Labex P2IO

Labex P2IO - Physics of two infinities and origins

A response to the big questions from the infinitely small (particle physics) to the infinitely large (cosmology).

 Laboratoire d'excellence (labex)

A laboratory of excellence invested in research

The P2IO LabEx is based on a unique concentration of internationally elite laboratories that cover a very broad range of both experimental and theoretical disciplines (particle physics, nuclear physics, astroparticle physics, astrophysics and accelerator science) and instrumentation and its interfaces.

P2IO activities revolve around:

  • the creation of an advanced interdisciplinary research dynamic;
  • strengthening this dynamic through research and development;
  • increasing the impact of this science and associated technology in society (medicine, nuclear energy).

P2IO attempts to provide responses to complex issues posed by experimental and theoretical physics, from the infinitely small to the infinitely large, on the origins of the conditions for the creation of life. The LabEx has instruments of excellence to produce, detect and analyse radiation.

Exploration, processing and structuring: the keys to P2IO

The LabEx is based on three keystones: exploration, processing and structuring. Exploration will benefit from strong support with innovative interdisciplinary initiatives, and new collaborations focused on the most promising themes among the P2IO scientific objectives.

Four research subjects with the greatest discovery potential have been selected:

  • symmetries in the subatomic world;
  • dark components of the universe;
  • strongly coupled nuclear matter;
  • star formation and the conditions for the emergence of life.

Three technology subjects have also been identified as the most promising:

  • innovations in accelerator science and their applications;
  • new generation sensors and their impact;
  • data simulation and mining.

Finally, two interdisciplinary themes:

  • nuclear energy for the future;
  • new health imaging and therapy methods.

Collaboration and integration at the heart of the P2IO LabEx for international excellence

Greater horizontal collaboration among partners will have enormous added value. By further combining the strengths of P2IO to create joint technology platforms, the LabEx can build world-class infrastructures, thereby propelling its research to unprecedented levels. On an international level, projects supported by the LabEx will have a greater impact than if they were supported by individual laboratories.

The tools in this transformation will be concerted actions to advance joint technology platforms with a new access policy for users, P2IO governance and finally the resultant joint dynamics. The structuring will reflect the integrated governance, and its role as a point of contact for internal and external collaborations at the plateau de Saclay.

P2IO fully integrated into the education strategy at Campus Paris-Saclay

The P2IO LabEx is fully integrated into the Campus Paris-Saclay strategy and is a leading stakeholder in promoting its international visibility. The very ambitious LabEx training and education program aims to better utilise the remarkable technological and human potential of its partners. The LabEx will serve as a unique interface for inter-LabEx collaborations involving P2IO teams. Optimised access to P2IO LabEx technological platforms will be offered to other members of the Campus Paris-Saclay.

Finally, the quality of the instrumentation in the LabEx and associated innovations, world-class R&D platforms, and its direct links with industry will be a key asset in the industrial strategy of the campus.

More than 1,800 lecturer-researchers and engineers

The undertakings of the P2IO LabEx will principally be two tenders for temporary researchers at all levels and preliminary R&D. The LabEx P2IO consists of nine laboratories and three teams from four tutorships: CEA, CNRS, Ecole Polytechnique, Université Paris-Sud and includes a total of 1,800 lecturer-researchers and engineers.


