Training INanoTheRad
INanoTheRad also aims to provide interdisciplinary training and train a new generation of professionals (doctors, medical physicists, engineers, experts, etc.) ready to implement the most innovative solutions in the current training courses at the University of Paris-Saclay.
The research strategy will bring important technological breakthroughs and substantial progress in the effectiveness of cancer treatments. In turn, these disruptions will require changing practices to handle machines, medications, and treat patients with up-to-date strategies. Moreover, the role of these experts and health professionals will rapidly evolve to become increasingly transdisciplinary.
In this perspective, the Center aims to link research and innovation to teaching and to help identify the needs for development and adaptation of the training offer at the University of Paris-Saclay. Thus, a major objective will be to prepare the new generations adapted to the future needs of transversal skills such as health professionals capable of proposing and adapting new treatments to cancer patients, engineers capable of developing and adapting to medical needs cutting edge technologies, data scientists to contribute to the design of new (nano)medicines, new diagnostic approaches or new combination protocols, chemists, biologists, medical physicists ready to design and plan the effects various protocols, etc.
This diversity of skills will soon expand further with the development of personalized treatments and the growing importance of digital tools in the design of care protocols, as well as the greater demand for care and well-being from a global perspective. As part of the training, students and users of lifelong learning will be exposed to innovation, start-up and development of entrepreneurship as well as digital tools, ethical aspects, communication, business and the global health economy.
This training offer will be accompanied by the development of the European values, perspectives and positioning of the future generation, in order to contribute to European competitiveness in this field. Thus, the new modules developed within the framework of INanoTheRad will be systematically offered for co-construction within the European university (EUGLOH) and/or open to the sharing of microcredits.