A - B
Laurence Albiges: changing the game in genitourinary oncology
Laurence Albiges is a medical oncologist, professor at Université Paris-Saclay and head of the Department of Medical Oncology at Gustave...
Fabrice André: Personalised cancer treatment
Fabrice André is a doctor of medical oncology, professor at Université Paris-Saclay and researcher at the Institut Gustave Roussy...
David Attié and Sébastien Procureur: From Saclay's water tower to the Great Pyramid of Giza
On October 16, 2018, researchers David Attié and Sébastien Procureur were jointly awarded the Prix Ivan Peychès by French Academy...
Christine Baldeschi: skin grafting
In her laboratory at the Stem Cell Institute for the treatment and study of monogenic diseases (i-Stem - Inserm/University d’Evry)...
Tamara Basta-Le Berre: understanding the molecular mechanisms at work in archaea
Tamara Basta-Le Berre is a researcher in the Microbiology Department of the Institute for Integrative Cell Biology (I2BC - Univ...
Abdelhafid Bendahmane: Research in bloom
Melons, cucumbers, tomatoes, and peas...Abdelhafid Bendahmane has studied them all. Audaciously combining genomics and post-genomics, he has successfully and strategically...
Giulio Biroli: Research at the border of statistical physics
On November 20, 2018, Giulio Biroli received the Prix d’Aumale from the Académie des Sciences for his research on amorphous...
Marie-Christine Boutron-Ruault - A pragmatic approach to human health
Marie-Christine Boutron-Ruault is a research director at the Center for Research in Epidemiology and Population Health (CESP - Inserm/Université Paris...
Hélène Brogniez: understanding the atmospheric water cycle
Hélène Brogniez is a professor at the Université de Versailles - Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ), a researcher in atmospheric sciences and...