Open Science at Université Paris-Saclay
Open science is defined in the second National Open Science Plan as the unhindered dissemination of the results, methods and products of scientific research. It is based on the opportunity presented by digital change to develop open access to publications and - as far as possible - to data, source codes and research methods.
Open Science at Université Paris-Saclay
A Deputy Vice-President of Open Science (Deputy VP SO) within the University's Research Vice-presidency is responsible for Université Paris-Saclay's open science policy. The Department of Libraries, Information and Open Science (DiBISO) implements this open science policy and coordinates its deployment across the entire scope of Université Paris-Saclay, in partnership with the relevant stakeholders.
The Open Science Steering Committee of Université Paris-Saclay is led by the Deputy VP SO and the Director of DiBISO. The committee is made up of 10 volunteer researchers from a variety of fields and 10 experts in scientific and technical documentation, who represent Université Paris-Saclay as closely as possible, including the universities of Evry and Versailles-Saint Quentin. The role of this steering committee is to advise the Deputy VP, make proposals and reflect on proposed projects and their prioritisation.
Each Graduate School and Institute (GS&I) has appointed a correspondent to represent its GS&I on open science issues. Twice a year (and as often as necessary), meetings of the aforementioned Steering Committee are extended to the GS&I Open Science correspondents, to ensure that the University's action is appropriate for each field of research.
Single Document for Open Science
Université Paris-Saclay is committed to open science and, in June 2022, set out its ambitions in its "Single Document for Open Science". This document is both an inventory of the services implemented and an action plan. It will be updated regularly to monitor the progress of the projects and the strategy.
Download the Single Document for Open Science at Université Paris-Saclay (pdf)
The 8 priority objectives for open science
- Make open access the rule for all University scientific publications
- Promote the FAIR principles and opening of research data produced within Université Paris-Saclay
- Contribute to the EOSC (European Open Science Cloud)
- Develop the skills required for open science
- Reward and encourage open science practices within the University
- Encourage the use of new metrics in the analysis of the University's scientific output
- Take part in promoting research integrity through open science
- Encourage citizen science in University research projects