PhD Diploma
The title of Doctor is conferred as of right by the University Paris-Saclay to Doctoral Diploma holders. It could be conferred only on doctoral candidates duly enrolled during the year of their thesis defence.
The PhD degree can not be conferred retroactively.
The diploma is made by imprimerie nationale, based on the data indicated by doctoral candidates in the information system Adum, which compliance will be garantied by the new doctor (signed compliance form)
- In the meantime, you can request a certificate of achievment from the doctoral school you belong
The relevant information on doctoral diploma is available on national portal in French and in English as well as on the European portal Dart Europe.
- The link to the metadata of your defense on any of these portals can be used as a digital certificate
Certificate of achievment
The schooling service of the enrolling institution issues, to PhD students who request it, a certificate of achievement of the PhD degree. For that, PhD students must ensure that all of the administrative procedures necessary to ask the withdrawal of their diploma had been made via ADUM
- 2nd electronic deposit attestation of the thesis and the " conditions of diffusion of his thesis " dated and signed by the new doctor
- Request for the production of his/her diploma, dated and signed by the doctoral student
More information on the conditions for issuing the certificate
Withdrawal of diplomas
Withdraw your diploma during the Graduation Ceremony
- Ensure that you have followed all of the steps required to be invited to the ceremony of the year
- The 2022 PhD Graduation Ceremony was held on July
- The date of the 2023 PhD Graduation Ceremony has not yet been set
- You can find out about the registration procedure for this event -
Present yourself at the graduation office within the time slot specified on the program of the ceremony, and with a valid identity document
Are considered as an identification document : national ID card, passport, driving license (for French nationals)
Withdraw your diploma during the year
- Make sure you have taken all the necessary administrative steps to withdraw your diploma via the ADUM tool.
- Second deposit made and validated with your library
- Diploma production request signed and sent to your school - When your diploma parchment is available, you will be informed by your ED assistant or doctoral school administrator, who will send you a link to make an appointment. You can then choose the time slot that suits you best.
- Once the appointment made, present yourself with a valid identity document. Are considered as an identification document : national ID card, passport, driving license (for French nationals)

Have your diploma withdraw by a third party
If you can not get your diploma yourself, you entrust a third party to do it (see procedure). For this, you will need:
As for the withdrawal in person, to ensure that all of the administrative procedures necessary to ask the withdrawal of your diploma had been made via ADUM
- 2nd electronic deposit attestation of the thesis and the " conditions of diffusion of his thesis " dated and signed by the new doctor
- Request for the production of his/her diploma, dated and signed by the doctoral student - To establish a proxy to that third party
- To contact the graduation departement to make an appointment at the adress bellow :
This appointment can be made by the doctor or the third party - Once the appointment made, the third party has to present himself with a valid identity document
- Are considered as an identification document : national ID card, passport, driving license (for French nationals)
The department of academic affairs will contact you when the diplomas will be available (see procedure).
Receive your diploma in a French consulate or embassy abroad
If you or a third party cannot come in person to the graduation service, your diploma will therefore be sent through the service of the diplomatic pouch to the relevant embassy or consulate of France.
- We will not send diplomas either by mail or by private service (see procedure). For this you will need:
- As for the withdrawal in person, to ensure that all of the administrative procedures necessary to ask the withdrawal of your diploma had been made via ADUM
- 2nd electronic deposit attestation of the thesis and the " conditions of diffusion of his thesis " dated and signed by the new doctor
- Request for the production of his/her diploma, dated and signed by the doctoral student - To search the consulate or embassy of France in the nearest to your place of residence abroad
- To make a request to send the degree abroad via this form
- To contact the graduation department to make an appointment at the adress bellow : - To send by email to the graduation deprtment the following documents :
- Proof of residence abroad
- A copy of a valid identity document
- Are considered as an identification document : national ID card, passport, driving license (for French nationals)
The department will contact you when the diplomas will be available (see procedure).
In case of a loss, theft, destruction, or error on a diploma
In case of loss, theft, or destruction of the diploma, a duplicate diploma can be issued.
If the diploma had an error, the erroneous diploma will have to be returned and destroyed by the national printing office and a corrected diploma will have to be made.
>>> Download the forms to ask for a duplicate of a diploma or for a correction