Preden Roulleau
2019 Head of the Nanoelectronics Group (SOEC/CEA Saclay)
2011-2019 Permanent Researcher SPEC CEA Saclay- PI ERC starting grant (2016)
2008-2011 Post Doc at ETH Zurich (Ensslin Group)
2005-2008 PhD at SPEC/CEA Saclay: "Quantum coherence in the integer quantum Hall regime" (under the supervision of Patrice Roche)
2005 Master in Quantum Physics, Ecole Normale Superieure Ulm, Paris (France) (Mention Très Bien)
2002-2005 Physics Studies, Ecole Normale Superieure Ulm, Paris (France)
- Research topics Electron quantum optics in graphene
- Research areas Matière quantique et topologique
- Key words Graphene, valleytronics, electron quantum optics, fractional hall regime
Important publications