HDR policy at Université Paris-Saclay

The service offered by Université Paris-Saclay

The Université Paris-Saclay preparation scheme for the ‘habilitation à diriger des recherches’ (Habilitation to direct research - a high-level, university-granted specialisation obtained post PhD), also known as HDR, is divided into three schemes, conferring the following three statuses:

  • For official joint supervision, an authorisation to supervise a PhD candidate without an HDR, with guidance from a mentor, who will co-supervise the PhD.  This exemption is granted for a period of four years.  It cannot be renewed but can be followed by an authorisation to supervise another PhD candidate without an HDR, or an HDR defence.
  • Authorisation to supervise a PhD candidate without an HDR.  This derogation is granted for a period of four years, is non-renewable and is subject to a commitment to defend the HDR before or within a year of the defence of the supervised thesis.
  • The HDR ("habilitation à diriger des recherches" - habilitation to direct research)

Scope of application

  • All internal and external candidates at Université Paris-Saclay can apply for the ‘habilitation à diriger des recherches’ (HDR).
  • Authorisation to supervise PhD candidates without an HDR can only be approved by Université Paris-Saclay for researchers, teaching researchers (tenured or not), and members of research teams in Université Paris-Saclay doctoral programmes. This only applies to doctoral projects which will take place in a Université Paris-Saclay PhD programme.
  • Authorisations to supervise PhD candidates without an HDR that have been granted by other institutions cannot be used for the enrolment of PhD candidates at Université Paris-Saclay.

For more information about criteria and procedures

Meeting schedule for the Commission de Recherche of the Conseil académique at Université Paris-Saclay

All application files (Receive an HDR and Supervise a PhD candidate without an HDR should be sent to hdr@universite-paris-saclay.fr at least four weeks before a Commission de Recherche meeting, where it will be studied.

Meeting schedule 2024

  • 31 January
  • 29 May
  • 10 July
  • 25 September
  • 6 November
  • 18 December