Frequently asked questions about HAL

Questions about HAL

If you lose your HAL login or password, recovery functions are available on the HAL login page: to access them, click on "Forgotten login" or "Forgotten password" depending on your situation.

A HAL account is a login-password combination allowing you to sign into HAL and access HAL's deposit and management services. Having a HAL account does not automatically mean having an idHAL. Your idHAL is the profile you create and manage on HAL: it groups together the publications that belong to you and allows you to edit your HAL CV. You cannot create it without a HAL account. It also "validates" your profile.

You can only create an idHAL if you have a HAL account. The idHAL must be associated with a HAL account. The login and password are always those for the HAL account.

A special help page gives you all the information you need to create your idHAL, as well as associated services (simplified publication deposit, HAL CV editing). If in doubt, please contact us:

When you are connected to HAL with your HAL account, you will see a "request ownership" button at the bottom of the publication description pages. This button allows you to let the depositor know that you, as co-author, wish to have the right to modify the deposit. Once you have ownership of the deposit, you can change the affiliation or author form used. If you do not receive a reply, please contact your laboratory's research coordinator, who will make the necessary changes.

If a former laboratory to which you were affiliated no longer exists and does not appear in the list of affiliations available on HAL, you can either create it at the time of deposit, in which case it will appear as an unvalidated structure, or ask to have the structure created and validated on HAL. Certain information will be required to create a structure in HAL (dates of existence, address, etc.).


The University of Paris-Saclay can help you

Do you have a question or comment about HAL and/or the university portal, or about the "BiblioHAL" repository application?

We can answer you at this address: