles" (incredible edible), Solidarity Christmas, humanitarian activities...
  • By giving your time for specific actions (help with installation, refreshment bar, communication for an event)
  • By participating in workshops in the Garden (sowing, crates, mulching...)

Join us at any time of the year!


Maison de l'étudiant - Bureau 113 1, allée de l'astronomie
78280 Guyancourt