Support measures for Ukraine
Université Paris-Saclay joins the association France Universités and other French and European universities in extending its support to Ukraine’s academic, scientific and student communities and their families during this tragic time. More than ever, our institution defends the fundamental values of peace and democracy, and strengthens its support to the freedom of people and ideas.
Read the press releases from France Universités (in French):
- https://franceuniversites.fr/actualite/france-universites-solidaire-des…
- https://franceuniversites.fr/actualite/luniversite-francaise-denonce-le…
Support to Ukrainian students and researchers: #ScienceForUkraine
Measures in place at the University
The University has sent a message of support to the Ukrainian and Russian students at Université Paris-Saclay, as well as the students currently located in the conflict zones (Ukraine, Russia and Belarus), informing them of the key contacts and internal support measures among them:
- emergency welfare support is available for Ukrainian and Russian students currently at our University who may be in financial difficulty. Contact: aides.etudiant@universite-paris-saclay.fr
- medical and psychological support is also available via the University’s Health Service. Contact: sante.etudiants@universite-paris-saclay.fr or www.universite-paris-saclay.fr/consultation-avec-une-psychologue
- accommodation assistance is available for the families of our Ukrainian students who may wish to join them in France. We can put them in contact with our accommodation partners. Contact: logement.etudiant@universite-paris-saclay.fr
If you are a student at Université Paris-Saclay and currently find yourself in difficulty and you have not been contacted by the University, you can write to international.welcomedesk@universite-paris-saclay.fr.
The following form " Conflict in Ukraine - Application Request form - Université Paris-Saclay" is designed for international students of all academic levels directly affected by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, Russia and Belarus.
- If you are not a student or staff member of the university, please fill the form : https://admin-sphinx.universite-paris-saclay.fr/SurveyServer/s/RIUPSACLAY/Demandes_candidatures_UPSaclay_conflitenUkraine/saisie.htm
Your request will be processed as soon as possible.
These measures are in accordance with the instructions from the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI), which also recommends that, “French citizens in Ukraine should contact the diplomatic post, which has set up a crisis unit. Their top priority today is to support the French community and evacuate French citizens back to France. The French Embassy in Ukraine has opened a helpline for French citizens in Ukraine: +380 44 590 36 39.”
The latest advice to passengers can be found here: https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/conseils-aux-voyageurs/conseils-par-pays-destination/russie/
The President’s teams at the University are on standby and will continue to monitor the situation’s development carefully, as well as the difficulties experienced by our students and staff, both here and in the conflict zones.
You can apply for temporary protection in France if you fall under one of the following cases
- Case 1: you are a Ukrainian citizen and you were living in Ukraine before 24 February 2022
- Case 2: you are not a Ukrainian citizen and you benefit from protection (international or equivalent national) granted by the Ukrainian authorities
- Case 3: you are not a Ukrainian citizen, you hold a valid permanent residence permit issued by the Ukrainian authorities and you are not able to return to your country of origin safely and sustainably
- Case 4: you are a family member of a person falling under one of the previous cases (family members are: a spouse, unmarried minor children and dependent relatives).
For more information: https://www.interieur.gouv.fr/actualites/dossiers/situation-en-ukraine/…
Where to apply?
Go to the prefectures of the department where you live or are staying.
The prefectures near Université Paris-Saclay:
The Essonne prefecture:
Applications for residents of the Essonne department (Palaiseau, Etampes and Evry areas) are centralised at the Evry prefecture.
You should go the prefecture at Evry (without making an appointment) to hand in your application. The association COALLIA in Evry can help you with your application (2 Place de l'Yerres, 91000 Evry, Essonne):
- https://www.essonne.gouv.fr/Actualites/Situation-en-Ukraine-accueil-des…
- pref-situation-ukraine-2022@essonne.gouv.fr
The Paris prefecture:
What is your situation?
1. You are currently in France and at Université Paris-Saclay
Information on the waiving of tuition fees in 2021/2022: if you are a Ukrainian citizen, you may be offered admission. Tuition exemption rights for new students in 2021/2022.
Ukrainian nationals: You could benefit from the support measures put in place by Université Paris-Saclay (see box above).
Russian nationals: You could benefit from the support measures put in place by Université Paris-Saclay (see box above).
Other nationalities but country of residence is Ukraine, Russia or Belarus: You could benefit from the support measures put in place by Université Paris-Saclay (see box above).
Ukrainian nationals: If you have any questions related to your current work contract, you should contact your HR advisor at the University (contact details on the intranet). For practical questions, you can send an email to: international.welcomedesk@universite-paris-saclay.fr.
Russian nationals: If you have any questions related to your current work contract, you should contact your HR advisor at the University (contact details on the intranet). For practical questions, you can send an email to: international.welcomedesk@universite-paris-saclay.fr.
Ukrainian nationals:
You could benefit from temporary protection, see the procedures listed in the box above.
Fill in the Application Request form at Université Paris-Saclay
2. You are currently in France but not enrolled in an academic programme or employed by Université Paris-Saclay
You qualify for temporary protection (see the conditions): fill in the Application Request form at Université Paris-Saclay .
You do not qualify for temporary protection (see the conditions): contact your embassy. List of embassies in France.
You qualify for temporary protection (see the conditions): fill in the Application Request form at Université Paris-Saclay .
You do not qualify for temporary protection (see the conditions): contact your embassy. List of embassies in France. You must apply to our programmes via the usual procedures (Undergraduate, Master’s)
You qualify for temporary protection (see the conditions): fill in the Application Request form at Université Paris-Saclay .
- Ukrainian citizens qualify for the Pause Ukraine Solidarity programme and the standard PAUSE programme
- Non-Ukrainian nationals qualify for the standard PAUSE programme
You do not qualify for temporary protection (see the conditions): contact your embassy. List of embassies in France.
You must apply to our PhD programmes via the usual procedures.
People in danger in their country of origin qualify for the PAUSE programme. If you are in this situation, contact your laboratory directly and send an email to: international.welcomedesk@universite-paris-saclay.fr
You qualify for temporary protection (see the conditions).
- Ukrainian citizens qualify for the Pause Ukraine Solidarity programme and the standard PAUSE programme
- Non-Ukrainian nationals qualify for the standard PAUSE programme
Contact the laboratory directly and send an email to: international.welcomedesk@universite-paris-saclay.fr
You do not qualify for temporary protection (see the conditions): contact your embassy. List of embassies in France.
People in danger in their country of origin qualify for the standard PAUSE programme. If you are in this situation, contact your laboratory directly and send an email to: international.welcomedesk@universite-paris-saclay.fr.
3. You are currently not in France
You qualify for temporary protection (see the conditions). Fill in the Application Request form at Université Paris-Saclay
You do not qualify for temporary protection (see the conditions). Contact your embassy. List of embassies in France.
You must apply to our programmes via the usual procedures (Undergraduate, Master’s)
You qualify for temporary protection (see the conditions): fill in the Application Request form at Université Paris-Saclay .
- Ukrainian citizens qualify for the Pause Ukraine Solidarity programme and the standard PAUSE programme
- Non-Ukrainian nationals qualify for the standard PAUSE programme
You do not qualify for temporary protection (see the conditions): contact your embassy. List of embassies in France.
You must apply to our PhD programmes via the usual procedures.
People in danger in their country of origin qualify for the standard PAUSE programme. If you are in this situation, contact your laboratory directly and send an email to: international.welcomedesk@universite-paris-saclay.fr
You qualify for temporary protection (see the conditions).
- Ukrainian citizens qualify for the Pause Ukraine Solidarity programme and the standard PAUSE programme
- Non-Ukrainian nationals qualify for the standard PAUSE programme
Contact the laboratory directly and send an email to: international.welcomedesk@universite-paris-saclay.fr
You do not qualify for temporary protection (see the conditions): contact your embassy. List of embassies in France.
People in danger in their country of origin qualify for the standard PAUSE programme. If you are in this situation, contact your laboratory directly and send an email to: international.welcomedesk@universite-paris-saclay.fr.