C-BASC recruitments
The Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies on Biodiversity, Agroecology, Society and Climate (C-BASC) regularly relays below offers from its members and partners.
- www.cland.lsce.ipsl.fr) and at the UMR ECOSYS (https://www6.versailles-grignon.inrae.fr/ecosys_eng/) at INRAE / University Paris Saclay we are seeking to hire a motivated postdoctoral fellow to work on “ Integrating Land-based mitigation measures for agriculture in Europe and assessing their impacts on food security and the environment”. More information on the position and modalities to apply can be found on the following link: https://sharebox.lsce.ipsl.fr/index.php/s/Rfg6nmuf5CkYh2Y Echéance 31/10/2023 Within the CLAND convergence institute (