GS Sport, Movement, Human Factors: Innovative Projects

Within the Graduate School of Sport, Movement, Human Factors, projects (called "interdisciplinary objects") are carried out in collaboration with other Graduate Schools of the University of Paris-Saclay in order to share knowledge and skills, each in their own field and/or discipline(s), within the same research or training project for a duration of 5 to 10 years. The objective is to address a theme, a study object clearly identified as contributing to an identified societal issue.

This includes the project « Human-in-the-loop Control and Decision - H-Code » located at the interface of the Graduate School Computer Science; Economics & Management; Engineering and Systems Sciences; Sport, Movement, Human Factors; Mathematics; Life Sciences and Health.

H-Code will contribute to training for future professions involving a human in the loop of an automatic system, which requires interdisciplinary actions in training, research, and valorization, across Graduate Schools. It is led by Yacine Chitour (L2S laboratory, UPSaclay), Mohammed Chadli (IBISC laboratory, University of Evry), and Michel-Ange Amorim (CIAMS laboratory, Faculty of Sport Sciences, UPSaclay).

This project is organized around six themes:

  1. Closed-loop neuroscience
  2. Movement science
  3. Human robotics
  4. Autonomous systems in interaction
  5. Behavioral economics
  6. Smart energy networks

It will address several societal challenges identified by the University of Paris-Saclay, in line with national and European strategies, including: health and well-being; transport and mobility; industrial renewal; and digital transformation and artificial intelligence.

To know more about H-CODE