How to apply

To apply, you must first ask about what doctoral education is and what will be expected for admission.
An application comprises all of the following:
- an applicant
- A thesis subject
- A thesis supervisor
- A research team
- The type of funding considered
The application should be submitted to the doctoral school via the application website. To be validated, the application must be complete and finalised, which means the applicant must:
- submit all documents (CV, academic transcript, etc.) required by the doctoral school and validate the application on the Université Paris-Saclay application website;
- obtain a favourable recommendation from the thesis supervisor;
- obtain a favourable recommendation from the director of the research unit within which the applicant wishes to complete the PhD project.
Consult your school’s doctoral web pages to find out about procedures specific to each school.
To apply, you should create an ADUM account. Using the same account, you can choose one or several thesis subjects. The thesis supervisors will be able to see your profile and documents as soon as you select the subject they offer. If you are not already in contact with your prospective thesis supervisor, do check on the subject offered if the fact sheet specifies how the thesis supervisor would like to make contact with you (i.e. whether they will contact you after assessing your documents uploaded to ADUM, or whether they expect you to contact them to arrange a meeting).
N.B.: When the subject is classified in the "non-competing" category, this does not mean that you will not be in competition with other candidates. The "non-competing" classification simply indicates that funding obtained or in the process of being obtained by the thesis director supervisor is earmarked for a specific subject of research, a specific research laboratory and an appointed thesis supervisor. As such, there is no competition concerning the subject, research unit or thesis director supervisor. However, several candidates wishing to register for the doctorate may present their applications. The thesis director will then select one or several candidates, who will be considered by the doctoral school with the same criteria and requirements as for assessing other candidates.