Admission, registration and re-registration
An academic year begins on September 1st and ends on August 31st. Registration is annual and is renewed at the beginning of each academic year. The schooling of a PhD student lasts on average 3 years. It is structured in three main chronological steps.
Reference documents for registration and re-registration at the Université Paris-Saclay

How to be admitted to a PhD Program at the Paris-Saclay University ?
If you wish to do a PhD at the Paris-Saclay University, it is necessary to submit an application form, to be admitted to continue a thesis and obtain a financing for 3 years.
How to apply ? What are the application dates ? What is the purpose of the admission ?

How to register for the first time ?
You were admitted to a PhD Program, congratulations.
You will be able to register as soon as your PhD School authorizes to pass the different steps of your registration.

How to re-register ?
The re-registration process for the second ans third years is less complicated than for the first year. You may have questions about some specificities.
What to do in case of defense before December 31st ? Between December 31st and March 31st ? In case of extension ?
Admission to a PhD Program
Before planning any PhD Program registration, it is necessary to define a PhD project that is structured around different lines :
- The academic background as well as the work and personnal experiences of the student.
- The definition of the research project, its supervision and reception conditions.
- Its international mobility ambition (if need be)
Admission to a PhD Program at the Paris-Saclay University answers to several criteria relating to the definition of the PhD project.
- It requires a three-year PhD financing. The Paris-Saclay University takes three types of financing :
- Programs financially supported or coordinated by the Paris-Saclay University.
- Financing supported by research organizations.
- Financing supported by other organizations.
- Admission is subject to the submission of an application form via ADUM and to the study of this form by several PhD agents.
- The research project holder - future PhD supervisor.
- The PhD School connected to the holder of the research project.
- A committee (if need be), the unit directors.
First Registration
The first registration is only done once the candidate has been admitted to a PhD Program. The administration of the registration forms (then re-registration) is also done via ADUM.
The signing of the employment contract with the University or with another employer (if need be) is done in parallel with the first registration.
- It is impossible to sign an employment contract without at least being admitted to a PhD Program.
PhD students must consult the site of their PhD School in order to know the registration specificities peculiar to each PhD School (PhD School contact, meetings organization, monitoring committee forms,...)
In order to make the administration procedure easier, PhD students are advised to begin filling out their forms online via ADUM as early as June 1st.
For a part of the PHd students (PhD contract signed with Paris-Saclay University, ENS contract,...) registration in the first year is done at the beginning of the academic year, from September 1st of the current year.
September - June
Registrations can be made later and throughout the year, notably to fluidify the arrival of the foreign PhD students.The deadline is on June 1st of the current year. It is the same as the deadline of payment of the Student and Campus Life Contribution (CVEC)
- The PhD School informs its future PhD students about the opening, the schedule and its registration specificities.
- The PhD student signs the PhD Student Charter as well as the Doctoral Training Agreement on ADUM.
- The PhD student submits a PDF file grouping the copies of the documentary evidence on ADUM. Some documentary evidence can be specific to the policy of the PhD School.
- The PhD student pays the registration fees and the CVEC and supplies the documentary evidence on ADUM.
- The PhD student completes their registration on ADUM.
- Once these steps are completed, the registration form is submitted to the signature circuit.
The signature circuit required for administrative registration is imposed by national regulations :
- Once this circuit is validated as well as the registration fees at the Paris-Saclay University and the CVEC are paid, the first registration comes into effect.
- Sign the Doctoral Student Charter and the Individual Training Agreement in your ADUM space.
- Submitting a single PDF file in your ADUM space, containing all copies of the supporting documents requested and (where applicable) certain documents specific to a doctoral school's policy.
- Recommendation of the PhD supervisor.
- Recommendation of the research unit director.
- Registration offer from the PhD School.
- Payment of your registration fee.
- Registration pronounced by the head teacher.
PhD registration does not require going through the admission process again. The administration of the re-registration forms must also be done on ADUM.
- A thesis monitoring committee report must be submitted by the PhD student in their ADUM space for each of their re-registrations.
PhD students must consult the site of their PhD School in order to know the registration specificities peculiar to each PhD School (PhD School contact, meetings organization, monitoring committee forms,...).
In order to make the administration procedure easier, PhD students are advised to begin filling out their forms online via ADUM as early as June 1st.
PhD students who defend their thesis between September and December of an academic year are covered by their previous academic registration and do not need to re-register.
June - November
Any re-registration in the 2nd, 3rd year or more and any payment of the CVEC must be done between June 1st and November 30th of the current academic year. This rule applies to all the PhD students.
- PhD students attached to the University by a PhD contract, CIFRE PhD students, scholarship recipient,...
- PhD students who registered late durinf their first PhD year.
- PhD students abroad for the current academic year.
- PhD students exempted form registration fees.
- Sign the Doctoral Student Charter and the Individual Training Agreement in your ADUM space.
- Submitting a single PDF file in your ADUM space, containing all copies of the supporting documents requested and (where applicable) certain documents specific to a doctoral school's policy.
- Recommendation of the PhD supervisor.
- Recommendation of the research unit director.
- Registration offer from the PhD School.
- Payment of your registration fee.
- Registration pronounced by the head teacher.
The signature circuit required for administrative registration is imposed by national regulations :
- Once this circuit is validated as well as the registration fees at the Paris-Saclay University and the CVEC are paid, the first registration comes into effect.
- Recommendation of the research unit director.
- Recommendation of the PhD supervisor.
- Registration offer from the PhD School.
- Registration pronounced by the head teacher.
- A re-registration beyond the PhD third year with a defense planned before December 31st of the current academic year does not require the PhD student to re-register. the academic year is extended until the defense date.
Specific cases
PhD students who do not re-register by December 31st will be considered as dropping out.
Various reasons can lead a PhD student not to renew their registration :
- There is a procedure for any request for mediation, conflict resolution at the PhD School, second recommendation of the research committee of the academic council, or appeal to the head teacher
The Paris-Saclay University has established a specific procedure after each registration or re-registration decision stages in the event of disagreement between the involved parties.
Your defese is scheduled between January 31 and March 31, 2023
With regard to the difficulties encountered during the period of confinement from March 12, 2020 to May 11, 2020 related to the Covid19 pandemic, PhD students defending between 01/31/2023 and 03/31/2023 will have to re-register but will exempted from registration fees (payment of the CVEC remains due).
This exemption is subjected to conditions :
- Supply the proof of authorization to extend the length of their thesis preparation due to Covid19 given by the PhD School.
- Have first finalized re-registration for year 2022/2023.
- Have started the defense procedure before November 30th 2022.
- Defend on March 31st, 2023 at the latest. The PhD student undertakes to pay the registration fees in the case the defense takes place after March 31st, 2023.
In irder to receive this exemption, PhD students must have registered by the deadline. The Rapporteurs Designation Form signed by the PhD School director must reach the Registar's office 3 months before defense date.
As reminder, PhD students registered for the 2021-2022 academic year who defend between September 1st and December 31st of the next academic year do not re-register anddo not pay any registration fees for the new academic year.
Documents relating to the registration fees exemption
Extension of the PhD program's lenght
It is up to the individual thesis monitoring committee to examine your situation and give an advice on the possibility of a thesis extention (if applicable).
- Understant everything about the individual follow-up committee for doctoral students
- The monitoring committee guide
Extension of thesis funding
If you are an employee of the Paris-Saclay University, you will find the request for extension of the PhD financing below.
- This request for extension does not serve as a second request for extention in relation to Covid19, it can apply to variety of reasons.
Reference documents for registration and re-registration
- Doctoral registration procedure
- Doctoral charter
- Internal rules of the PhD
Only the documents listed below must be downloaded into ADUM in the following order in a PDF format
- Specific documents requested by the doctoral school
- Copy of ID or passport
For foreign students, copy of residence permit AND visa - Copy of master degree or certificate of achievement
- Copy of cotutelle agreement and registration certificate of the other university
- Copy of any document concerning financing support during the thesis
- Copy of the scholarship certificate
- Employee related to the thesis: copy of employment contract
- Employee not related to the thesis: copy of employment contract, 3 last salary sheets
- Copy of tax notice for self-employed workers - Copy of social welfare situation certificate
- CVEC fee payment certificate
- Insurance certificate for civil liability (home insurance)
- Reference document
Only the documents listed below must be downloaded into ADUM in the following order in a PDF format
- Specific documents requested by the doctoral school
- For foreign students, copy of residence permit AND visa
- Copy of the university transfer authorization
- Thesis monitoring document
- Copy of any document concerning financing support during the thesis
- Copy of the scholarship certificate
- Employee related to the thesis: copy of employment contract
- Employee not related to the thesis: copy of employment contract, 3 last salary sheets
- Copy of tax notice for self-employed workers - Copy of cotutelle agreement and registration certificate of the other university
- Copy of social welfare situation certificate
- CVEC fee payment certificate
- Insurance certificate for civil liability (home insurance)
- Reference document
Only the documents listed below must be downloaded into ADUM in the following order in a PDF format
- Specific documents requested by the doctoral school
- For foreign students, copy of residence permit AND visa
- Copy of the university transfer authorization
- Thesis monitoring document
- Authorization to extend the duration of the thesis
- Copy of any document concerning financing support during the thesis
- Copy of the scholarship certificate
- Employee related to the thesis: copy of employment contract
- Employee not related to the thesis: copy of employment contract, 3 last salary sheets
- Copy of tax notice for self-employed workers - Copy of cotutelle agreement and registration certificate of the other university
- Copy of the amendment to the cotutelle agreement
- Copy of social welfare situation certificate
- CVEC fee payment certificate
- Insurance certificate for civil liability (home insurance)
- Reference document

Admissions, registrations and re-registrations for a PhD Program are done online via ADUM. They conform to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
What is GDPR
Your PhD School is your referent for all questions concerning your studies.