Previously on the Buddy Programme
Over the first semester of the 2020-2021 academic year, local and international students of Université Paris-Saclay were able to participate in several events organised within the framework of the Buddy Programme. The Buddies were able to meet, to learn a little more about one another and discuss their experiences during online workshops and face-to-face activities.
Mentor training
During the first semester 2020-2021, 345 local students chose to participate in the Buddy Programme and become mentors for international students arriving in France to study at Université Paris-Saclay. ESN France, partner of Université Paris-Saclay for the Buddy Programme, offered a training for the mentors, so that they can develop their intercultural skills and provide quality support for their Buddies. Future mentors learned about the conditions of arrival of international students, in order to understand the problems they can have and help them to face these difficulties.
Online Buddy Meetings
Due to the health situation, students who had registered for the Buddy Programme were invited to an online meeting, after having been matched with another student. Through discussions and workshops, the Buddies met with each other and learned more about interculturalism. Understanding cultural differences and the discrepancies experienced when arriving in a new country is very important for proper mentoring. This event enabled the students to get to know one another and truly launch the 2020-2021 Buddy Programme!
December Event
Just before the Christmas holidays, very small groups of Buddies were able to come on campus and meet in person. After weeks of lockdown and online courses, students were invited a few at a time for a snack on campus. This enabled Buddies who had only exchanged online to finally meet and all participants to share their experiences and speak English!

To become a Buddy and participate in upcoming events, can register for the Buddy Programme via this link: https://www.universite-paris-saclay.fr/en/international-mentoring-progr…
We hope to see many of you during the second semester!