A multidisciplinary vision and a "systems" approach to applied engineering in three key areas: sustainable development, energy and health.
A research and education centre in engineering sciences and systems
LaSIPS and its partners will develop a world-class research and education environment in the field of engineering sciences and systems, which constitutes the main interface between academia and industry.
LaSIPS has a multidisciplinary vision focused on sustainable development, energy and health.
LaSIPS is developing a multidisciplinary vision and a "systems" approach in three interrelated areas of science:
- Mechanical Engineering
- Bio & Medical Engineering
- Electrical Engineering
The main scientific areas of the LabEx are:
- Materials-structures-fluids interaction: testing, modelling and simulation of structures and materials, reduction and integration of models, fluid coupling structure and active control;
- Processes for medicine and energy, biomechanics and biomimetics;
- Low-carbon energy systems, electrical systems for the transport and conversion of energy, the behaviour of micro and nano systems and bioelectric engineering (microarrays).
The multidisciplinary approach, based on innovative design and engineering, thereby involves three major societal challenges: sustainable development, energy and health.
A workforce to match the objectives
The LabEx's partner laboratories have 555 researchers, and a total of 1,540 people, including doctoral and post-doctoral students.
At the core of the LabEx are 271 researchers, including world-renowned scientists such as Professors Candel, Pineau, Huerre, Bui, Nguyen Quoc Son, Chaboche, Ladeveze and Zyss.
LaSIPS LabEx's 28 partner laboratories are mostly associated with the CNRS and other institutions: Supélec, Ecole Centrale Paris, ENS Cachan, Université Paris-Sud, Ecole Polytechnique, Mines ParisTech, ENSTA ParisTech, EDF and CEA, Onera.
LaSIPS is also heavily involved in education. The LabEx promotes interactions and convergences in its field at the Masters and Doctorate level, the strengthening of relationships with schools/universities, and the development of teaching platforms, schools for PhD students, etc.
LaSIPS LabEx consists of three centres that are organised around a central LaSIPS governance. These centres coordinate their own scientific fields and contribute greatly to cross-disciplinary projects. The LaSIPS governance is responsible for overall leadership and ensures strategy is consistent with the future Université Paris-Saclay.
Collaboration and education at the LaSIPS centre
LaSIPS will share many projects with other LabExes that will benefit from scientific synergies. The LaSIPS LabEx, DigiCosme LabEx and NanoSaclay LabEx form the scientific basis for the IRT (Instituts de recherche technologiques – Technology research institutes) SystemX and its industrial partners. LaSIPS will participate in projects set up by the IRT SystemX and by two IEED (Institut d'Excellence des Energies Décarbonnées – Institute of Excellence in Low-carbon Energies), VeDeCom and PS2E. The development of this research will benefit existing Carnot institutes and the SATT being created at Saclay.
LaSIPS governance and funding
Governance of the LaSIPS LabEx consists of an executive committee, a Scientific Advisory Board and a panel of laboratory and masters program directors. The director and deputy director coordinate activities and represent the LabExes across the University. The Scientific Advisory Board, comprised of leading experts and representatives of other LabExes, IRT and tutorships, evaluates and renews scientific projects, and decides on changes in the scope of the laboratory.
LaSIPS funding is allocated based on the following criteria:
- initiating scientific projects on the basis of originality, interdisciplinarity and excellence;
- increasing appeal to students and young researchers;
- increasing international visibility, organising scientific and educational events.
Laboratoire d'excellence (labex)