Université Paris-Saclay signs a strategic agreement with ENSCi-Les Ateliers
On Wednesday 29 November 2023, Université Paris-Saclay and the French National Institute for Advanced Studies in Industrial Design (ENSCi-Les Ateliers - Ecole nationale supérieure de création industrielle) signed a strategic agreement aimed at strengthening their partnership. The agreement is the result of a decade-long relationship between the two institutions - and in particular with ENS Paris-Saclay, but also with AgroParisTech, CentraleSupélec, Institut d’Optique Graduate School, the CNRS, INRAE, Inria, and the universities of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines and Évry, in the fields of research and education for scientific, educational, socio-economic and environmental challenges.
By signing this strategic agreement, Frédérique Pain, Director of the French National Institute for Advanced Studies in Industrial Design (ENSCi-Les Ateliers), and Estelle Iacona, President of Université Paris-Saclay, intend to explore and develop new opportunities for cooperation between the two institutions.
The agreement entails the development of joint actions in research and innovation, the conception of new shared programmes, as well as joint initiatives aimed at fostering international development, in addition to greater links between science and society and with the socio-economic world.
These actions will fall within five main areas:
- Prospection: exploring new methods of collaboration in emerging fields, particularly with the research laboratories, teaching teams and innovation stakeholders at Université Paris-Saclay,
- Cross-disciplinarity: launching initiatives which encourage the meeting of multidisciplinary and pluricultural communities and creating synergies which allow for the emergence of disruptive projects,
- International: fostering shared exchange with private and public partners, including international research bodies, schools and universities in order to boost the attractivity of stakeholders,
- Education: promoting the creation of full-time academic and continuing education programmes to disseminate design approaches and culture,
- Science and society: sharing practices aimed at developing existing actions and encouraging new actions to reach a wider audience (particularly younger and more distant audiences), promoting the dialogue between science and society.
“It is thanks to projects that ENSCi and its partners at Université Paris-Saclay have proven the value of multidisciplinarity through design to reveal new forms of research, transform inventions into innovation, interpret and popularise basic science and propose engaged educational programmes. These projects have been the driving force behind numerous partnerships, cementing our relationship with the great institution that is Université Paris-Saclay. This strategic agreement consolidates our thriving current collaborations and those to come,” said Frédérique Pain, Director of ENSCi.
“I am delighted to sign this agreement with ENSCi on behalf of Université Paris-Saclay and its members and partners. Based on our already existing ties, this strategic agreement will provide us with the framework we need to encourage the emergence of new projects combining design, production, the sharing of scientific knowledge, and pedagogical innovation, all thanks to the hybridisation of our ecosystems. A design approach will be reinforced in many of the university’s fields, and both of our institutions will consolidate their strategic actions in the five main fields,” said Estelle Iacona, President of Université Paris-Saclay.