Open science practices guide for ANR and Horizon Europe calls for grant proposals
Funding organisations such as the French National Research Agency and the European Horizon Europe framework programme (2021–2027), require project participants or grant holders to apply Open Science principles (ANR Calls for Proposals, page 17 [in French], Open Science in Horizon Europe programme guide, pp. 38–54), i.e. submitting publications to an open archive, drafting a data management plan, and if possible, opening research data.

Project leaders should make their scientific results accessible to the public as quickly as possible if they do not contravene intellectual property protection, security or legitimate interest rules. To do this, it is necessary to understand Open Science requirements throughout the project’s lifecycle.
Experts in the library, IT and Open Science departments alongside the Direction de la recherche et de la valorisation can provide support for drafting Call for Proposal submissions, and can also help winning projects in implementing these new requirements.
Project teams receiving Open Science support may use the following services:
For Call for Proposal Submissions
- Support and advice for Open Science themes,
- Support in drafting a preliminary data management plan (for example, for European Cofund Calls for Proposals): Part B of Standard Application Form, p. 7),
- Support in drafting a strategic plan for Open Science practices (for example, for European RIA and IA Calls for Proposals): Part B of Standard Application Form, pp. 8–9),
- Support in drafting a plan for publishing and disseminating research results (for example, for European EIC Pathfinder Challenges Calls for Proposals), Part B of Standard Application Form, pp. 9–10).
Once the Project Has Begun
- Presentation of the ‘Open Science start-up kit’ during the kick-off meeting,
- Support in drafting and revising the data management plan,
- Support in making produced data FAIR.
At the end of the Project
- Support in disseminating data,
- Support for open-access publishing,
- Support in archiving data.
To use these services, contact: