The research stay agreement - doctoral students
The multi-annual research programming law (LPR) passed on 24 December 2020 created a new scheme to make it easier for foreign researchers and doctoral students to receive grants: the "research stay", as defined in article L. 434-1 of the Research Code.
The host person must sign a research stay agreement with the host institution, which sets out the terms and conditions of the funding and, in particular, the total amount of funding received by the host person (grant and any additional funding from the host establishment). The total amount determines the type of visa (talent passport or student visa).
By decision CA-2022-062 of 05 July 2022, the Board of Governors of University Paris-Saclay approved the payment by the research units of monthly supplements to foreign students enrolled on a doctoral scholarship, up to a limit of 50% of the annual ceiling mentioned in article L.241-3 of the Social Security Code. This supplement does not constitute a salary.
The research residency agreement is processed by Maison du doctorat if the following conditions are met:
- The doctoral student is the beneficiary of a scholarship awarded according to scientific criteria by a foreign government or institution or by the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs (MEAE).
- The doctoral student is registered at the University of Paris-Saclay (UPSaclay).
- The doctoral student is hosted by a laboratory for which UPSaclay employer is the host tutelle (see the list of laboratories and contacts, coming soon).
The doctoral student receives total funding at least equal to the minimum monthly remuneration for contractual doctoral students under public law, as defined by ministerial decree, in order to qualify for a Talent Passport visa (if not, he/she will only be eligible for a student visa).
Step 1:
The director of the research unit, the thesis supervisor and the doctoral student together complete the research stay agreement.
Step 2:
The requested documents are attached to the agreement by the doctoral student, the thesis supervisor and the director of the research unit.
Step 3:
The director of the research unit and the thesis director check the research stay agreement and the attached documents. They endorse the document.
The stamp should be placed on the last page of the document.
Step 4:
The document and attachments are sent to the doctoral school, which reviews and checks the information.
After approving the last page, the doctoral school forwards the agreement and attachments to Maison du Doctorat for checking and signature using this form.
Step 5:
The agreement is placed on the electronic platform for signature by the doctoral student and then by the Deputy Vice-President in charge of doctoral studies. A signed copy is then sent to the doctoral student and the doctoral school by Maison du doctorat.
Step 6 :
The director of the research unit, the thesis supervisor and the doctoral student complete the hosting agreement (Cerfa no. 16079-03) on the basis of the signed research residence agreement and send it to the research administration department of the component to which the doctoral student's host laboratory belongs for signature, attaching the signed research residence agreement.
- 1. "Talent passport" mention
- The doctoral student must justify a level of funding at least equal to the minimum monthly remuneration for contractual doctoral students under public law, as defined by ministerial decree, in order to obtain the "Passeport talent" VLS. The calculation of total funding takes into account any additional funding paid by the host institution. This top-up can take various forms (housing assistance, mission expenses, etc.).
NB: The top-up does not constitute a salary. It may take the form of housing assistance or mission expenses.
However, it may not take the form of :
Temporary remuneration. If the doctoral student works on an occasional basis, he/she is classed as a salaried researcher and is not covered by the research residency scheme.
Computer and office equipment purchases
Courses open automatically to doctoral students
In order to apply for a visa, the doctoral student must provide the consular services with the hosting agreement (Cerfa n° 16079*03) signed jointly by the host establishment and the person concerned. The hosting agreement states that the doctoral student is being hosted under a research residence agreement in application of article L. 434-1 of the French Research Code.
One of the advantages of the "Passeport talent" permit is that it allows foreign doctoral students and researchers to travel with their families. In this case, family members can apply for a "Family Talent Passport".
2. "Student" permit
If the beneficiary of the research residence permit does not meet the means test, he/she may apply for a "Student" visa or a long-stay visa for studies.
This "student" residence permit does not apply to family members, who may apply for a "visitor" visa. However, doctoral students are authorised to carry out a secondary activity, up to a limit of 60% of the annual working time.
NB: The maximum duration of the agreement is three years, renewable twice for a further year up to the duration of the funding.
- If you have any questions about this scheme, please contact the international PhD Axis of Maison du doctorat: conv-sej.doctorants@universite-paris-saclay.fr
- To learn more about this agreements, please consult the Campus France FAQ.