Organization and governance INanoTheRad
INanoTheRad has chosen a project-style governance to ensure the delivery of all key aspects of the interdisciplinary programs. Four working groups (WP) led by a minimum of 8 managers are respectively involved in research, education and training, communication and dissemination and clinical development and innovation. All WPs oversee the definition and implementation of associated actions. The strategies are validated by the Steering Committee. The Center is led by 4 senior scientists, experts in the Centre's 4 main research areas.
- Steering Committee :
It coordinates all of INanoTheRad's activities and commitments (drawn up by the manager and the 4 working groups). It is made up of Sandrine LACOMBE, Professor at the University of Paris-Saclay, expert in nanotechnology for radiotherapy and director of an international master's, Gérard BALDACCHINO, researcher at the CEA, expert in radiochemistry and innovative sources, Marie DUTREIX, researcher at the Institut Curie, expert in radiobiology, and Eric DEUTSCH, oncologist and professor at the University of Paris-Saclay, head of the radiotherapy department at the Institut Gustave Roussy, and director of the doctoral school of oncology at Paris-Saclay ( ED582), an expert in innovations in radiotherapy and the association of new agents with radiotherapy. • Steering Committee: It is made up of the steering committee and all the project managers. He makes strategic decisions for the Centre.
- Workpackage 1: Communication and dissemination
Directed by João SANTOS SOUSA, CNRS researcher at the Gas and Plasma Physics Laboratory (LPGP, Orsay), expert in cold atmospheric plasmas for biomedical. This WP ensures smooth communication of information on INanoTheRad's activities to the internal and external community..
- Workpackage 2: Animation of research
Directed by Aurélien de la LANDE, researcher at CNRS, expert in simulation of ultrafast processes, Emmanuelle BOURNEUF, researcher at CEA, radiobiologist and Olivier SEKSEK, researcher at CNRS, specialized in the study of the impact of radiation on tumor growth. This WP aims to foster collaborations and interdisciplinary research within the INanoTheRad community.
- Workpackage 3: Education and training
Directed by Erika PORCEL, Charlotte ROBERT and Guillaume BORT. Erika PORCEL and Charlotte ROBERT are both lecturers at the University of Paris-Saclay, experts in nanosciences and medical physics, and have hospital experience in addition to teaching and research. Guillaume BORT, CNRS researcher at the Institut Curie, has expertise in the development of theranostic molecules and nanoparticles, particularly radiotherapy-actuatable structures. This WP aims to identify skills, needs and opportunities in education and training and to foster links between professional needs, research and teaching.
- Workpackage 4: Clinical developments and innovations
Led by Gilles CREHANGE, Professor at the University of Paris-Saclay, Head of the Oncology and Radiotherapy Department at the Institut Curie, expert in the design of new radiotherapies associated with immunotherapy and hormone therapy and adaptive radiotherapy, and Charles TRUILLET, researcher at the CEA, expert in non-invasive medical imaging. This WP will promote the links between the technological needs of cancer therapies and translational research. The objective here is to increase the number of clinical trials of the technologies that have been developed within INanoTheRad.