La Maison du Doctorat
In a perspective of continuous improvement of the service provided to the actors and beneficiaries of doctoral training, the Université Paris-Saclay has created a Maison du Doctorat. The Maison du Doctorat is the administrative department that implements the strategic orientations of the doctoral college and the governance of the University. To ensure geographical proximity, the Maison du Doctorat has two offices located in Versailles and Evry.
The administrative team of the Maison du Doctorat implements the missions that have been entrusted to it. These missions focus on two main areas:
Missions related to the operational implementation of the doctoral training policy
- Ensure a framework of common practices
- Animate the network of administrative staff supporting the PhD
- Develop the international attractiveness of the Université Paris-Saclay doctorate
- To ensure the promotion and visibility of the Université Paris-Saclay doctorate
Transversal missions transferred by the doctoral schools to the doctoral college (Art. 3 arrêté 25 mai 2016)
- Strengthen the support mechanisms for the development of doctoral students' skills and their post-doctoral careers in the public and private sectors
- Coordinate and develop cross-disciplinary training through the "doctoral career" pathways
- Implementing the follow-up of the professional future of PhDs and developing relations with the socio-economic world
- A doctoral center to serve supervisors
Director | Hamida MULLER | direction.doctorat@universite-paris-saclay.fr |
Deputy director | Willy SAINT-PRIX | direction.doctorat@universite-paris-saclay.fr |
Executive Assistant | Aurélien PICHEREAU | direction.doctorat@universite-paris-saclay.fr diplomes.doctorat@universite-paris-saclay.fr |
In charge of administration and steering | Najla GHIFARI | direction.doctorat@universite-paris-saclay.fr contrat.doctoral@universite-paris-saclay.fr |
In charge of the promotion of the PhD | Olivia MEKHICI | ceremonie.doctorat@universite-paris-saclay.fr mt180.upsaclay@universite-paris-saclay.fr |
In charge of transversal Training | Yoann STEPHAN | formations.doctorat@universite-paris-saclay.fr |
In charge of the international axis | Essma ALEM | cotutelles.internationales@universite-paris-saclay.fr csc.phd@universite-paris-saclay.fr adi.upsaclay@université-paris-saclay.fr |
Head of Domain Quality and Survey Management | Martine MIGEON | enquetes.doctorat@universite-paris-saclay.fr |
- The doctoral college brings together all the entities in charge of organizing doctoral training at the Université Paris-Saclay.
- The 21 doctoral schools of the Université Paris-Saclay organize doctoral training in each scientific field for half of them within the framework of co-accreditations.
- The Graduate Schools of the Université Paris-Saclay coordinate a set of master's degrees and training programs, doctoral schools and research teams organized around a theme, one or more disciplines, or a mission.
Maison du doctorat is hosted by ENS Paris-Saclay, you can come and meet us in our offices located on the 2nd floor of the West building.
Adress : 4 avenue des Sciences - 91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
Bus station : "MOULON" (ligne 9, 91.06, 91.10)
Coordonnées GPS : Latitude Nord : 48° 42’ 47.318 // Longitude Est : 2° 9’ 43.715 // Latitude : 48.713144 // Longitude : 2.162143
Contact Us
By mail : direction.doctorat@universite-paris-saclay.fr
By post :
Maison du Doctorat
(service ou nom de la personne)
ENS Paris-Saclay
4 avenue des Sciences
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
Come and visit us
La Maison du doctorat est hébergée par l'ENS Paris-Saclay, vous pouvez venir nous rencontrer dans nos bureaux situés au 2e étage du bâtiment Ouest.
Adresse : 4 avenue des Sciences
91190 Gif-sur-Yvette
Station de bus : "MOULON" (ligne 9, 91.06, 91.10)
Coordonnées GPS : Latitude Nord : 48° 42’ 47.318 // Longitude Est : 2° 9’ 43.715 // Latitude : 48.713144 // Longitude : 2.162143
Find us on social networks
LinkedIn : Maison du Doctorat - Université Paris-Saclay
Group for doctoral students and PhDs (offers) : Doctorants & Alumni - Université Paris-Saclay