NEW RELEASE! L'EDITION N.15 (February 2021)
The new issue of the journal L'Édition de l'Université Paris-Saclay has just been published!
L'Edition of Université Paris-Saclay covers the scientific, educational and innovative news of the University three times a year. Its sections Awards & Prizes, Teaching - Learning, Science Outreach, Research, Business & Innovation, Life on campus, Seen from abroad, Agenda, offer a detailed overview of the features and strengths of its members in terms of training, scientific research or innovation and take you to the heart of campus life and university's laboratories. Have a good reading !
In this NEW issue:
Teaching, learning: Apprenticeships, a path to excellence combining training and experience
Science Outreach: The Diagonale Paris-Saclay “ScienceSociety” and “Experimentation” 2020 award winners
Research: When the mix changes
Research: Martian soil under the spotlight of new investigations
Business & Innovation: Human-computer interaction and robotics at Université Paris-Saclay
Research: Cutting-edge stem cell research
Research: A wave of Atlantic cultural exchange
Campus life: EUGLOH: a European University of the future to meet the challenges of Global Health
Read this issue