PhD defense
« La formation doctorale est une formation à et par la recherche et une expérience professionnelle de recherche. Elle conduit à la production de connaissances nouvelles. Elle comprend un travail personnel de recherche réalisé par le doctorant. […] Elle est sanctionnée par la délivrance du diplôme national de doctorat ». « Le diplôme de doctorat est délivré après la soutenance d'une thèse ou la présentation d'un ensemble de travaux scientifiques originaux."*
"Doctoral training is a training for and through research, and a professional research experience. It leads to the production of new knowledge. It includes personal researck work carried out by the doctoral studend [...] It is endorsed by the issuance of the national doctoral degree". "The doctoral degree is awarded after the defense of a thesis or the presentationof a set of original scientific works".
This PhD Defense Guide has several objectives:
- Support PhD students, PhD students and their supervisors in the preparation of PhD defense
- Present the statutory framework by contextualizing it and providing insights
- Present the defense procedure, step by step
- Provide answers ti frequently asked questions and recommendations
- Provide various resources, links for more information on specific topics, useful forms and templates, such as the thesis cover page template, orr thesis confidential filing request form
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Documents and resources
Thesis cover template and style sheet
Above, the template including a style sheet and guidelines for the composition of thesis covers.