The doctoral program Life Sciences and Health is based on the three doctoral schools Biosigne, CBMS and SDSV. It covers all aspects of biology from the molecular level to organisms. It aims to address, through experimental and/or in silico approaches, questions concerning the structure and molecular mechanisms of living organisms from the most fundamental aspects to applications. Those apply to the field of environment, biotechnologies and health, for example cancer, immune response and neurological and neurodegenerative diseases. It also encompasses projects concerning the evolution of living organisms.

It is structured around fundamental translational and clinical research in all areas of :

oncology / biochemistry / cell biology / developmental biology / molecular biology / structural biology / systems and synthetic biology / epidemiology / molecular evolution / genetics / genomics / genetics of complex traits and populations / endocrinology / immunology / microbiology / neurosciences / pharmacology / new therapeutic approaches / new methods of biological and clinical investigations / virology / bioinformatics / mathematics applied to biology / biophysics...


Program content

For this program, you can be affiliated with one of the 3 doctoral schools below:

Signaling and Integrated Networks in Biology (BIOSIGNE) Doctoral School Oncology : Biology, Medicine, Health (CBMS)

Structure and Dynamics of Living Systems (SDSV)

Signaling and Integrated Networks in Biology (BIOSIGNE)

The BIOSIGNE doctoral school is positioned within a well-defined and non-redundant thematic perimeter. It is the only ED of the University of Paris-Saclay to propose the study of signaling mechanisms in the three major systems of communication and integration :

  1. nervous systems,
  2. endocrine
  3. immune systems.

In this framework, the scales of the objects of study go from the molecule to the organism and the themes go from fundamental mechanisms to biomedical applications.

Learn more about the BIOSIGNE doctoral school 


Doctoral School Oncology : Biology, Medicine, Health (CBMS)

The Doctoral School of Cancerology, Biology, Medicine and Health is monothematic and covers all aspects of cancerology.

The Doctoral School of Cancerology, Biology, Medicine and Health is based on the scientific and medical activities of the 80 Doctoral Student Host Teams (EAD) on several sites (Gustave Roussy, CEA, Institut Curie Paris and Orsay, AP-HP, ENS de Cachan, Weill Cornell Medical College, Institut Cochin, Luxembourg Institute of Health and the University of Versailles St-Quentin) and is structured around four main axes

  1. Fundamental aspects in cancerology
  2. Genetics and epidemiology
  3. Pharmacology and new therapeutic approaches   
  4. New biological and clinical investigation methods (including imaging)

Learn more about CMBS doctoral school

Structure and Dynamics of Living Systems (SDSV)

The scientific activity of the SDSV doctoral school encompasses molecular, quantitative and population genetics, genomics, microbiology, cell biology, developmental biology and molecular evolution, structural biology and virology, with an increasing emergence of systems and synthetic biology, and interactions with chemistry, physics, mathematics and computer science.

An essential approach is the combination of experimental, in silico (simulations) and theoretical (modeling) approaches, from the sequence to the population, using biological models from all major groups of life.

This plurality of approaches is a richness of the ED based on all the skills of the research units. This dimension is essential to develop an integrative vision of fundamental biological questions such as the genotype-phenotype relationship, the integration of epigenetic phenomena in the dynamics of life, whether on a cellular, developmental or evolutionary scale.

The scientific perimeter of SDSV can therefore be summarized around the following main themes : 

  1. Structure and spatial organization of macromolecules
  2. Structural and functional dynamics of genomes
  3. Environmental genomics and transcriptomic
  4. Molecular, cellular and developmental processes
  5. Molecular evolution (structural and functional
  6. Gene and cell therapies
  7. Microbiology, virology
  8. Immunology, hematology
  9. Population and quantitative genetics and genomics
  10. Chemistry, physics, mathematics and bioinformatics for the understanding of systems in an integrative approach (Modeling of living systems, Systems biology, Synthetic biology)

Learn more about SDSV doctoral school 

Laboratories within the perimeter of the Université Paris-Saclay

  • 2023 [HORMENDO] - Physiologie et physiopathologie endocrinienne
  • 1885 [IMVA-HB] - Immunologie des maladies virales, auto-immunes, hématologiques et bactériennes
  • 1918 [ITIC] - Immunologie anti-tumorale et immunothérapie des cancers
  • 1884 [MI2] - Inflammation, microbiome, immunosurveillance
  • 2120 [ONCOSTEM] - Modèles de cellules souches malignes et thérapeutiques
  • 2148 [PMNCO] - Prédicteurs moléculaires et nouvelles cibles en oncologie
  • 1964 [RaMo-IT] - Radiothérapie Moléculaire et Innovation Thérapeutique
  • 2149 [RETRO-ENDO] - Physiologie et physiopathologie des rétrovirus endogènes et infectieux
  • 2082 [SToRM] - Interactions Cellules souches-niches: physiologie, tumeurs et réparation tissulaire
  • 2015 [UNICOG] - Neuroimagerie cognitive - DRF/JOLIOT/Neurospin
  • 1923 [END-ICAP] - Handicap Neuromusculaire: Physiopathologie, Biotechnologies et Pharmacologie appliquées
  • 1916 [2I] - Infection et inflammation
  • 1960 [MIRCen] - Molecular Imaging Research Center - DRF/JACOB
  • 2025 [SEPIA] - Service d'Etude des Prions et des Infections Atypiques - DRF/JACOB
  • 1979 [GABI] - Génétique Animale et Biologie Intégrative
  • 1928 [GQE - Le Moulon] - Génétique Quantitative et Evolution - Le Moulon
  • 2042 [MICALIS] - MICrobiologie de l'ALImentation au Service de la Santé Humaine
  • 2115 [VIM] - Unité de recherche Virologie et Immunologie Moléculaires
  • 1940 BioEmergences
  • 2096 [LGBC] - Laboratoire de Génétique et de biologie cellulaire
  • 1951 [ICSN] - Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles
  • 1942 [IRCM] - Institut de radiobiologie cellulaire et moléculaire - DRF/JACOB
  • 2107 [IPS2] - Institut des Sciences des Plantes de Paris-Saclay
  • 2079 [LAMBE] - Laboratoire Analyse et Modélisation pour la Biologie et l'Environnement
  • 2133 [LaMME] - Laboratoire de Mathématiques et Modélisation d'Evry
  • 1905 [BREED] - Biologie de la Reproduction, Environnement, Epigénétique, et Développement
  • 2134 [MaIAGE] - Mathématiques et Informatique Appliquées du Génome à l'Environnement
  • 2144 [URGI] - Unité de Recherche Génomique-Info
  • 3250 [CSHMyelo]- Cellules souches hématopoïétiques et développement des hémopathies myéloïdes
  • 3251 [DHNS] - Maladies et hormones du système nerveux
  • 3254 [TCD] - Dynamique des Cellules Tumorales
  • 2018 [HEPAREG] - Physiopathogenèse et traitement des maladies du foie
  • 2049 [INTEGRARE] - Approches génétiques intégrées et nouvelles thérapies pour les maladies rares
  • 1879 [IGC] - Intégrité du génome et cancers
  • 3231 [BIOMAPS] - Laboratoire d'Imagerie Biomédicale Multimodale Paris Saclay
  • 1965 [SABNP - Structure-Activité des Biomolécules Normales et Pathologiques
  • 1917 [INTIM] - Immunologie intégrative des tumeurs et immunothérapie des cancers
  • 1997 [GIRC] - Intégrité du Génome, ARN et Cancer
  • 1913 [I2BC] - Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell - DRF/JOLIOT
  • 2143 [ICP] - Institut de Chimie Physique
  • 3247 [IJCLab] - Laboratoire de physique des deux infinis Irène Joliot-Curie
  • 2123 [LMN] - Laboratoire des maladies neurodégéneratives : mécanismes, thérapies, imagerie
  • 2108 [Neuro-PSI] - Institut des neurosciences Paris-Saclay
  • 1996 [SCR] - Signalisation, radiobiologie et cancer
  • 3248 [METSY] - Aspects métaboliques et systémiques de l'oncogénèse pour de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques 
  • 3252 [Dynamo] - Dynamique moléculaire de la transformation hématopoïétique
  • 3205 [JACOB] - Institut de Biologie François-JACOB - DRF
  • 3245 [SGCSR] - Stabilite genetique, Cellules Souches et Radiations
  • 1945 [CNRGH] - Centre National de Recherche en Génomique Humaine - DRF/JACOB
  • 1950 [LAC] - Laboratoire Aimé Cotton
  • 3234 [CGB] - Centre Borelli
  • 1986 [LBPA] - Laboratoire de biologie et pharmacologie appliquée
  • 3235 [LuMin] - Laboratoire Lumière, Matière et Interfaces
  • Métabolisme, Cancer et Immunité
  • [LOBIP] - Laboratoire mécanismes moléculaires et pharmacologiques de l'obstruction bronchique
  • [CHIP] - Cancer, Hétérogénéité, Instabilité et Plasticité 
  • Immunité et Cancer
  • [GIRC] - Intégrité du Génome, ARN et Cancer
  • [LIP] - Laboratoire d'investigation Précliniqué
  • Département de Recherche Translationnelle
  • Service de Génétique, Unité de Pharmacogénomique
  • Chimie et Biologie de la Cellule
  • [CIRB] - Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en biologie
  • Génétique et biologie du développement
  • [IBENS] - Institut de Biologie Intégrative de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure
  • [EGM] - Laboratoire de l'expression génétique microbienne
  • 1932 [EGCE] - Evolution, génomes, comportement et écologie
  • 1934 [ESE] - Ecologie Systématique et Evolution
  • 2006 [SBIGEM] - Service de Biologie Intégrative et Génétique Moléculaire - DRF/JOLIOT/I2BC
  • 1927 [GM] - Génomique métabolique - DRF/JACOB/Génoscope
  • 2127 [LPPD] - Laboratoire Physiopathologie et pharmacologie clinique de la douleur
  • 1902 [BECCOH] - Biomarqueurs en cancérologie et onco-hématologie2048
  • [I-STEM] - Institut des Cellules souches pour le traitement et l'étude des maladies monogéniques
  • 2052 [GENHOTEL] - Laboratoire Européen de Recherche pour la Polyarthrite rhumatoïde

Laboratories outside the perimeter of Université Paris-Saclay

  • [CRSA] - Centre de recherche Saine Antoine
  • [CART] - Carcinose angiogenese et recherche translationnelle
  • Dynamique du génome et du système immunitaire
  • [ICM] - Institut du cerveau et de la moelle épinière
  • [HIPI] - Immunologie humaine, pathophysiologie et immunothérapie
  • Weill Cornell - Qatar
  • [StrInG] - Structure et instabilité des génomes
  • [LCBT] - Chimie & Biologie, Nucléos(t)ides et Immunologie pour la Thérapie
  • Homéostasie Cellulaire et Cancer
  • [LIMP] - Laboratoire d'Imagerie Moléculaire Positonique
  • [LRMed] - Laboratoire de radiobiologie des expositions médicales 
  • [LIH] - Luxembourg Institute of Health
  • CRC - Mort cellulaire et résistance aux traitements dans les hémopathies malignes: Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers
  • Recherche Translationnelle en Oncogenèse Génito-Urinaire
  • Service d'Oncologie - Radiothérapie
  • Inst. Pasteur Cambodge    Epidémiologie Moléculaire du Paludisme, Institut Pasteur du Cambodge
  • CEPH - Fondation Jean Dausset - Centre d'étude du Polymorphisme Humain
  • Immunitée Innée
  • IAME - Infection, Antimicrobials, Modelling, Evolution
  • ISYEB - Institut de Systématique, Evolution, Biodiversité
  • IJM - Institut Jacques Monod
  • INEM - Institut Necker Enfants Malades
  • Institut Pasteur Côte d'Ivoire
  • Institut Pasteur de Madagascar
  • LDB - Laboratoire de dosimétrie biologique
  • Pôle Risques, qualité et environnement durable
  • Service de Génétique, Unité de Pharmacogénomique
  • Unité de Pathogénie microbienne moléculaire
  • Unité de recherche Trafic Membranaire et Pathogenèse
  • I2BM - Institut d'imagerie biomédicale
  • Cell and molecular biology department - St Jude Children's Hospital
  • CIP - Collection Institut Pasteur

    PhD students admitted to the Phd program will have a public law doctoral contract. The duration of the contract is 3 years. The contractual Phd students are full-time employees with the sole or main mission of carrying out their doctoral project. They may also be entrusted with complementary missions of teaching, scientific mediation, valorization or expertise.

    More information 

    Possible employers* for Phd students under contract to the program are :

    • Université Paris-Saclay (Faculties of Science of Orsay, Medicine, Pharmacy, Sports Science and Law-Economy-Management)
    • University of Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines
    • University of Evry Val d'Essonne
    • Centrale Supélec
    • ENS Paris-Saclay
    • AgroParisTech

    * This list remains to be completed or specified

    PhD students follow scientific and cross-disciplinary training in parallel with their research work. Scientific training is offered mainly by doctoral schools, research organizations and learned societies. The University of Paris-Saclay offers a wide range of cross-disciplinary training. The choice of training courses is individual and depends on the PhD student's initial training, the research project and the professional project of the PhD student. Each PhD student is supervised by a scientific committee with at least 2 meetings during the thesis.

    The job opportunities for PhDs in the program are very diverse. Careers in public or private research are in the majority, but many PhDs find jobs outside research (management, consulting, national and international public organizations, associations).  

    How to be admitted to the Life Sciences and Health doctoral program ?

    Find below the different steps to apply to the Life Science and Health program.


    Candidates must hold a master's degree or equivalent in a discipline close to the thesis topic. The quality of the academic background is a selection criterion. The candidate's skills must be in adequacy with the project, the expectations of the thesis director and the working environment of the host laboratory

    How to apply ? 

    1. The candidate applies for the project(s) of his or her choice via the ADUM platform. 

    2. The supervisor chooses a student among applicants and validates this application on ADUM. He puts an unfavourable opinion for all the other candidates. 

    3. After validation of the complete files by the laboratory director, each file is examined by specialists in the field. Depending on the number of candidates, a selection of candidates admitted to the interview may be made. 

    4. The candidates invited to the interview present their background, project, objectives, methodology and expected results. The jury evaluates the candidates' academic record as well as the quality and originality of the project and its feasibility, the answers to the jury's questions (adequacy of the candidate's knowledge with the project). 

    5. At the end of the auditions, the jury establishes a ranking, with a main list and a complementary list.


    Recruitment channels

    The program is open to all candidates with a master's degree or equivalent, French or foreign, in a discipline close to the subject of the thesis. The program has strong but not exclusive links with the life sciences and health masters programs of the University of Paris-Saclay, in particular the biology and health field and the bioinformatics field. Some projects are at the interface with other disciplines such as chemistry, physics, mathematics or medicine. These projects are open to a wide range of applicants.


    Calendar 2024 - BIOSIGNE

    • Friday, January 27, 2023
      Opening of thesis subject submissions

    • Tuesday, March 7, 2023
      Closing date for thesis subject submissions

    • Friday March 17, 2023
      Applications open

    • Wednesday May 17, 2023
      Closing date for applications

    • Thursday June 15 and Friday June 16, 2023
      Audition of candidates

    • Date to be defined
      Announcement of results

      Calendar 2024 - SDSV


    • Sunday January 1, 2023
      Thesis submission deadline

    • Wednesday, February 8, 2023
      Closing date for thesis subject submissions

    • Thursday, February 9, 2023
      Applications open

    • Wednesday, March 31, 2023
      Closing date for applications

    • Tuesday June 6 to Thursday June 8, 2023
      Audition of candidates

    • Date to be defined
      Announcement of results

    Calendar 2024 - CBMS

    • Thursday, January 1, 2023
      Opening of thesis subject submissions

    • Monday, February 20, 2023
      Closing date for thesis subject submissions

    • Tuesday, February 21, 2023
      Applications open

    • Wednesday, May 10, 2023
      Closing date for applications

    • Monday June 12 and Tuesday June 13, 2023
      Audition of candidates

    • Date to be defined
      Announcement of results

    Découvrez les offres de sujet de thèse