Charity and solidarity Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines

Association des Etudiants Sages-Femmes de Paris Ouest (AESFPO)

The AESFPO (association of midwifery students at Paris Ouest) is a non-profit association made up of students in maieutics.

The AESFPO is structured around several units:

  • Solidarity unit: this year, the unit is involved in the implementation of many actions such as the bottle cap collection, the Sidaction, the Telethon. The students in charge of this unit also wish to set up awareness days on disability and the place of women in our society.
  • Events unit: its main objective is to gather students from our faculty during promotional evenings and dinners. It also aims to bring together the 4 midwifery schools in Île-de-France during events so that the students can meet and exchange.
  • Communication unit: this unit aims to promote the various events and actions of the previous units through various media, which include for example a newsletter and a website. These means of communication also give us the opportunity to promote our partners.
  • Partnership unit: its aim is to find goodies and funding so that all the events and actions of the other units can be carried out as efficiently as possible. We also aim to associate your company's name with our solidarity projects and to make you known to our students.
  • Higher education unit: the members of this unit are present at all administrative congresses and congresses organised by the ANESF (national association of midwifery students) in order to represent the AESFPO. Its goal is to keep the members of the association informed of the current debates regarding our future job. It also plays a role in student mobilisation.

Finally, the AESFPO works in close connection with the ANESF (national association of midwifery students) and INTERASSOS UVSQ (federation of associations of Université de Versailles - Saint-Quentin).

The AESFPO regularly joins forces with the other three midwifery schools in the Ile-de-France region to organise events: Saint-Antoine School (AESF PSA), Baudelocque School (AESFB) and FOCH School (AESFF).


2 avenue de la source de la Bièvre
78180 Montigny-Le-Bretonneux

48.7834858, 2.0370529