Disciplinary fields
GS - Physic
DS #576 PHENIICS | Particles, Hadrons, Energy and Nucleus: Instrumentation, Imaging, Cosmos and Simulation
DS #564 PIF | Physics, Ile-de-France
- Physics
DS #127 AAIF | Astronomy and Astrophysics, Ile-de-France
- Astronomy and Astrophysics
DS #572 EDOM | Waves and Matter
- Physics
GS - Chemistry
DS #571 2MIB | Chemical sciences : Molecules, Materials, Instrumentation and Biosystems
GS - BioSphera | Biology, Society, Ecology & Environment, Resources, Agriculture & Food
DS #581 ABIES | Agriculture Food Biology Environment and Health
DS #567 SEVE| Plant Science: from Genes to the Ecosystem
GS - Maths
DS #566 SSMMH | Sports and Human Movement Sciences
GS - ISN | Computer and Digital Sciences
DS #580 STIC | IT and Communications Sciences and Technologies
GS - SIS | Engineering and Systems Sciences
DS #580 STIC | IT and Communications Sciences and Technologies
DS #575 EOBE | Electrical, Optical and Bio Engineering
DS #573 INTERFACES | Interfaces - Materials, systems, uses
DS #579 SMEMaG | Applied Mechanics, Energetics, Materials and Earth Sciences
GS - GCE | Geosciences, Climate, Environment, Planets
DS #579 SMEMaG | Applied Mechanics, Energetics, Materials and Earth Sciences
DS #129 SEIF | Ile-de-France Environmental Sciences
- Geosciences
GS - SanPub | Public Health
DS #570 EDSP | Public Health
GS - HeaDS | Health and Drug Sciences
DS #569 ITFA | Therapeutic Innovation
GS - HSP | Humanity, Heritage Sciences
DS #629 SHS |Social Sciences and Humanity
GS - E&M | Economy & Management
DS #630 DEM| Law, economics, management
GS - Right
DS #630 DEM| Law, economics, management
GS - LSaH | Life Sciences and Health
DS #582 CBMS | Oncology, Biology, Medicine, Health
- Cancer Sciences
DS #577 SDSV | Structure and Dynamic of Living Systems
DS #568 BIOSIGNE | Signling and Integrative Networks in Biology