The scientific scope of the doctoral school of public health is fundamentally multidisciplinary. The main thematic axes of the EDSP cover several fields such as epidemiology, biostatistics, clinical research, statistical genetics, economic and social sciences in health as well as medical ethics and medical anthropology. Objectives are to improve knowledge about pathologies, their risk factors and their treatments, or to have a vision of public health issues by also integrating economic and social, ethical or anthropological dimensions.
Public Health / Epidemiology / Biostatistics / Clinical Research / Statistical Genetics / Economic and Social Sciences of Health / Medical Ethics / Medical Anthropology
Program content
For this program, you will be attached to the doctoral school in Public Health (EDSP), co-accredited by Université Paris-Saclay (support university) and Université Paris-Est-Créteil.
The EDSP is one of the 3 doctoral schools in France specialized in Public Health. It is fundamentally interdisciplinary with 5 specialties:
- Epidemiology,
- Biostatistics,
- Clinical Research,
- Statistical Genetics,
- Economic and Social Sciences of Health.
As new teams or research units are attached to the EDSP, the list of these specialties should be expanded to include medical ethics, medical anthropology and addictions.
Under construction
PhD students admitted to the PhD program will have a public law doctoral contract. The duration of the contract is 3 years. PhD students on contract are salaried full time with the sole or main mission of carrying out their doctoral project. They may also be entrusted with additional teaching, scientific mediation, promotion or expertise missions.
Possible employers for contract PhD students in the program are :
- Université Paris-Saclay (Faculties of Medicine)
- University of Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines
- ENS Paris-Saclay
Under construction
How to be admitted to the doctoral program in Public Health ?
Find below the different steps to apply for Public Health Program :
A candidate is eligible if he/she meets the necessary conditions to register for a PhD at the doctoral school of public health (EDSP). Candidates must have a solid training in the chosen specialty. This is usually a Master's degree related to one of the specialties of the Doctorate, but equivalences are possible.
Criteria for evaluating applications
- quality and adequacy of the doctoral student's university training in relation to his/her thesis subject
- adequacy between the planned supervision (director and possibly co-director of the thesis and host team) and the scientific project
- scientific quality of the thesis project
- feasibility of the thesis in 3 years
- quality of the audition and the answers to the candidate's questions by the jury
The final composition of the jury is established after the list of candidates is known, with the following rule to limit conflicts of interest: no member of the jury with a candidate for whom he/she is thesis director or co-director.
How to apply ?
1. Apply via ADUM platform on a thesis subject posted online by a researcher attached to the doctoral school of public health. If several applications are submitted for the same subject, it is up to the researcher to select the candidate who will be auditioned.
2. Procedures for examining applications: successful candidates will be interviewed by a single jury made up of a representative from each of the research teams attached to the EDSP. The final composition of the jury is established after the list of candidates is known, with the following rule to limit conflicts of interest: no jury member having a candidate for whom he is the thesis director.

2024 Calendar – Candidates
- From February 2024:
Thesis topic proposals go online - Friday April 12, 2024:
Closure of thesis subject submissions on ADUM - Friday May 10, 2024:
Closing date for applications on ADUM - Friday May 24, 2024:
Announcement of eligibility results - Monday June 10 and Tuesday June 11, 2024:
Audition of candidates - Thursday June 13, 2024:
Announcement of results
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