Quality assurance documents
Doctoral training is governed by a framework, responding to a certain number of articles, orders, decrees, circulars and university charters, French and European, presented here.
The national and European framework

PhD, doctoral training and research
- Articles L612-7, D123-13, L612-1, L613-1 of the Education Code; Articles L412-1 and L412-2 of the Research Code
- Order of February 22, 2019 defining the competences of doctoral graduates and registering the doctorate in the national directory of professional certification
- Order of May 25, 2016 setting the national framework for training and the procedures leading to the award of the national doctoral diploma, in application of article L612-7 of the Education Code - FAQ - Doctoral training renewed by the order of May 25, 2016 - Revisions for 2022 - Comparisons before / after - DGESIP circular letter
- Order of November 23, 1988 on the habilitation to direct research
- European Research Charter and code of conduct for the recruitment of researchers
- Decree no. 2021-1572 of December 3, 2021 on compliance with the requirements of scientific integrity
Further information on registration and re-registration
- Articles R719-48, R719-49, R719-50 of the Education Code relating to registration fees
- Decree of April 19, 2019 relating to registration fees in public higher education establishments under the authority of the Minister for Higher Education
- Decree No. 2018-564 of June 30, 2018 on the contribution provided for in Article L. 841-5 of the Education Code (CVEC) - FAQ on the student life and campus contribution
- Circular letter concerning the exemption from tuition fees of students defending a doctoral thesis before December 31 of the year following their last registration and the payment of the CVEC
- Decree n°2018-372 of May 18, 2018 relating to the temporary suspension of studies in public institutions providing initial higher education training
- Circular No. 2019-030 of 10-4-2019 on the implementation of the temporary suspension of studies, known as the gap year, in public institutions (NOR: ESRS1903785C)
Further information about defense and diploma
- Recognition of students' involvement in community, social or professional life (Articles D611-7 to D611-9)
- Circular of March a, 2000 on the organisation of examinations (NOR: MENS0000500C)
- Circular NOR: ESRS2312764C of 7-05-2023 on the procedures for the preparation and award of national diplomas and certain State diplomas by higher education institutions under the authority of the Ministry of Higher Education & Research.
- Decree no 2006-1436 of November 24, 2006 taken for the application of article 2 of the law n°93-1419 of December 31, 1993 relating to the National Printing Office (NOR : ECOT0651069D)
Private law PhD doctoral contracts, public law PhD contracts and research residence agreements
- Decree n° 2009-464 of April 23, 2009 on contractual doctoral students in public higher education or research establishments (NOR: ESRH0908292D)
- Order of August 29, 2016 setting the amount of remuneration for contractual doctoral students under public law (NOR: MENH1619655A)
L. 412-3 of the research code relating to private law doctoral contracts - Decree n° 2021-1233 of September 25, 2021 on the private law doctoral contract provided for by article L. 412-3 of the research code
- Circular of October 20, 2006 on the reduction of gifts to doctoral and post-doctoral students
- Foreign doctoral students and researchers hosted as part of a research stay (Article L434-1 of the Research Code)
- Circular of May 4, 2022 on the implementation of the research stay as provided for in Article L. 434-1 of the Research Code (NOR: ESRS2207381C)
- HCERES reference framework for the evaluation of postgraduate programmes, evaluation wave C 2022-2023
- 2019 - HCERES evaluation reports of the ComUE Université Paris-Saclay and doctoral schools (Wave E and D for the three co-accredited doctoral schools)
- 2014 - AERES evaluation reports of the doctoral school projects of the future ComUE Université Paris-Saclay
The framework of the Université Paris-Saclay
- Decree no. 2019-1131 of November 5 2019 creating the Université Paris-Saclay and approving its statutes
- Order of July 27 2020 accrediting the University of Paris-Saclay and the Paris-Saclay University School of Undergraduate Studies (EU1CPS) with a view to awarding national diplomas
- University of Paris-Saclay Doctoral Charter
- Internal regulations for the Graduate Schools of the University of Paris-Saclay

Université Paris-Saclay guides and procedures
A guide to the individual doctoral student monitoring committee for members of these committees to clearly explain what is expected of them, to remind them of the rules applying to the organisation and functioning of these committees, and to provide resources and answers to frequently asked questions.
(English version coming soon)
Training plans for PhD students: Objectives, expectations and validation of complementary doctoral training and activities. A document to understand the principles common to all doctoral schools.
(English version coming soon)
The Guide to the Doctoral Defense to assist doctoral students and their supervisors in the preparation of doctoral defenses
(English version coming soon)