Support for the organisation of international summer schools in 2021

Important : To date, in light of the health crisis, all mobility outside the EU and within the EU for less than 2 months has been suspended both ways until further notice. International summer school projects for 2021 may be affected by these measures. 

For more information on health measures, check this page regularly.

2021 Call for Projects

In order to develop its appeal and international visibility, Université Paris-Saclay is offering support to researchers, teacher-researchers and professors in the organisation of international summer schools.

The aim of this call is to help attract the best international students, PhD students and post-docs within the framework of international partnerships and to create new scientific networks able to tackle the main scientific and social challenges to come.

Granted on the basis of the excellence and the reputation of invited international speakers as well as on the innovative nature of the project, the support awarded will also contribute to the creation or the extension of a network of alumni including students, PhD students and young researchers from strategic institutions for Université Paris-Saclay.

Nature of the support

This call is aimed at teachers, teacher-researchers and researchers from the constituent faculties and institutes, component institution, and associate institutions of Université Paris-Saclay who would like to organize an international summer school in 2021. If the international health situation does not allow for the organisation of the project in good conditions in 2021, projects can be postponed in 2022.

Selected projects must aim to help participants deepen their knowledge of one subject, define their training or professional project, facilitate their professional integration or introduce them to research and scientific innovation in a targeted area. Projects must also lead to the initiation or reinforcement of international cooperation or partnerships in education or research, or attract the best international students, PhD students or post-docs to Université Paris-Saclay.

Online summer school projects can also be supported. Logistic and organisational support may also be provided by the International and European Affairs Department (advice in the creation of a social and cultural programme online, etc.).

Eligibility criteria

Eligible projects must meet the following criteria:

  • Areas of research: all training and research areas covered by Université Paris-Saclay.
  • Length of the school: 2 to 15 days for an online school; 3 days to 5 weeks for face-to face schools.
  • International dimension: the projects must ideally involve an international partner or offer a strong international dimension (international participants, international speakers…). Projets involving one of more members of the EUGLOH alliance (Lund University, LMU Munich, University of Porto, University of Szeged) will receive special attention. 
  • Location: online or on site. If the school is to take place face-to-face, it should preferably be held at Université Paris-Saclay.
  • Participants: all levels (students, PhD students, researchers). Participants from Université Paris-Saclay should ideally represent at least half the number of participants from a French HER institution.


Amount of funding and terms and conditions for support

The amount awarded by the International and European Affairs Department of Université Paris-Saclay for each international summer school will not be for a maximum amount of 5,000 €. Project managers can combine this support with other support programmes delivered by Université Paris-Saclay and are invited to contact the constituent faculties and institutes as well as internal structures concerned to apply. The support awarded by Université Paris-Saclay can also be combined with other types of grants (embassies, regions, local administrative departments, public institutions, …), and cannot represent more than 50% of the total cost of the summer school.

Expenses eligible to co-funding by Université Paris-Saclay are as follows:

  • Travel and living expenses for scientific experts and/or participants;
  • Site rental costs;
  • Catering expenses;
  • Costs linked to virtual schools (digital tools, virtual cultural and social activities…).


Selection criteria

Grants will be awarded based on the following criteria:

  • Scientific relevance of the project and consistency of programme and targeted objectives (context/concept/objectives/programme);
  • Quality of the international partner, and/or excellence, reputation of international speakers (where relevant);
  • Degree of pedagogical innovation;
  • Impact and perspectives for development;
  • Ability to create a network of participants (quality of hospitality and organisation, attention given to interculturalism, mentoring of participants, social and cultural programme, etc.).

Specific attention will be given to projects that will give structure to an international partnership of Université Paris-Saclay as well as to newly or recently created schools (less than 3 years).



Applications must include the following:

  • Application form duly filled in;
  • CV of the scientific manager of the project;
  • Draft programme of the school;
  • A draft budget specifying the amounts requested from Université Paris-Saclay;
  • Other support awarded for the organisation of the school;
  • Any other supporting document necessary for the evaluation of the application.

Terms and conditions for application: Applications must be submitted via the online form.

Following the summer school: Within the three months following the end of the international summer school, the project manager must send Université Paris-Saclay the following documents:

  • The implementation report duly filled in;
  • The detailed programme of the school;
  • The satisfaction questionnaire filled in by participants;
  • A balance-sheet with invoices corresponding to costs supported by Université Paris-Saclay.

Université Paris-Saclay reserves the right to refuse to provide or put an end to the planned grant if the information declared proves to be false or in the absence of all supporting documents required.


Composition of the selection committee and schedule

Composition: The selection committee is made of representatives from the different Graduate Schools and representatives of the International Relations departments of the constituent faculties and institutes, component institution and associate institutions.


  • Closing date of application: 14 March 2021 (11.59pm CET) 
  • Announce of results: end of April 2021



Visual materials used (PowerPoint presentations or other, prints and posters) must imperatively bear the Université Paris-Saclay and Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir logos.

Documents available for download


Submit your file


For any question, contact Amandine Duraz: