PhD Program Engineering and Systems Sciences - Graduate School Engineering and Systems Sciences
The program's ambition is to develop doctoral training at the highest level, based on a continuum between fundamental research and applications within a formidable ecosystem associating academic laboratories, engineering schools, and industrial groups. Thanks to a permanent exchange between modeling, experimentation, numerical simulation, design, and optimization, the training contributes to creating new knowledge responding to society's challenges, particularly in the areas of energy, environment, transport, biotechnology, imaging, industry 4.0, information, and nanotechnology.
Automatic / Robotics / Signal / Images / Communications / Structures / Materials / Mechanics / Civil Engineering / Energy / Processes / Telecommunications / Optics / Electronics / Electrical Engineering / Microsystems / Sensors and Instrumentation / Biomedical / Manufacturing / Industrial Engineering / Applied Mathematics / Computational Engineering / Software Engineering
Program content
Doctoral School Sciences and Technologies of Information and Communication (STIC)
The ED STIC (ED number 580) brings together the skills of the main actors in Information and Communication Sciences and Technologies of the doctoral space of the University of Paris Saclay. It offers a unique environment in France by forming a thematic continuum in the following fields: automatic control, signal processing, image processing, robotics, networks and telecommunications, data science, learning and artificial intelligence, human-machine interactions, programming, algorithms, languages, machine and system architecture.
Learn more about the doctoral school STIC
Doctoral School Mechanical and Energy Sciences, Materials and Geosciences (SMEMAG)
The SMEMaG doctoral school (ED 579) aims to support, within the framework of the training of their PhD students, the research teams and units of the future University of Paris-Saclay (UPSaclay) which are committed to pushing back the frontiers of knowledge in the field of Mechanical and Energy Sciences, Materials Sciences and Geosciences. It is positioned around research teams whose approach is based on a permanent exchange between modeling, numerical simulation, experimentation, design, and optimization of systems in an industrial, environmental, and societal context where many challenges are to be taken up on the fundamental level as well as from the application point of view. The doctoral projects of the SMEMaG ED aim to respond to societal issues, particularly in the areas of energy, the terrestrial and planetary environment, transportation, biotechnologies, and nanotechnologies.
The pole of this doctoral school concerned by this program is the fluids and energy pole and the solids pole.
Learn more about the doctoral school ED SMEMAG
Doctoral school Interfaces : materials, systems, uses
The doctoral school INTERFACES (ED 573) is structured in two poles :
1. Innovative materials and their applications
Research in "Materials Science" is currently aimed at new functionalities, improved beyond the fundamental limits. These frontiers are located at the interface between disciplines such as Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mechanics, Applied Mathematics, etc. This thematic axis concerns studies centered on materials, whether fundamental or applied, where control and progress require a multidisciplinary understanding of interfaces or multi-scale structuring. We can also imagine in this context the development of new crossed characterizations, responding to the constraints of the respective disciplines.
2. Engineering of complex systems
This axis includes research at the interface between applied mathematics, computer science, operations research, economics, management, signal processing... with strong interdisciplinary connotations.
The work in question contributes to the sciences of organizations, to the analysis of systems of interacting agents, and to the study of technical and organizational systems. This axis is part of a permanent exchange between modeling, digital simulation, design, piloting and optimization of socio-technical systems for industry and services.
Learn more abour the doctoral school INTERFACES
Doctoral school Electrical, optical, bio-physics and engineering (EOBE)
The different domains/themes covered by the EOBE are : Optical and electromagnetic communications. Innovative electronic circuits, components and architectures. Clean, intelligent and sustainable transportation. Production, transport, conversion and management of electrical energy. Systems, microsystems, measurement/metrology sensors, environment: depollution, diagnosis, innovative processes, sustainable cities, biomedical and health (imaging for biomedical laboratories). Components, methods and techniques for diagnosis and imaging. Joint signal/sensor processing. Renewable energy sources, reduction of energy consumption of components. Reliability of components and systems
The EOBE Doctoral School is structured around a main objective: to develop a doctoral training at the highest level, based on a continuum between fundamental research and applications in the fields of Electrical engineering in the broadest sense (see list of main fields and societal issues below), in connection with the teaching and research structures of the University of Paris-Saclay and the socio-economic world
Learn more about the doctoral school EOBE
In-house laboratories
External laboratories
PhD students admitted to the Phd program will have a public law doctoral contract. The duration of the contract is 3 years. The contractual Phd students are full-time employees with the sole or main mission of carrying out their doctoral project. They may also be entrusted with complementary missions of teaching, scientific mediation, valorization or expertise.
Possible employers* for Phd students under contract to the program are :
- Université Paris-Saclay (Faculties of Sciences of Orsay, Medicine, Pharmacy, Sports Sciences and Law-Economy-Management)
- University of Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines
- University of Evry Val d'Essonne
- Centrale Supélec
- ENS Paris-Saclay
- Agro Paris Tech
* This list remains to be completed or specified
Coming soon
Coming soon
How to be admitted to the doctoral program in Engineering and Systems Sciences
The program welcomes students looking for in-depth training based on basic sciences to build high value-added technological solutions. For this, it is necessary to have :
- an excellent scientific background in one or several major engineering disciplines
- a level in English allowing to be quickly autonomous in reading, writing, and scientific communication at the international level,
- organizational skills and perseverance to successfully complete an ambitious project.
Applicants will be required to provide evidence of all these faculties in the presentation of their project.
Calendar 2022
- February 28: Deadline for the submission of subjects by TDs on ADUM
- April 16: Application deadline for candidates
- June 17: Date of results
You will find below the information concerning the different application procedures.

Where and how to apply?
- Have you found your subject?
- Identify the doctoral school related to your subject
- Consult below the application procedures of the doctoral school concerned
- Submit your application on ADUM
How to be admitted to the Engineering and Systems Sciences doctoral program via the SMEMAG doctoral school ?
The file must include the following documents, filed in PDF format on the ADUM website (any incomplete file will be rejected) :
- CV of the candidate
- Letter of motivation from the candidate
- M1 and M2 transcripts, or equivalent
- One or more letters of recommendation from the candidate
- The HDRs issue an opinion (favorable/unfavorable) for each application on their subject
- Any opinion not filled in will be considered by default as an unfavorable opinion
- Only one favorable opinion per subject is authorized
- The HDRs undertake to forward the application file of the selected candidate to their unit director
- The unit directors transmit a ranking of the applications for the different subjects of their unit
- The thesis directors who present 2 pairs of subject/candidate must choose only one for the continuation of the competition
- The competition jury meets and selects the candidates selected for the audition on the basis of the file and the unit director's ranking. The criteria used are: quality of the academic file (grades), previous experience, adequacy of the candidate/subject, motivation,... rmq: the ED invites to the auditions a number of candidates equal to about three times the number of places available for the competition
- A general classification is established by packages (A+, A, B, C,...) useful at the time of the final interclassification
- A candidate can present several applications; an audition adapted to the situation will be organized.
- Depending on the distance and on reasoned request, the hearing can be done by videoconference
- The presentation can be made in English
- It should be divided into 3 parts: candidate and CV (2-3mn), previous research experience (4-5mn), doctoral project (2-3mn)
- A ranking of the auditions is established by package (A+, A, B, C,...), then a general ranking (A+, A, B, C,...) taking into account all the elements (oral, file, laboratory ranking)
- An individual ranking is established by referent financial institution
- The applicant must be affiliated to the ED SMEMaG. He/she must be HDR and/or have the rank of Professor and/or Research Director or Research Associate HDR, and belong to a laboratory affiliated to the ED SMEMaG. The laboratory must have as its main supervisor one of the institutions of higher education and/or EPIC that provide doctoral contracts (for the 2021 campaign: Orsay Faculty of Science, CentraleSupélec, ENS Paris-Saclay, University of Evry Val d'Essonne, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin)
- A thesis director can present several subjects but can only present one 'candidate/subject' pair for the audition (he/she can however be a co-supervisor of a second subject/candidate pair)
- The thesis project must fall within the thematic scope of the doctoral school
- The thesis director must not have obtained an institutional doctoral contract the previous year
- The thesis director does not supervise more than 5 PhD students at the time of the audition selection. Total supervision and co-supervision must not exceed 500% on the same date.
- Olivier Hubert, PU, LMT, ENS-Paris-Saclay
- Benoît Fiorina, PU, EM2C, Centrale-Supélec
- Xavier Quidelleur, PU, GEOPS, Orsay Faculty of Science
- Franck Bassinot, DR, CEA / LSCE, University of Versailles Saint Quentin
- Jean Michel Cros, PU, LM2E, University of Evry Val d'Essonne
- Frédéric Schmidt, PU, GEOPS, Faculty of Sciences of Orsay
- Marie Laurence Giorgi, PU, LGPM, Centrale-Supélec
- Bérengère Podvin, CR CNRS, LIMSI, Orsay Faculty of Science
- Ludovic Chamoin, PU, LMT, ENS Paris-Saclay
- Frédéric Moisy, PU, FAST, Faculty of Sciences of Orsay
- Eva Heripré, IR, MSSMAT, CentraleSupélec
- Christian Angelberger, "Turbulent Combustion Modelling" project leader, IFP-EN.
- Stéphane Pattofatto, Department Manager, Safran Aircraft Engines
- Francis Dupoirieux, Doctoral Engineer HDR, Dpt MFE, ONERA
- Habibou Maitournam, PU, IMSIA ENSTA Paristech
- Thursday, February 29, 2024:
Closing date for submission of thesis topics on ADUM - Thursday April 25, 2024:
Closing date for applications on ADUM - Wednesday May 29 to Friday May 31, 2024:
Candidate hearings - Date to be defined
Announcement of results
How to be admitted to the Engineering and Systems Sciences doctoral program via the INTERFACES doctoral school ?
The file must include the following documents, filed in PDF format on the ADUM website (any incomplete file will be rejected) :
- CV of the candidate
- Letter of motivation from the candidate
- M1 and M2 transcripts, or equivalent.
- One or more letters of recommendation from the candidate
- The HDRs issue an opinion (favorable/unfavorable) for each application on their subject
- The unit directors transmit a ranking of the applications for the different subjects of their unit
- Only one subject/candidate couple per HDR will be retained by the audition
- The board of ED Interfaces meets and selects the candidates retained for the audition on the basis of the file and the ranking of the unit director. The criteria used are: quality of the academic file (grades), previous experiences, adequacy of the candidate/subject, motivation,...
- Depending on the distance and on reasoned request, the hearing can be done by videoconference
- The presentation can be made in English
- The duration of the presentation is between 10 and 12 minutes. The presentation includes an overview of the CV, past research experience and the doctoral project, and will be followed by a question and answer session.
- A ranking of the auditions is established by package (A+, A, B, C,...), then a general ranking (A+, A, B, C,...) taking into account all the elements (oral, file, laboratory ranking)
- An individual ranking is established by the funding institution.
- The applicant must be affiliated to the ED Interfaces. He must be HDR and belong to a laboratory affiliated to the ED Interfaces. The laboratory must have as main supervisor one of the referent higher education institutions and/or EPIC providing doctoral contracts (for the 2021 campaign: CentraleSupélec, ENS Paris-Saclay, Université Versailles Saint-Quentin
- A thesis director may present several subjects
- The thesis project must fall within the thematic scope of the doctoral school.
All the members of the Interfaces ED council (except elected PhD students and ITA representatives) and the Interfaces ED management
Pascale Le Gall (PU, MICS, CentraleSupélec)
Yves Dumont (PU, GEMaC, UVSQ)
Vincent Mousseau (PU, MICS, CentraleSupélec)
Emmanuelle Clément (MCF HDR, Université Marne-La-Vallée)
Pietro Cortona (PU, SPMS, CentraleSupélec)
Pierre-Eymeric Janolin (PU, SPMS, CentraleSupélec)
Xavier Quelin (MCF HDR, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin)
Jakob Puchinger (Pr, LGI, CentraleSupélec)
Anne-Marie Gonclaves (Pr, ILV, University of Versailles Saint-Quentin)
Fabienne Testard (Dr, CEA)
Philippe Fontaine (Dr, SOLEIL, CEA)
Loic Bertrand (PPSM, ENSPS)
- Friday April 19, 2024:
Deadline for submitting thesis proposals on ADUM - Friday, May 24, 2024:
Deadline for applications on ADUM - Monday June 10 to Tuesday June 11, 2024:
Audition of candidates - Thursday June 13, 2024:
Announcement of official results
How to be admitted to the Engineering and Systems Sciences doctoral program via the EOBE doctoral school ?
Condition of submission of subjects
An application is considered complete if :
The submission of the application via ADUM by the candidate is complete
And if at least one favorable opinion of the thesis director (DT) has been formulated from the ADUM space (It is preferable that a free comment of a few lines at the most is submitted in order to detail an argument).
And if at least one contact (telephone or in person) has taken place between the candidate and the TD. This point is important.
Please note: A complete application can be submitted up to the deadline (even if it is late and only submitted a few days before 05/17).
Constitution of the files
A student's application must include :
- The detailed CV of the candidate
- Transcripts of grades from M1 and M2, even partial (if for example the M2 has not yet been awarded, then provide certificates indicating the course of study up to the date of application)
- A letter of motivation
- Any other information allowing to judge the applicant's background, experience and the adequacy of his/her profile with the doctoral project (manuscript of previous internship, letters of recommendation, etc.)
- A detailed description of the thesis topic provided by the supervisor who published the proposal
- Letters of recommendation are not mandatory but are a positive point in the evaluation of the file.
The HDRs issue an opinion (favorable/defavorable) for each application on their subject
The unit directors issue an opinion (favourable/defavourable) with arguments for the applications retained by the HDR thesis directors
ATTENTION, application rule :
- A researcher who has obtained funding from a doctoral program (GS-SIS/MESR, or ADI, or UDOPIA) in year N cannot apply for this same program in year N+1.
- A researcher can present only one thesis subject to the ED recruitment competition, all programs included (the same subject can be presented to several programs)
- The maximum number of applications per subject with a favorable opinion from the thesis director is set at 3.
The jury of the doctoral school will audition all complete applications having received a favorable opinion from the thesis director and the laboratory director (3 applications maximum)
Audition format: The total duration of the interview is 15 minutes (10 minutes of presentation of your background and the doctoral project for which you are applying followed by 5 minutes of questions). Candidates should prepare a presentation in pdf format. The interview can be conducted in French or English.
- The same HDR supervisor cannot benefit from two MESR doctoral contracts in the same year, nor two consecutive years.
- An HDR supervisor cannot benefit from an MESR contract if he/she already directs 5 theses or has a supervision rate higher than 300%.
- If a doctoral contract has been attributed in the year (N-2) to a supervising researcher of the doctoral school, this parameter will intervene as an element reducing his chances of success in case of equality with another doctoral project presented by another HDR researcher of the ED. The same applies if the researcher / teacher-researcher is already leading four theses.
Composition of the jury
Constituted by the doctoral school's executive committee.
Its composition aims to respect a balance between the ED's themes/poles and the ED's main research units.
- It includes 3 of the 6 members of the executive committee and 6 researchers/teacher-researchers HDR attached to the doctoral school, that is to say 9 members in total who will attend the oral hearings of all the selected candidates. In addition to these members, there may be a number of substitutes equal to the number of jury members involved in a funding application.
- Each year, 4 of the 6 external members of the ED board are renewed, and a rotation is carried out among the members of the board of directors, leading to a renewed year-(N+1) jury but keeping a memory of the year N.
- If possible, the jury will be composed of colleagues who are not candidates for funding of a doctoral project; if a colleague member of the jury of year N happens to apply for funding for a candidate interested in one of his/her thesis subjects, he/she is replaced by a substitute member during the oral hearings and does not speak during the deliberations concerning the candidate for whom he/she is a referent.
The jury will be composed of : Jean-Charles Arnault (Nimbe-CEA), Imen Bahri (GEEPS), Elie Lefeuvre (C2N), Jean-Pau Adam (C2N), Jean-Christophe Ginefri (Biomaps), Sophie Bouchoule (C2N), Xavier Mininger (Geeps), Mounira Berkani (SATIE).
How the jury works
- Each doctoral project is examined in detail by at least one reporter chosen among the two members of the jury. Each rapporteur fills out a standard summary form, the model for which is provided each year by the doctoral school administration. All of these evaluations prior to the hearings are made available to the 9 members of the jury before the beginning of the next phase.
- Carries out the oral auditions (typically 3 days)
- Produces a main list and a supplementary ranked list of doctoral projects from three types of data: i) the complete files of the candidates, ii) the elements transmitted by the DUs (arguments for each doctoral project), iii) the oral hearings of the candidates
- Monday April 15, 2024:
Closing date for submission of thesis proposals on ADUM - Monday April 22, 2024:
Deadline for applications on ADUM - Tuesday May 21 to Thursday May 23, 2024:
Audition of candidates - Date to be defined
Announcement of official results
How to be admitted to the Engineering and Systems Sciences doctoral program via the STIC doctoral school ?
The applicant's file must include the following information :
- Marital status, Contact information
- Academic background, internships, professional activities
- Letter of motivation explaining the choice of the candidate for the research, for the particular project
- Research experience and scientific interests of the candidate
- Transcripts of the last two years of studies allowing access to the thesis (depending on their availability)
- Copies of diplomas obtained (or attestation if the diploma is not yet published)
- Additional document including at least a detailed CV
- Letters of recommendation
- Pre-recruitment interview report, according to the form that can be downloaded from the doctoral school's website
- Quality of the candidate's file (results of the Master's degree or equivalent, the candidate's aptitude for research as assessed from the internship or research thesis, recommendations from supervisors)
- Suitability of the candidate's profile for the thesis project.
- Quality of the oral presentation and mastery of the project (appropriation of the question and the approach to be implemented). These elements will be related to the time since the candidate became aware of the project
- Conditions of supervision.
Auditions can be held in French or English. Projection of documents during the presentation is highly recommended (a computer and a video projector are available).
- The applicant must be affiliated to the ED STIC. He must be HDR (or benefit from an equivalence or a derogation) and belong to a laboratory affiliated to the ED STIC. The laboratory must have among its supervisors one of the institutions or components providing doctoral contracts for this competition
- A thesis director can present several subjects. He/she may submit a maximum of three applications, including a maximum of two as thesis director and a maximum of two as co-supervisor
- The thesis project must fall within the thematic scope of the doctoral school.
The jury is composed of the members of the ED STIC board (except for the elected PhD students and representatives of the ITA), plus the director of the ED STIC. It may be extended to representatives of specific calls for projects if necessary. The jury is chaired by the director of the ED STIC.
As of February 9, 2021, the members of the ED STIC board (excluding elected PhD students and ITA representatives) are :
Mr. BERTHET Antoine L2S CentraleSupélec
Mr. FINKEL Alain LMF ENS Paris-Saclay
Mrs. VEQUE Véronique L2S UPSaclay / Faculty of Science
Ms. VILNAT Anne LISN UPSaclay / Faculty of Science
Mr. ARLOT Sylvain LMO UPSaclay / Faculty of Sciences
Mr. BATTEUX Michel SystemX
M. BOUHTOU Mustapha Orange Labs Research
Mr. DEFUDE Bruno SAMOVAR Télécom SudParis
Mr. DESSANTE Philippe GeePS CentraleSupélec
The director of the ED STIC is Mr. DENISE Alain (LISN, UPSaclay / Faculty of Sciences).
The elected PhD students and the representatives of the ITA members of the board are invited to attend the jury as observers.
- Tuesday, January 2, 2024:
Thesis subject proposals go online on ADUM - Monday April 29, 2024:
Closing date for thesis proposals on ADUM - Monday May 13, 2024:
Closing date for applications on ADUM - Between May 27 and June 4, 2024:
Audition of candidates - Date to be defined
Announcement of official results
Communication tools