The organizations and institutions funding PhD projects or programs are numerous and varied. The following list includes the main funding sources but is probably not exhaustive.
Funding by other organizations |
The program has two main objectives:
- to start ambitious doctoral projects, within the framework of international joint PhD agreement for doctoral thesis, to promote the internationalization of doctoral candidates,
- to contribute to the internationalization of doctoral schools and research laboratories, the development of partnerships and the visibility and international attractiveness of Université Paris-Saclay.
The Université Paris-Saclay is expanding internationally and is joining forces with the Chinese Scholarship Council to offer, together, an exclusive training program for Chinese PhD students within a Doctoral School of the Université Paris-Saclay.
The main objective of this program is to allow eligible students selected by the Université Paris-Saclay and Chinese institutions to prepare a PhD at the Université Paris-Saclay within a research unit of the Université Paris-Saclay.
The UDOPIA PhD program in Artificial Intelligence builds on the considerable strengths of the Université Paris-Saclay in AI and related fields to create a unique cohort of PhD students trained at the forefront of core AI topics, specialized AI topics, and AI applications.
Students will benefit from a rich ecosystem with close ties to industry, and existing instruments such as the DataIA in AI convergence institute or the SaclayIA computing platform. Specific accompanying measures will promote interdisciplinarity, mobility, entrepreneurship, and the broad dissemination of research results to universities, industry, and the general public.
The PhD program should bring together at least 30 PhD students engaged in 2020, 2021 and 2022.
The selected PhD students will be recruited on a 36-month fixed-term contract starting in October 2020, with a gross monthly salary of at least €1758.
The PhD program is co-financed by the French National Research Agency (ANR), and by the University of Paris-Saclay, its components, associates and partners, notably CentraleSupelec, CMLA IDAML Chair, DATAIA, ENS-Paris-Saclay, INRIA Saclay, Labex Hadamard, UEVE, Vedecom.
Deadline for submission of subjects (for supervisors): March 29, 2021
Deadline for applications via ADUM (for candidates): varies according to the Doctoral School
No date for the selection committee at the moment.
Learn more about this program : https://www.universite-paris-saclay.fr/actualites/lanr-soutient-le-programme-doctoral-en-intelligence-artificielle-de-luniversite-paris-saclay
The "Disability PhD 2021" campaign offers funding for contracts to students with a thesis project who are recognized as being eligible for employment. The students whose applications are selected will benefit from a 3-year (36 months) contract, subject to their re-enrolment in doctoral studies each year.
It is also possible to request an extension of this contract and to submit an application for additional funding to the higher education institution where the doctoral studies were completed.
In addition, IDEX Paris-Saclay has mobilized funding for up to 2 PhD contracts and 1 thesis extension from its "Handicap Idex" program.
Practical details :
Submission of the application file
Interested candidates should contact the doctoral schools directly to establish their application file.
The application file and its attachments must be submitted on the web platform provided for this purpose by the doctoral school services or the one in charge of coordinating the files.
Extension request
Privacy policy
All data entered in the application is processed by computer for the purpose of registering applications and is treated confidentially in accordance with standard security procedures. The applicant and the institution have the right to access and rectify the information contained in the application.
Once all the necessary information for the application has been obtained and the signatures obtained (see the timetable below), the application file must be submitted on the online submission site provided for this purpose by the doctoral school where the future doctoral student will be registered. The online address is the following : https://appliweb.dgri.education.fr/appli_web/allocation/IdentificationAlloc.jsp
The connection is the one used for the SIREDO application. (Identifier and password of the ED are identical).
It is the responsibility of the doctoral schools to ensure the admissibility of the applications, to carry out the necessary verifications, and the conditions of eligibility, in particular on the following points :
- The doctoral contract must take effect in the year following the first enrollment in the PhD program unless an exemption is provided for in Article 2 of Decree n°2016-1173 of August 29, 2016 amending the previous Decree 2009-464.
« The doctoral contract is in writing and specifies its effective date, its expiry date and the activities entrusted to the contractual doctoral student as described in article 5. The nature and duration of these activities may be modified each year by an amendment, following the opinion of the director of the doctoral school and the thesis director. "It takes effect in the year following the first registration in the doctoral program, unless an exemption is granted by the academic council or, in establishments without an academic council, by the scientific council of the employing establishment or by the body that acts as such, sitting in a formation restricted to teacher-researchers and similar staff. »
- The recognition of the quality of disabled worker (RQTH)
They will analyze the quality of the applications and their scientific relevance, and will transmit a ranked list of the applications.
ATTENTION: The deadline indicated on the Ministry's website corresponds to the date of validation of the files on the platform. The submission of the files to the ED and their examination by the different authorities must follow the calendar below.
2021 Calendar
- Submission of applications by the candidates to their doctoral school: before April 10, 2021 (and according to the dates communicated by the ED)
- Examination of the candidates' files and hearings by the doctoral school: before April 15, 2021
- Exchanges on the files (additional information, collection of signatures): between April 15 and April 21, 2021 (as soon as the file is complete, the ED must transmit it to the Maison du Doctorat
- Presentation to the classification committee of the institution : April 26, 2021
- Entry of the files by the doctoral school on the online submission site: before May 6, 2021
- Validation of applications on the platform by Université Paris-Saclay: May 10, 2021
- Closing date for the submission of applications (and for extension requests): May 12, 2021, at noon.
Communication tools
Since 2019, the Université Paris-Saclay has been coordinating the EUGLOH Alliance, one of the first 17 alliances of the European Commission's "European University Initiative". This highly structuring action includes a very active Erasmus+ training component (more than 10 project managers have been deployed within the schools, components, and associated universities; for any questions or proposals for action: eugloh.upsaclay@universite-paris-saclay.fr), which is gradually being completed by a research component.
In this context, a call for projects for 4 international thesis co-supervision (four ½ funding) is proposed to the communities of the Université Paris-Saclay (university components, school components, associated universities and research organizations).
- The terms of this call are described in more details here : https://www.universite-paris-saclay.fr/en/call-projects-international-eugloh-dual-phd-degrees
White PhD programs
Université Paris-Saclay is funding PhD projects in the different themes of the different Graduates Schools (GS) and the 21 doctoral schools.
You will find the details of these programs below
Biology / Health / Society / Ecology & Environment / Resources / Agriculture & Food / Plant / Ecology / Evolution
Chemical Sciences / Organic Chemistry / Inorganic Chemistry / Analysis and Instrumentation / Biosystems and Biochemistry
Computer Science
Algorithmics / Artificial Intelligence / Automation / Bioinformatics / Cybersecurity / Data Science / Formal Methods / High Performance Computing / Human-Computer Interactions / Image Processing / Internet of Things ...
Earth, Climate, Environment and Planetery Sciences
Geosciences / Environment / Planets / Pollution / Natural resources management / Greenhouse gases / Paleoclimate / Geochemistry / Geophysics / Geomorphology / Geodynamic / Biogeosciences / Space exploration...
Engineering and Systems Sciences
Automatic / Robotics / Signal / Images / Communications / Structures / Materials / Mechanics / Civil Engineering / Energy / Processes / Telecommunications / Optics / Electronics / Electrical Engineering / Microsystems...
Health and drugs
Drug Design and Vectorization / Biochemistry and Structural Biology / Biotherapies / Chemistry / Therapeutic Targets / Immunology / Microbiology / Pharmacology / Pharmacotechnics / Physiopathology / Toxicology
Human and Social Sciences
Culture / Data / Employment / Epistemology / Environment / Media / Heritage / Public policies / Professions / Knowledge / Territories / Work
Law, Economy & Management
(under construction)
Life Sciences and Health
oncology / biochemistry / cell biology / developmental biology / molecular biology / structural biology / systems and synthetic biology / epidemiology / molecular evolution / genetics / genomics...
Fundamental Mathematics / Applied Mathematics / Mathematics at the interfaces with other sciences
Public Health
Public Health / Epidemiology / Biostatistics / Clinical Research / Statistical Genetics / Economic and Social Sciences of Health / Medical Ethics / Medical Anthropology
Sport, Movement, Human Factors
Human and Social Sciences / Life Sciences / Engineering / Information Sciences / Ergonomics
Research is undeniably the best investment for the future. The Université Paris-Saclay is launching a program called MOPGA, Make Our Planet Great Again, for young Chinese researchers who wish to confront major environmental issues and climate change management. The brilliant young students selected will benefit from thesis grants (BGF) in the laboratories of the 14th best university in the world (ARWU 2020), Université Paris-Saclay,
Each year, the CEA recruits PhD students under several funding and co-financing programs. CEA doctoral contracts are awarded after a favorable opinion from the selection commission chaired by the Atomic Energy High Commissioner. The doctoral student's activity is monitored by the scientific management of his or her division, the INSTN and any industrial or regional partners for co-financed thesis.
Each year, ONERA welcomes more than 80 new PhD students in 5 scientific fields: Materials and Structures, Fluid Mechanics and Energetics, Physics, Advanced Digital Simulation, Information Processing and Systems. To be eligible for a thesis contract at ONERA, candidates, whether they are university graduates or graduates of a grande école or engineering school, must hold a Master's degree issued by a university or a diploma allowing them to obtain authorization to register for a thesis from the doctoral school. The award of an ONERA thesis contract is made after a favourable opinion from the Selection Commission chaired by the Scientific Director General of ONERA, which meets during the last two weeks of June.
Répartition des doctorants dans les 5 domaines scientifiques - (pdf 309.89 Ko)
As part of its mission to provide training in and through research, the CNRS funds doctoral contracts. The CNRS does not organize a national campaign for the recruitment of PhD students. Candidates must contact a host laboratory directly and then contact the CNRS institute where their research theme falls, to find out if funding for a doctorate is possible, depending on the admissibility of their project.
INRIA is organized around five research areas for which contractual PhD students are recruited each year.
- ICST for Life and Environmental Sciences
- Applied mathematics, calculation and simulation
- Perception, cognition, interaction
- Networks, systems and services, distributed computin
- Algorithms, programming, software and architectures
Who can apply?
- Candidates must hold a Master's degree in computer science, automation, mathematics, scientific computing or an equivalent degree
- Candidates must apply for a position at a different geographical site from the one where they obtained their Master's degree (mobility condition).
- Priority will be given to subjects related to the Institute's priority themes.
- No nationality requirement.
- One application file must be written for each subject proposed by the host research center.
To find information on the application campaign and answers to frequently asked questions.
The French National Research Agency (ANR) is a funding agency for research projects. The ANR addresses both public research institutions and companies. Calls for projects are launched at various times of the year depending on the research theme.
The calls for projects can be found on the ANR website
PhD students funded by an ANR project and registered in a PhD program at the Université Paris-Saclay will be able to sign a PhD contract with the institution member or associated to the Université Paris-Saclay in which they will prepare their PhD. ANR project leaders are advised to include in their funding plan a sufficient budget to finance a doctoral contract with a complementary mission. These complementary missions can indeed be decisive for the career of future young PhDs. They fall into the category of actions in favour of the career development of the personnel recruited within the framework of the project, which is a positive point for the evaluation of the project…
The HORIZON 2020 program brings together the European Union's funding for research and innovation and is based on three main priorities: scientific excellence, industrial primacy and societal challenges.
- Consult the calls for proposals on the H2020 portal
- Access to the offer of thesis subjects proposed for a doctoral contract funded by a European research project
- Refer to the admission procedure, download the models of commission or Jury report
PhD students funded by an H2020 project and enrolled in a PhD program at the Université Paris-Saclay will be able to sign a PhD contract with the member or associate institution of the Université Paris-Saclay in which they will prepare their PhD. H2020 project leaders are advised to include in their funding plan a sufficient budget to finance a doctoral contract with complementary missions. These complementary missions can indeed be decisive for the career of future young PhDs. They fall into the category of actions in favor of the career development of personnel recruited in the framework of the project.
For European programs specifically dedicated to doctoral training (CoFund, ITN, EJD, etc.), project leaders must indicate the University as a partner and, if applicable, as a beneficiary.
The collective research strategy of the Université Paris-Saclay partners has allowed the financing of ambitious, inter-institutional and/or interdisciplinary research programs conducted by laboratories of excellence and institutes. In some cases, these programs include doctoral projects that are the subject of calls for applications from Labexes and institutes.