Doctoral missions

Missions offered by the Université Paris-Saclay during the PhD

Choosing to carry out an assignment that complements your research work is a real opportunity to discover, through practice, the different professions open to PhDs. It is also an opportunity to apply your skills as a young researcher, to enrich your training and your professional experience, and to better prepare for the rest of your professional life. 

Different doctoral missions

The teaching mission is carried out within a teaching team of an institution of higher education. It will allow you to carry out an annual teaching service with students. 

This service is at most equal to one third of the annual teaching service of reference for teacher-researchers, i.e. 42 hours of lectures, 64 hours of tutorials or practical work or any equivalent combination.
These 64 hours correspond to one-sixth of the doctoral student's annual working time, i.e. a total of 268 hours of actual work. They therefore include the time dedicated to activities related to these courses (preparation of subjects or answer keys, exam supervision, correction of papers, oral exam juries, coordination meetings, etc.).

A pedagogical tutor accompanies you and follows the progress of your teaching mission. Pedagogical training is provided as part of the "higher education" program to help you accomplish your mission.

To know more about the course :

Within the framework of these missions, you will be required to promote the research activities, achievements and skills of teacher-researchers and researchers in the laboratories, to students, secondary school teachers, actors in the socio-economic world and citizens.

You will work in a scientific mediation structure or a center for scientific and technical culture, a department (of communication and its scientific communication pole), an association or a laboratory.

The MISS (Maison d'initiation et de sensibilisation aux sciences) is a project supported by the Université Paris-Saclay, the Ile-de-France Region and the CNRS. Located in building 204 on the Orsay-Bures campus, the MISS offers students from 8 to 15 years old the opportunity to take part in a workshop designed by a researcher or a teacher-researcher. The facilitators of these activities are all doctoral students on doctoral missions. Share your taste for science. Benefit from training in scientific mediation and put it into practice.

The Université Paris-Saclay's Brand and Communication Department offers doctoral missions to write scientific journalism articles published on the University's Sciences website dedicated to research and innovation news, in the Université Paris-Saclay's newspaper L'Édition de l'Université Paris-Saclay, or in the magazine Paris-Saclay Science et Société (PSSST), which is aimed at high school students.
Other departments of the University offer doctoral missions focused on the development of art-science works or the promotion of a scientific collection. 
Develop your expertise in project management, discover enriching ways to make the world of research accessible to as many people as possible and encourage the sharing of knowledge.

The mission of disseminating scientific and technical information is spread over 32 days per year.

These missions are part of the "Communication, Scientific Mediation" course as well as being put into practice. Université Paris-Saclay has many initiatives that may interest you (MISS/MACCS)

To know more about the course :

Within the framework of the activity of "valorization of the results of scientific and technical research", you will have for mission the valorization of the results of the research, for example by working on the negotiation of contracts of research collaboration or valorization, the transfer of technology, the protection of the results, the detection of technologies, methodologies and projects of research valorizable, etc. 
The aim of the mission is not to valorize the results of one's own research but to appropriate external projects in order to define a valorization strategy.
The department that initiates the mission provides appropriate supervision to accompany and monitor the implementation of the projects.

The mission of valorization of research results is spread over 32 days per year.

Within the Université Paris-Saclay, the Partnership and Valorization pole of the Research and Valorization Department (DiReV) is actively involved in training for valorization jobs and offers complementary valorization missions to PhD students. 

During the valorization mission, you will be welcomed within the DiReV and supervised by the valorization business managers in order to participate in the various stages of the process of valorization of research results scientific and technical since their detection in the laboratories of the University until their transfer towards the socio-economic world (possibly via the creation of a start-up).

The activities we offer are designed to help you discover a maximum of key know-how in the field of intellectual property and technology transfer: detection of potential innovations, patentability study, patent procedure, drafting of financing applications, contractual negotiation...

At the end of this mission, you will have been introduced to the protection of intellectual property, to technical and economic maturation and to contracts related to commercialization. You will also have developed your communication and negotiation skills and built up an address book through dialogue with a wide range of contacts (researchers, business managers, lawyers, consultants, project managers, etc.).

More information

The missions of expertise (also called "doctoral consultant") correspond to consultancy activities carried out in a company, a local authority, an administration, a public institution or an association. 

These activities may include auditing and methodological, scientific and technical advice; training of personnel and clients; technology watch; documentary research; market or feasibility studies...
Through these activities, you will be able to complete your professional experience by applying your skills as a young researcher in a context different from that of your research work. 

In return, the company benefits from your original ideas, your intellectual freshness and your creativity. 
It provides appropriate supervision to accompany you and monitor the implementation of the projects.

The "Tous Experts" program offered to doctoral students at the Université Paris-Saclay prepares you for the job of consultant and expert, through the expertise or consultancy missions that you can carry out.

The expertise mission is spread over 32 days per year.

More information

Conditions of access to doctoral missions

 Only doctoral students with a doctoral contract (employment contract in the sense of decree 2009-464 of April 23, 2009) for the preparation of their doctorate may be recruited. 



You are a doctoral student of the Université Paris-Saclay or of another university, and you have signed (or will sign) a doctoral contract (as defined by the decree 2009-464 of April 23, 2009) with the Université Paris-Saclay:

You can apply for all the proposed missions: teaching, dissemination of scientific and technical information, and valorization of research results.

PhD students preparing their PhD at the Université Paris-Saclay (administrative registration at the Université Paris-Saclay) have priority when recruiting for missions financed by the Université Paris-Saclay.
Your mission will be either integrated in the doctoral contract and you will receive a supplement of remuneration, or paid as a vacation.


You are a doctoral student registered or not at the Université Paris-Saclay and you have an employment contract (CDD-CDI: case of CIFRES, CEA contracts...) which is not a "doctoral contract", according to the decree 2009-464 of April 23, 2009:

You can apply for the missions in the framework of a combination of activities, and you will be paid in vacations.

Doctoral students preparing their doctorate in another institution can be recruited, but this can only be done if no doctoral student from the Université Paris-Saclay is a candidate, or if the candidates from the Université Paris-Saclay do not have the required skills to carry out the mission.


Campaign schedule and application procedures


First Step
Online application (1st phase): from June 10 to July 9, 2023 (included)

If you are selected at the end of the selection process, you will receive an email (end of July) and you will have to confirm your acceptance as soon as possible, otherwise the mission will be assigned to another candidate on the complementary list.

Second Step
Online application (2nd phase): September-October 2023

Third Step
Online application (3rd phase): Spring 2024(upcoming dates)


Application procedure

It is possible to submit an application for up to 3 different activities: teaching in 3 different disciplines, or for 3 doctoral assignments, or any equivalent combination.

If you are selected for multiple assignments, you will need to make a single choice very quickly to allow doctoral candidates on the waiting list to benefit from an assignment.To consult the detailed description of the assignments open for recruitment, and to submit one or more applications (starting from June 22, 2022), follow this link

Link to the list of positions and ADUM application

Attention! You must not only save your application, but you must also FINALIZE it (see the downloadable guide below).

Doctoral students registered administratively at Université Paris-Saclay will also be able to access the application module from their ADUM account, under the "Career Space" section of the "Personal Space" screen.

Documents to download:

  • The list of information required for the application. For candidates who already have an ADUM account, most of this information will be automatically retrieved.
  • A user guide for the ADUM module used for managing applications.