PhDs: the recruitment campaign for 2021-2022 is open!
Université Paris-Saclay's PhD programme is made up of nearly 4,000 doctoral students, 10,000 lecturers and researchers and more than 300 laboratories. PhD students benefit from the best quality supervision and excellent conditions for preparing their theses and from very good professional perspectives.
Each year we recruit no less than 1,000 new doctoral students. All PhD students in initial training are funded. The PhD students can also be prepared through lifelong learning (this is the case for 5% of our PhD students) under conditions which are adapted to each profile.
Do you want to be part of this strong research ecosystem?
We will guide you step by step to find the right PhD program for you. The university offers two types of PhD programs:
White PhD programs
What is the aim? To have an even clearer and more visible doctoral training offer, especially internationally. This should include not only the conditions of admission to the PhD students, but also support during the preparation of the PhD students and career paths. To do this, we rely on the Graduate Schools, which structure the Université Paris-Saclay by research field and which organise research and training through research in their field from the master's to the doctorate.
13 PhD programs have been built around the themes of the Graduate Schools with our 21 Doctoral Schools.

You will find detailed information and, above all, an offer of thesis topics for each program. To apply, you will have to follow the steps and modalities specific to each program that you will find on its web page.
Targeted PhD Programs
Université Paris-Saclay also supports doctoral programs with objectives that cut across research fields. Applications for 4 of them are still possible.
Université Paris-Saclay International Joint PhD Program ("Cotutelle")
This program aims to initiate international partnerships, facilitate the internationalisation of our doctoral students, but also of our doctoral schools and laboratories.
If you want to have a real international experience, you are planning to prepare a thesis in France and at the same time abroad? We offer you the possibility to carry out your research in 2 laboratories in two different countries and to obtain at the end two doctoral degrees joined by a cotutelle.
- International cooperation
- Research partnerships
- Double degrees
The MOPGA PhD Program
The MOPGA PhD program is laucnhed by the Université Paris-Saclay, which wanted to launch a program for young Chinese researchers wishing to confront major environmental issues, the handling of climate change, and to conduct their research in France.
It will enable 5 Chinese students to come and complete their PhD studies at the Université Paris-Saclay, discover and contribute to the excellence of French research in the leading French university.
- Make Our Planet Great Again
- Environment
- Climate Change
The UDOPIA PhD program in Artificial Intelligence
This program is co-financed by the National Research Agency. Doctoral students admitted to this programme programme will be able to benefit from funding for their research work in the field of AI. They will also benefit from support from DATAIA during their PhD , which is partnering this year with Dataia, Université Paris-Saclay's convergence institute dedicated to data science, artificial intelligence and society. Interested in participating in the development of the field of Artificial Intelligence in France? We look forward to receiving your applications!
- Artificial Intelligence
- Data Sciences
The "Disability" PhD program
The "Disability" doctoral programme benefits from co-financing from the Ministry of Higher Education of Higher Education, Research and Innovation and from IDEX Paris-Saclay. It is intended for students who have a recognition of their quality of disabled worker (RQTH).
Thesis topics can be chosen in all the university's research fields. The programme provides a personalised support from the university's disability unit, with an adaptation of their path to take into account their situation, and also provides the possibility of job adjustments according to the specific needs related to their thesis subject.
It will allow students with disabilities to prepare their PhD at the Université Paris-Saclay and to contribute to the development of knowledge and to the excellence of French research.
- Accompanying
- Support
- Disability
Discover the testimonies of 15 PhD students from the Université Paris-Saclay
Are you convinced by our wide range of doctoral courses? We look forward to receiving your applications. Applying is quite simple. You just have to follow these steps:
- Find the PhD program that suits you
- Go to ADUM to find the thesis topic that interests you
- Apply according to the modalities of your programme