Standing for Freedom – Portraits of exiled scientists
Université Paris-Saclay will host the exhibition, Poser pour la liberté/Standing for Freedom – a series of portraits of scientists living in exile at its Lumen Learning Centre.
To mark the opening of the exhibition, a special evening focused on the forced exile of scientists will be held on 21 November.
The exhibition
The exhibition, Poser pour la Liberté / Standing for Freedom, began as a photographic project called RESTRICA, which looks at scholars forced into exile from the past and current day. The project began in 2018 by the academic, Pascale Laborier, with Pierre-Jérôme Adjedj, a French photographer based in Berlin, with the support of the PAUSE programme and the Open Society Foundation.
In three years, 51 portraits of exiled researchers and scientists, but also of exile hosts, have been taken. 15 of them are included in the exhibition(*), which is divided into four themes linked to exile. A catalogue was produced by the magazine Hommes et migrations, containing most of the portraits and numerous texts.
After an initial exhibition at the Cité du Design in Saint-Étienne in January 2021, the exhibition was hosted at the Humboldt University in Berlin, and later at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder), Dresden, Bordeaux, Aachen and Strasbourg. It has continued its tour in France, Germany, Belgium and Uruguay in 2022 and 2023.
More information: www.standingforfreedoom.eu
(*) The majority of the other portraits can be seen in a video visible in the exhibition
Practical information:
LUMEN Learning Centre - Université Paris-Saclay , 8 avenue des Sciences, 91140 Gif-sur-Yvette
10 November - 22 December 2023
Special evening - "Researchers in exile"
To mark the official opening of the exhibition, the university’s International Welcome Office at the Department for International and European Relations is organising a special event on 21 November at 6pm.
With the participation of
Estelle Iacona, President of Université Paris-Saclay
Sandrine Lacombe, Vice President for International Relations at Université Paris-Saclay
Mathieu Schneider, President of the MeNS network (Migrants in French Higher Education), and Vice President for Culture and Science in Society at the University of Strasbourg
Laura Lohéac, Head of the national emergency host programme for exiled scientists and artists (PAUSE), Collège de France
Caroline Moine, Deputy Head of the Centre for the Cultural History of Contemporary Societies (UVSQ)
Nina Sahraoui, Lecturer in Sociology and expert in migration issues, PRINTEMPS Laboratory (UVSQ, UPSaclay, CNRS)
Researchers who have been helped as part of the PAUSE programme will also give accounts of their experiences.
The event will be hosted by Pascale Laborier, curator of the exhibition, and Senior Vice-President at Université Paris Lumières, Professor of Political Science.
Practical information:
LUMEN Learning Centre - Université Paris-Saclay, 8 avenue des Sciences, 91140 Gif-sur-Yvette
Tuesday 21 November at 6pm
A guided tour of the exhibition will be organised at 5.15pm
Free entry. Registration is strongly advised as the number of places is limited.