Press releases from 2023 and 2022

Université Paris-Saclay hosts an IPCC team at ENS Paris-Saclay - December 2023

As of 1 December 2023, Université Paris-Saclay is hosting the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group I Technical Support Unit (TSU). Hosted at ENS Paris-Saclay, the team of approximately fifteen people in the long term, will provide scientific, technical, operational and communication support to the members of the Working Group I Bureau and to all authors for the preparation and production of IPCC climate assessment reports.


Anne L'Huillier, laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2023, Doctor Honoris Causa from Université Paris-Saclay - November 2023

On 13 November 2023, Université Paris-Saclay had the honour of awarding Anne L’Huillier, laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2023 and Professor of Atomic Physics at Lund University, Sweden, the prestigious title of Doctor Honoris Causa. Alain Aspect, laureate of the Nobel Prize in Physics 2022, was the ceremony’s guest of honour.


Elogen, CNRS and Université Paris-Saclay create a joint laboratory to facilitate industrial-scale production of green hydrogen - November 2023

On Thursday November 9, 2023, Elogen, a French leader in PEM electrolysis - a promising technology for the production of green hydrogen -, CNRS and Université Paris-Saclay signed a partnership agreement to create a joint research laboratory.


The Passerelle programme for exiled students at Université Paris-Saclay gets ready for its second academic year - September 2023

For the second consecutive year, Université Paris-Saclay will welcome approximately twenty exiled students as part of its Passerelle university diploma programme. The programme is aimed at non-French speaking exiled students (refugees, in subsidiary/temporary protection programmes or asylum seekers) with at least secondary-level qualifications, who would like to start or continue university studies within the French higher education system.


The 2023 Shanghai Ranking: Université Paris-Saclay keeps its spot in the global top 20 - August 2023

ShanghaiRanking Consultancy has published today its Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) for 2023. Université Paris-Saclay was ranked 15th in the world and 1st in continental Europe, confirming the university’s position as a world-class research-intensive university.


C-section delivery disrupts gut barrier in newborns - July 2023

The caesarean section, one of the most common surgeries worldwide, saves the lives of mothers and babies every year. One consequence of a c-section delivery, however, is a disruptive effect on the development of gut microbiota in newborns. This is followed by a series of chain reactions that results in a predisposition to intestinal inflammation in adulthood. The results of this study, carried out jointly with Université Paris-Saclay, appear in the journal Microbiome on 3 July.


The Online Welcome Desk: helping international students and researchers prepare their academic stay in France - July 2023

The Online Welcome Desk is a platform which helps international students, PhD candidates and researchers to generate a personalised roadmap of the administrative steps they need to carry out to prepare their stay in France simply and efficiently. The platform is the result of an online tool first developed by Université Paris-Saclay in 2017, the E-International Welcome Office, and a platform belonging to the Université Numérique d’Île-de-France (UNIF). The new platform is now up and running and is currently being shared with interested French higher education institutions.


Université Paris-Saclay reinstates POLÉTHIS, its Research Ethics and Scientific Integrity Council - June 2023

POLÉTHIS oversees actions in research ethics and scientific integrity at Université Paris-Saclay. Placed under the authority of the President’s office, POLÉTHIS has been given new statutes. The council has just renewed its members and elected Nathalie Guichard as its Chairwoman.


Université Paris-Saclay showcases its technology and innovation at the 2023 VivaTech trade fair - June 2023

Once again, this year, Université Paris-Saclay is a partner of the VivaTech trade fair, Europe’s biggest start-up, innovation and tech event. This year’s edition will take place from 14 to 17 June at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles. The University, its partners and start-ups will showcase technologies tackling a wide range of fields, including health, reduced CO2 emissions, greener and more inclusive mobilities, and much more.


The first global centre for Sepsis research, education and care: the PROMETHEUS University Hospital Institute (IHU) wins the IHU 3 Call for Proposals - May 2023

As part of the France 2030 investment plan, the President of the French Republic has just announced the twelve University Hospital Institutes (IHU) which have won the national IHU 3 call for proposals. The PROMETHEUS IHU project is one of the laureates. Coordinated by Université Paris-Saclay, Université de Versailles Saint- Quentin-en-Yvelines (UVSQ), the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), Public Assistance - Hospitals of Paris (AP-HP), the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) and their academic, non-profit and industrial partners,  this future global centre for research, education and care aims to reduce the number of deaths and sequelae caused by sepsis by half within the next ten years.


James Webb Space Telescope reveals composition of protoplanetary disc - May 2023

An international research team including scientists from the CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay and the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA), supported by the French Space Agency (CNES), has revealed the chemical composition of a disc of matter rotating around a young star, from which new planets are forming. Surprisingly, this is rich in hydrocarbons, two of which have even been detected in a protoplanetary disc for the first time ever. The findings, published on 11 May in the journal Nature Astronomy, were obtained using the MIRI instrument developed by a consortium of laboratories in Europe and the United States.


Université Paris-Saclay to host the Director of the National Institute of Mental Health of the United States - April 2023

On Thursday, May 11, Université Paris-Saclay will welcome Joshua A. Gordon, M.D., Ph.D., Director of the National Institute of Mental Health (part of the U.S. National Institutes of Health), as part of a day of conferences on mental health research held at the University’s Faculty of Pharmacy and Faculty of Medicine.


Biological invasions as costly as natural disasters - April 2023

Over the past 40 years, the financial losses caused by biological invasions have been equivalent to those caused by various types of natural disasters, such as earthquakes, floods or storms; however, according to scientists from the CNRS and Université Paris-Saclay they are now increasing at a faster pace.


QS World University Rankings by Subject: Université Paris-Saclay in the global top 50 for six subjects - March 2023

The results of the 2023 edition of the QS World University Rankings by Subject were released on 22 March 2023. Université Paris-Saclay appeared in the top 20 universities in the world for Mathematics (16th) and Physics & Astronomy (17th), and in the top 50 for an additional four subjects.


Poultry farming: better understanding and treating an emerging infectious bacterium - February 2023

Around the world, poultry face a multitude of pathogens. Of particular concern is Enterococcus cecorum, a pathogenic bacterium that is increasingly behind severe disease and mortality on farms. Recently, researchers at INRAE and ANSES explored the biology of this species with a view to better protecting farm animals. The findings were published on 16 February in mSphere and Journal of Clinical Microbiology.


Study reveals links between COVID-19 symptoms in 2020 and suicidal ideation in 2021 - February 2023

An international study involving researchers from McGill University, Montreal, and led by scientists at Université Paris-Saclay, the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Inserm) and Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, working in the Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health (CESP - Inserm/Université Paris-Saclay/UVSQ), has published its first findings. Based on data from the French EpiCoV cohort, the study observed a higher risk of subsequent suicidal ideation among individuals recovering from COVID-19 symptoms. The results were published in Plos Medicine on 14 February 2023.


Sport and Mental Health Symposium - February 2023

On Thursday 9 February 2023, Université Paris-Saclay is organising a symposium on sport and mental health.


ComPaRe Endometriosis: how to improve care for patients - February 2023

Driven by researchers and academic staff from the Centre for Clinical Epidemiology (AP-HP), the Centre for Research in Epidemiology and Population Health (CESP - Inserm)/Université Paris-Saclay/UVSQ/Gustave Roussy) and the Centre for Research in Epidemiology and Statistics (CRESS - Inserm/Université Paris Cité), ComPaRe, the AP-HP Community of Patients for Research, has conducted a citizen science study to gather ideas from patients suffering from endometriosis with a view to improving their care. Led by Solène Gouesbet, PhD candidate at Université Paris-Saclay, and supervised by Dr Viet-Thi Tran, epidemiologist and co-investigator at ComPaRe (Université Paris Cité/AP-HP), the study was the subject of a scientific publication in the Journal of Women's Health on 19 January 2023.


Reproductive Life Factors and Hormone Therapy May Affect Women’s Risk of Parkinson’s Disease - January 2023

The specific risk factors for the development of Parkinson’s disease in women remain little studied and poorly known. Exposure to the hormones involved in female reproductive life is one of the avenues explored at the Epidemiology and Population Health Research Center (CESP) by a research team from Inserm, Université Paris-Saclay, Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines with Institut Gustave Roussy, which compared the reproductive characteristics of nearly 1,200 women with Parkinson’s disease with those of other women from the E3N cohort. Their findings show that age at first menstrual period, number of pregnancies, type of menopause and a molecule used to improve fertility are associated with a higher risk of developing the disease. This research, published in Brain, supports the role of hormonal exposures during the reproductive life of women – particularly estrogen levels – in Parkinson’s disease and opens up avenues for targeted prevention strategies.


Samples from asteroid Ryugu provide valuable new insights into the early evolution of the solar system - January 2023

Samples from asteroid Ryugu are still revealing their secrets. New mineral characterisations have come to light thanks to the MicrOmega instrument, designed and developed at the Institut d’astrophysique spatiale (CNRS/Univ. Paris-Saclay). This work has just been published in Nature Astronomy.


Retrospective: Université Paris-Saclay in 2022

This special retrospective document compiles the university’s main highlights and research stories from 2022.



Karine Wecker appointed Head of Brand and Communication at Université Paris-Saclay - December 2022

Karine Wecker has been appointed Head of Brand and Communication at Université Paris-Saclay as of 1 January 2023.


Inauguration of the Paris-Saclay Faculty of Medicine’s new research building - December 2022

The new research building at the Paris-Saclay Faculty of Medicine was inaugurated on Monday 5 December 2022 by Sylvie Retailleau, Minister of Higher Education and Research, Valérie Pécresse, President of the Île-de-France Region, Olivier Capitanio, President of the department of Val de Marne, Estelle Iacona, President of Université Paris-Saclay, and Didier Samuel, Dean of the Paris-Saclay Faculty of Medicine.


The Paris Saclay Cancer Cluster is the laureate of the “France 2030” Biocluster plan - December 2022

The French Minister of Higher Education and Research, Sylvie Retailleau have announced today, as part of a progress review of the ten-year French strategic plan against cancers, that the Paris Saclay Cancer Cluster (PSCC), cluster dedicated to oncology, is the first winner of the Biocluster Call for Expressions of Interest (CEI). Launched as part of the "France 2030" plan presented by French President Emmanuel Macron, this CEI aims to create "worldclass clusters of excellence bringing together companies, healthcare, research and disruptive innovation, [with] the ambition of transforming the French biomedical research landscape."


Université Paris-Saclay steps up its commitment against Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) - November 2022

For several years now, Université Paris-Saclay has been committed to an ambitious policy aimed at combatting all forms of sexual and gender-based violence, based on a zero tolerance and prevention for all approach. While various actions take place throughout the year across the University’s different campuses, the week of 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, is a key time for mobilisation.


Back to the future of galaxy clusters - October 2022

Based on an original analysis of state-of-the art numerical simulations, an international team of astrophysicists led by researchers from the Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, IAS (CNRS / Univ. Paris-Saclay), and from institutes in Italy and South Korea, has successfully predicted the future of distant galaxy clusters discovered by the Planck satellite.


Launch of the SaclAI-School training programme - October 2022

The SaclAI-School programme at Université Paris-Saclay aims to develop an ambitious and innovative School of Artificial Intelligence (AI) based on multidisciplinary or AI-centred education. The programme is coordinated by the DATAIA Institute: Université Paris-Saclay’s Institute for Artificial Intelligence.


The 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to Alain Aspect for his research on quantum physics - October 2022

Alain Aspect, a research professor emeritus at the CNRS, professor at the Institut d’Optique Graduate School/Université Paris-Saclay, ENS Paris-Saclay, and École polytechnique, as well as member of the Charles Fabry Laboratory (Institut d’Optique Graduate School/CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay), is the winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics. He shares this distinction with John F. Clauser of the United States and Anton Zeilinger of Austria for their pioneering research on quantum entanglement, which paved the way for quantum technology.


The James Webb telescope: first images of the Orion Nebula - September 2022

An international research team has released the first images of the Orion Nebula, the closest richly productive stellar nursery to our own solar system. Captured by the James Webb Space Telescope, these pictures demonstrate once again the exceptional capacities of this scientific instrument. Headed jointly by researchers from CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay and the University of Western Ontario in Canada, the observations also involved astronomers from the Observatoire de Paris-PSL, with the backing of the CNES (French National Centre for Space Studies).


The 2022 Shanghai Ranking: for the third consecutive year, Université Paris-Saclay remains in the global top 20 - August 2022

On 15 August 2022, Shanghai Jiao Tong University published its annual Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU). Université Paris-Saclay was ranked 16th globally and 1st in continental Europe, confirming its position as a world-class research-intensive university.

Hugo Duminil-Copin has been awarded the Fields Medal - July 2022

Hugo Duminil-Copin, a French mathematician specialising in probability theory and a permanent professor at the Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques (IHES) since 2016, was awarded the Fields medal at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Helsinki.


Estelle Iacona is elected President of Université Paris-Saclay - June 2022

On Tuesday 28 June 2022, Estelle Iacona was elected President of Université Paris-Saclay during a meeting held by the members of the University’s Governing Board. Professor Estelle Iacona has been Vice President for the University’s Governing Board since March 2020. Since the appointment of Sylvie Retailleau as Minister of Higher Education and Research to the French government on 20 May 2022, Estelle Iacona has been the University’s interim president.


The Academic Writing Center marks its first year of service to the academic community of Université Paris-Saclay - June 2022

Since its launch a year ago, the Academic Writing Center (AWC) at Université Paris-Saclay has supported PhD candidates, researchers and academic staff to improve the linguistic quality of their work in English, i.e. scientific papers, lectures, conferences and other professional events, helping them to give greater impact to their scientific communication. Almost one of a kind in France, the AWC was originally coordinated by CentraleSupélec before rapidly expanding its services to reach the entire University.


Université Paris-Saclay unveils its strategy for open science - June 2022

Université Paris-Saclay has just published its Open Science Roadmap. Through eight objectives inspired by those set out in the European Commission’s Open Science policy, Université Paris-Saclay intends to play a key role in opening up science. As part of this, the University’s researchers have access to BiblioHAL, a unique digital platform which allows them to deposit their publications in the open archive HAL.


International colloquium on ‘International research ethics and governance: lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic’ - June 2022

The first international colloquium on ‘International research ethics and governance: lessons learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic’ will take place on Wednesday 8 and Thursday 9 June 2022. The hybrid event is organised by the Research Ethics and Scientific Integrity Council at Université Paris-Saclay (POLÉTHIS), the Espace éthique Île-de-France, the Institute of Public Law Studies (IEDP) and the Research Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health (CESP- Inserm/Univ. Paris-Saclay/UVSQ).


Sylvie Retailleau appointed Minister of Higher Education and Research: political and administrative continuity for the University’s governance - May 2022

On Friday 20 May 2022, Sylvie Retailleau, was appointed Minister of Higher Education and Research of the French government. Following her nomination, transitional arrangements have been put in place at Université Paris-Saclay to ensure the institution’s political and administrative continuity. Estelle Iacona, the University’s First Vice President, will assure the role of the University’s interim president statutorily until a new president is elected.


Université Paris-Saclay hosts the Week of Innovative Regions in Europe (WIRE) from 11 to 13 May 2022 - May 2022

Europe’s main political forum for innovation and regional development, the 12th edition of the Week of Innovative Regions in Europe (WIRE) is currently being held at Université Paris-Saclay as part of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The theme of this year’s edition is ‘Towards a leading Europe in breakthrough innovation: unleashing the potential of regions’.


83% of the genetic heritage of vanilla has been determined - May 2022

Almost all of the vanilla sold worldwide comes from a single species: Vanilla planifolia. The limited
genetic variability of cultivated vanilla makes the sector particularly vulnerable to climate and health
risks. In publishing the sequence for 83% of the Vanilla planifolia genome, a research consortium
coordinated by CIRAD Réunion has paved the way for more effectively targeted, faster creation of
new varieties.


International lab dedicated to artificial intelligence kicks-off in Montreal - April 2022

A consortium of research organizations has gathered together to form a new International Research Laboratory (IRL) focused on artificial intelligence (AI) in Montreal. The new centre gathers together McGill University, École de technologie supérieure (ÉTS), Mila – Quebec AI Institute, France’s Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Université Paris-Saclay, and the École CentraleSupélec. The move confirms Montreal’s status as a leader in AI.


Call for applications for translational research teams at the Paris-Saclay Faculty of Medicine - April 2022

The Faculty of Medicine at Université Paris-Saclay is France’s leading faculty of medicine, ranked 22nd worldwide for Clinical Medicine in the 2021 Shanghai ranking. In the second half of 2022, the faculty will open a new 6,500 m2 building dedicated to translational research. As a result, the faculty is launching a call for applications until 1 June 2022 to host new research teams in the building.


Gustave Roussy and Université Paris-Saclay sign an agreement - April 2022

Gustave Roussy and Université Paris-Saclay signed an agreement on Wednesday 6 April strengthening their partnership in education, research and development in the field of oncology.


The Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN) and Université Paris-Saclay sign a framework partnership agreement - March 2022

On 21 March, Sylvie Retailleau, President of Université Paris-Saclay, and Jean-Christophe Niel, Director General of the French Institute for Radiological Protection and Nuclear Safety (IRSN), signed a framework partnership agreement.


Twenty-two universities condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - March 2022

Twenty-two universities from eight countries, including Université Paris-Saclay, issued a statement condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and called for institutions of higher learning to mobilise in support of victims and others in need.


Jean-François Le Gall, professor at the Orsay Mathematics Laboratory, is awarded the 2022 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge in Basic Sciences award - March 2022

The 2022 BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge award in Basic Sciences has been awarded to Jean-François Le Gall, Professor of Mathematics at Université Paris-Saclay and researcher at the Orsay Mathematics Laboratory (UPSaclay/CNRS).


Gender Equality Week 2022 - The Big Picture: Art and Gender - March 2022

To mark International Women’s Day, Université Paris-Saclay is organising a Gender Equality Week starting on 7 March. This year, the University and the artist Catel are proposing an exhibition dedicated to women artists, “The Big Picture: Art and Gender”. The University is also publishing a practical guide for gender-inclusive language.


Seventeen student entrepreneurs from Université Paris-Saclay head for the Silicon Valley - February 2022

They may be students but they are also entrepreneurs! On 27 February 2022, the seventeen winners of the Start-Up Challenge 2021-2022 will head to the Silicon Valley for an immersive entrepreneurial experience. An exciting programme of company visits, networking events and meetings with young entrepreneurs, founders and alumni await them!

The National Metrology and Testing Laboratory (LNE) and Université Paris-Saclay sign a framework agreement to strengthen their collaborations - February 2022

The National Metrology and Testing Laboratory (LNE) and Université Paris-Saclay, alongside AgroParisTech, CentraleSupélec, ENS Paris-Saclay and the Institut d’Optique Graduate School (IOGS), have signed a framework agreement, strengthening their collaborations in research, development and education.


The Paris Saclay Cancer Cluster association announces its official creation: a global ambition for French oncology - February 2022

The Paris Saclay Cancer Cluster (PSCC) takes a new step with the creation of its legal structure and the appointment of leaders. Announced by French President Emmanuel Macron in June 2021, the Paris Saclay Cancer Cluster is now organised as an association. Its mission and ambitions were presented on 4 February at Gustave Roussy, in the presence of Olivier Véran, the French Minister for Solidarity and Health, Frédérique Vidal, the French Minister for Higher Education, Research and Innovation and representatives of the five founding members: Sanofi, Gustave Roussy, Inserm, the Institut Polytechnique de Paris and Université Paris-Saclay.


Université Paris-Saclay publishes an open access e-book on the “challenges of the ecological transition” - January 2022

Université Paris-Saclay has published an open access, free e-book on the “challenges of the ecological transition”. The book is a collaborative work, written by more than 40 researchers and lecturers from all disciplines at the University.


Heritage for the Future, Science for Heritage: a European Adventure for Research and Innovation - January 2022

Under the French presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Foundation for Heritage Science is organising, with the European Commission and in partnership with the French Ministry of Culture, the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the universities of Paris-Saclay and Cergy Paris, a symposium dedicated to heritage science in Europe.