How to deposit in HAL ?



You want to deposit your scientific production in Hal. Here are the different steps:

  1. Go to the Hal Paris-Saclay portal > sign in > upload
  2. Upload a file and/or add a DOI
  3. Add and/or modify the mandatory information (about the document and authors)
  4. Register the deposit

Points to watch:

  • To deposit, you must be signed in and have an account with Hal.
  • Before your deposit, check that your document has not already been deposited on the Hal generic portal, to avoid duplication. It may have been deposited on another portal and/or by one of your co-authors.
  • Ask all the document's co-authors for permission to deposit.
  • Check that you have the right to upload your file [link to page: which version of the article to deposit].
  • You can rename your file using the format: author1_author2_date
  • During the deposit, authors must be properly affiliated to their laboratory. If the authors are from countries other than France, you can indicate their universities more broadly.
  • Enter as much information as possible: link to your ANR or European project, data set DOI, etc.
  • If you can provide your co-authors' IdHal, it makes it easier to share your deposit with them.

And after the deposit:
you can manage your deposits through: My account > my deposits: edit and/or delete metadata or records.
Now's the time to showcase your work by sharing it on the social networks and creating your own digital identity.

Need help?
The Center for Direct Scientific Communication (CCSD) offers tutorials.