Pascale Senellart

Laboratory : Centre de Nanosciences et de Nanotechnologies (C2N)

Phone : 33 1 70 27 05 67
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Graduated from École Polytechnique and Doctor in Quantum Physics from Université Paris 6, Pascale Senellart joined the CNRS in 2001. She was appointed senior researcher in 2011 and has been professor of quantum mechanics at Polytechnique since 2014. Her research activity is at the interface between nanosciences, semiconductor physics and quantum optics. Her team developed quantum light sources of unprecedented efficiency and this work was recognised by the CNRS Silver Medal in 2014 and the election as a Fellow of the Optical Society of America (OSA) in 2018. In addition to her research activity, P. Senellart is co-founder of Quandela, a company that sells unique photon sources and is in charge of promoting industrial transfer within the DIM SIRTEQ dedicated to quantum technology in the Île-de-France region. She has been awarded the Grand Prix Mergier-Bourdeix of the French Academy of Sciences in 2021.

  • Research topics​ Quantum light sources, photon-photon gate, Spin-photon interfaces, Integrated quantum photonics
  • Research areas​ Photonique quantique
  • Key words​ Quantum optics, Quantum dot, single photon, nanophotonics, microcavities


Important publications

  • High-performance semiconductor quantum-dot single-photon sources, P Senellart, G Solomon, A White, Nature nanotechnology 12 (11), (2017)
  • Reducing Phonon-Induced Decoherence in Solid-State Single-Photon Sources with Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics, Thomas Grange, Niccolo Somaschi, Carlos Antón, Lorenzo De Santis, Guillaume Coppola, Valérian Giesz, Aristide Lemaître, Isabelle Sagnes, Alexia Auffèves, Pascale Senellart, Physical Review Letters 118, 253602 (2017)
  • A solid-state single-photon filter, L. de Santis, C. Antón, B. Reznychenko, N. Somaschi, G. Coppola, J. Senellart, C. Gómez, A. Lemaître, I. Sagnes, A. G. White, L. Lanco, A. Auffeves, P. Senellart, Nature Nanotechnology 12, 663 (2017)
  • JC Loredo, MA Broome, P Hilaire, O Gazzano, I Sagnes, A Lemaitre, MP Almeida, P. Senellart, AG White, BosonSampling with single-photon Fock states from a bright solid-state source, Physical Review Letters 118, 130503 (2017)
  • Coherent control of a solid-state quantum bit with few-photon pulses, V Giesz, N Somaschi, G Hornecker, T Grange, B Reznychenko, L De Santis, J Demory, C Gomez, I Sagnes, A Lemaitre, O Krebs, ND Lanzillotti-Kimura, L Lanco, A Auffeves, P. Senellart, Nature Communication 7, 11986 (2016)
  • Near optimal single photon sources in the solid state, N. Somaschi, V. Giesz, L. De Santis, JC Loredo, M. P Almeida, G. Hornecker, S. L. Portalupi, T. Grange, C. Antón, J. Demory, C Gómez, I. Sagnes, ND Lanzillotti-Kimura, A. Lemaítre, A. Auffèves, AG White, L. Lanco and P. Senellart, Nature Photonics, doi:10.1038/nphoton.2016.23 (2016) 
  • Macroscopic Polarization Rotation Induced by a Single Spin, C. Arnold, J. Demory, V. Loo, A. Lemaitre, I. Sagnes, M. Glazov, O. Krebs, P. Voisin, P. Senellart, L. Lanco, Nature Communication 6 (2015) 
  • Deterministic and electrically tunable bright single-photon source, AK Nowak, SL Portalupi, V Giesz, O Gazzano, C Dal Savio, P-F Braun, K Karrai, C Arnold, L Lanco, I Sagnes, A Lemaître, P. Senellart, Nature communications 5,  3240 (2014)
  • Bright solid-state sources of indistinguishable single photons    O. Gazzano,  S. Michaelis de Vasconcellos, C. Arnold, A. Nowak,  E. Galopin, I. Sagnes, L. Lanco, A. Lemaître and P. Senellart, Nature Communications  4, 1425    (2013)
  • Ultrabrigth source of entangled photon pairs, A. Dousse, J. Suffczynski, A. Beveratos,  A. Lemaître, I. Sagnes, J. Bloch, P. Voisin, and P. Senellart. Nature 466, 217 (2010).