Councils and Assemblies
Council for Doctoral Policy (COPOL)
The doctoral college has a doctoral policy council which brings together the directors of the doctoral schools, the representatives of the components, component institutions, associate member universities and national partner research organisations, the representatives elected to the research commission of the academic council, doctoral students and the vice-president of research of the Université Paris-Saclay and the deputy vice-president in charge of the doctorate. The director of the doctoral college, on which the doctoral college relies to carry out its tasks, attends the meetings of this council as of right.
The Doctoral Policy Council shall set the University's main guidelines for doctoral education and shall give its opinion on proposals made to it by the assembly of directors of doctoral schools concerning the transfer of missions to the doctoral college, as well as on the University's internal regulations for doctoral studies proposed by this assembly and submitted for approval by the Academic Council's Research Commission.
The Doctoral Policy Council shall meet at least three times a year, at the invitation of its Chair or upon written request supported by at least one quarter of all Council members addressed to the Chair of the Council.
Assembly of Directors of Doctoral Schools (ADDED)
The assembly of doctoral school directors is a working body for activities and projects common to all doctoral schools and a professional network for sharing information, tools, methods and skills in doctoral education. It examines the proposals that are presented to the doctoral policy council. It makes proposals on the transfer of missions to the doctoral college, as well as on the internal regulations for doctoral studies at the University.
The Assembly of Directors of Doctoral Schools shall meet approximately once a month, convened by its President or upon written request supported by at least a quarter of all the directors of doctoral schools addressed to the Vice-President in charge of the doctoral programme.
Assembly of representatives of doctoral students in the Research Commission of the Academic Council and in the councils of doctoral schools (ARDOC)
The assembly of doctoral students' representatives brings together the representatives of doctoral students, elected to the Research Commission of the Academic Council and elected to the councils of the doctoral schools of the Université Paris-Saclay.
It is a forum for consultation, information sharing and exchanges on all issues of interest to its members, on activities and projects common to all the doctoral schools and on the subjects that are discussed at the doctoral policy council.
Committee of Representatives of the Socio-Economic Communities (CoRSE)
The committee of representatives of socio-economic circles meets once or twice a year, debates and contributes to questions relating to the professional future of PhDs, cross-disciplinary doctoral training in relation to professional outlets and the recognition of the Université Paris-Saclay doctorate by socio-economic circles.
Agenda of all meetings
(coming soon)
Meeting support documents
How to come?
The premises of the Maison du doctorat are hosted by ENS Paris-Saclay.
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