After the Defense
>>> Consult here all the reference documents related to the defense
Submission of the completed minutes of the defense and the defense report
Deadline : at the latest, three working days after the defense
At the end of the defense, the jury completes the minutes of the defense. The president signs the minutes, all the members of the jury present at the defense, except the thesis director since he does not take part in the decision, countersign it. If one of the members participated in the defense by videoconference, the president of the jury signs the minutes of the defense on behalf of the member not physically present.
If the jury asks the candidate to make major corrections to the thesis, the president of the jury completes and signs the letter designating the member of the jury responsible for checking the changes, and gives it to this member of the jury along with the certificate of verification of the corrections.
The president of the jury, or, failing that, a member of the jury designated by the president of the jury, or the thesis director, gives a copy of the minutes of the doctoral defense, duly completed and signed, to the Registrar's Office and sends the originals to the Maison du doctorat. The doctoral student may also submit the minutes.
A copy of the defense report must be given to the doctoral student.
Deadline: at the latest, one month after the defense
The defense report must be returned, completed, dated and signed, to the doctoral school of the institution where the thesis was prepared, if possible three working days after the defense and at the latest one month after the defense.
The president signs the defense report, and all the members of the jury present at the defense, including the thesis director, since he/she participates in the jury, countersign it.
If the space available for the defense report in the printout issued by ADUM is too small, it is recommended to include in the box the following sentence, countersigned by all the members of the Jury: "The Jury unanimously considers that the candidate is worthy of the title of doctor of the Université Paris-Saclay. A detailed report of the defense will be provided later by the president of the Jury"
Second electronic deposit
Within a maximum of 3 months after the defense
- 1 month for minor corrections left under the responsibility of the author (the doctor)
- or 3 months for major corrections, requested by the jury, made by the author and checked by a designated member of the jury
Even if the jury has not requested corrections and even if the author has no corrections to make, this second deposit is mandatory to specify the name of the jury president on the cover page and add the NNT number.
Attention: if one of the members of the jury, other than a rapporteur, was absent on the day of the defense, his or her name should not appear in the composition of the jury.
If the jury has requested major corrections to the thesis, the doctoral student makes the modifications and submits the new version of the thesis to the jury member in charge of checking them. The jury member completes the certificate of verification of major corrections and gives it to the doctoral student.
The doctoral student submits the final version of his/her thesis in PDF format in his/her personal ADUM space and makes an appointment with the documentation service (https://www.universite-paris-saclay.fr/recherche/doctorat/la-soutenance…)
If the distribution version is different from the archival version, the doctoral student also uploads the electronic distribution version of his/her thesis in PDF format to his/her personal ADUM space.
The doctoral student contacts the service of the referent institution in charge of the deposit and the reporting of the thesis, by presenting the minutes of the defense and, if necessary, the certificate of verification of the major corrections.
The doctoral student downloads in his personal space ADUM the form of the " conditions of legal deposit and diffusion of the thesis ", fills it, signs two original copies and sends them for signature to the documentary service in charge of the deposit of the theses.
One original signed copy is given to the doctoral student by the documentation service. The service in charge of the deposit and reporting of theses proceeds to the digital processing, archiving and reporting of the thesis in the tools provided for this purpose.
When this is done, the service in charge of the deposit and reporting of theses records in the ADUM file of the doctoral student :
- the permanent URL for consulting the manuscript on theses.fr,
- the date of finalization of the treatment.
Certificate of achievement
Within a maximum of 3 weeks after the 2nd electronic submission
In accordance with the provisions of the circular of March 1, 2000 concerning the organization of examinations, a certificate of success must be provided to students who request it no later than three weeks after the announcement of the results. The final diploma must be issued within six months.
The doctor can download a certificate of completion of the doctoral degree via his/her personal ADUM space, provided that the doctoral student has validated his/her final deposit with the library/documentation center.
If the information required for the elaboration of the diploma is incorrect, the new doctoral student must ask for its correction in the ADUM database, to the schooling service. After correction, the doctoral student issues a new request for the production of his/her diploma from ADUM.
This point is essential: the national printing office uses the ADUM database to elaborate the diplomas, it is imperative that the doctors make sure that the data available in ADUM is accurate.
The schooling service informs the doctors of the conditions of production and withdrawal of the diplomas.
The schooling service files the request for the production of the diploma in the new doctor's file.